No WYSM and CGM chapters for next 2-3 days

I really wanted to post more CGM but ffs, my lecturer suddenly told everyone that we were supposed to do a presentation… in 2 days. He had 6 months since the start of the project and he only decided to tell everyone 2 days before the actual presentation…

It was stated in the rubrics that there was a presentation, but what wasn’t stated was when the presentation was, or what we were supposed to present. And yeh, we were still not told what we were supposed to present. Why are my lecturers like this…

Because of this, I need to spend the rest of my time preparing for this BS. So, I’m sorry for those expecting chapters.

No post tmr & maybe next few days

Procrastination at its best! Rushing a bunch of school work cause all the lecturers decide to cram most of their assignments into this week specifically.

Yeh I know, ROS is in the middle of something major. The author actually stopped posting at chapter 33, probably to work on his other series while coming up with the plot for the next arc. So, what I am going to do is to put LSP on hold and dedicate one week to finish ROS first, and then pick up a short series or something while continuing LSP afterwards.

Edit (21/7/2023): Welp, I managed to clear 2 assignments and now doing my final one which is due in 3-4 days, this assignment is BS as I need to submit like 6 documents. So yeh probably will be back by start of next week.

New series – Little sister party

As the title states, I am picking up this novel. I won’t be translating any other novels aside from little sister party (LSP) and childhood friend dungeon (CFD) for now.

Anyways, here is the first chapter of LSP .
And here is the novel information page on my website.