CFVT – Vol 1 Epilogue

And so, it’s been about a month since I became a VTuber. There were still many things I had yet to get used to, but the activities I participated in were really enjoyable. I’ve interacted with new talents, planned commemorative streams and events, and my fanbase has been steadily growing. I’m grateful for it all.

As for my relationship with Ayaka… It would be a lie to say nothing had changed, but it wasn’t like we were always all lovey-dovey with each other. We followed the rules we set for ourselves, and on streams and social media, we kept the usual distance. So, I think no one has discovered our relationship yet… probably.


And so December arrived. 

Ayaka, who was visiting me, lay on my bed as we talked.

“You know, it’s rare for Rui to invite me out. I wonder if it’ll snow~” (Ayaka)

“It’s December, so it’ll definitely snow…” (Rui)

As I said that, I opened my schedule management app on my phone. Tonight was going to be a normal chatting stream, followed by voice recording in the studio the next day, then a gaming collab stream with Robin. My week was packed to the brim.

“What are you looking at?” (Ayaka)

“My schedule. I’m trying to find a day when I’m free… Are you free next Sunday, Ayaka?” (Rui)

Upon hearing that, Ayaka sat up from the bed with a puzzled expression.

“Eh, I think I’m free… Why?” (Ayaka)

“Well, I haven’t finalized anything yet, but… I was thinking of organizing a gaming tournament with a few streamers that day. Nothing’s decided yet, though.” (Rui)

This month, I have been considering organizing a gaming event. Of course, as a newcomer, I couldn’t host a large-scale one, so I thought of hosting a small, one-day event to create some memories for the year… However, I still hadn’t decided what to do, who to invite, or what game to play.

Meanwhile, Ayaka looked incredibly surprised…

“Wait… does that mean you’re inviting me to another collab?” (Ayaka)

“Well, yeah, that’s the idea… Wait, why do you look like you’re about to cry!?” (Rui)

It was then that I noticed Ayaka’s eyes were welling up with tears. Did I say something weird…?

“Do you really dislike the idea that much?” (Rui)

“Of course not! It’s just that it’s been such a long time since Rui invited me to do something with him… I’m really, really happy!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka said this with heartfelt emotion… Ah, I see. Ayaka had been waiting for me all along.

“I see… Hey, Ayaka. Since we haven’t got a chance to hang out much lately, let’s make up for it and spend lots of time together, okay?” (Rui)

“…Yeah!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka nodded energetically in response to my words.

At first, I didn’t understand anything and just appeared on Ayaka’s stream. From there, I got scouted, made new friends, found hobbies, and set goals. And… I got a chance to face Ayaka properly. I’m really glad I became a VTuber. I have to thank everyone who has been involved with me and the VTuber community.

“…Alright. First, we need to decide on the details of the game.” (Rui)

“Oh, how about splitting into a Team Rei and Team Rui to compete against each other?” (Ayaka)

“I see. A team battle, huh? That sounds interesting…” (Rui)

“And wouldn’t it be even more fun if we have a penalty? Like the losers have to do whatever the winners say. I think it would definitely spice things up, don’t you?” (Ayaka)

“Ehh, are you serious…?” (Rui)

“I’m serious! After all, our job as VTubers is to entertain everyone!” (Ayaka)

“…Haha.” (Rui)

Laughing at Ayaka’s words, I nodded. I’m not fully confident yet, but if watching our streams can cheer someone up even a little, that would make me really happy. Knowing there are people watching us gives me the motivation to keep streaming.

“And if I win, maybe I’ll have Rui take me on a date for a whole day?” (Ayaka)

“…Don’t you dare say that on stream, okay?” (Rui)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

And that’s the end of vol 1. 

Hopefully you enjoyed it, I certainly did. Seeing a childhood friend heroine win so decisively really makes me happy. Although, I didn’t expect it to happen at volume 1. 

Now, the question is will there be a vol 2? Hopefully, there is. The web novel has a lot of chapters so there’s definitely enough content to pump out another vol.

And no, I can’t translate the web novel cause I’m due for enlistment in the army by law. I may or may not translate vol 2 of the LN depending on how busy I’ll be by the time it comes out.


  1. Probably talking about a proposal

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 5 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

Simple as they were, her straightforward words reached me. Yes… Deep down, I had already known. I knew that Ayaka had feelings for me. And I also realized that I have feelings for Ayaka.

…But I pretended not to notice. I feigned ignorance, afraid of breaking the status quo. I convinced myself that things were best as they were.

“……” (Rui)

…But now, Ayaka had mustered the courage to tell me her feelings. So I had to respond… I had to face her seriously.

“……Yeah. Thank you, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“……!” (Ayaka)

The grip on our hands tightened gradually. I had to say it… I had to properly tell Ayaka that I liked her too…!

“………. Ayaka, I…” (Rui)

*ring ring ring*

“…!?” (Ayaka)

“…!?” (Rui)

The sudden sound made my heart leap out of my chest. For a moment, we couldn’t grasp what the noise was… When we realized it was the ringtone of a phone, we both calmed down a bit… Our hands, which had been connected, were now separated.

“A phone call…?” (Rui)

“Uh, it’s not mine? The ringtone is different…” (Ayaka)

So that means… my phone is ringing? I slowly turned my gaze towards the source of the sound and saw my phone lighting up on the desk. It was unmistakably mine…

“……” (Rui)


…Seriously, Rui… why didn’t you put your phone on silent mode at a time like this…? Baka! I’m such a baka!!

But regretting it wouldn’t turn back time, and the call continued to ring mercilessly… Ayaka looked a bit awkward.

“…You can answer it.” (Ayaka)

“N-No… I can’t just…” (Rui)

Ignoring the call wouldn’t restore the mood from before… What should I do? Should I ignore it, forcefully turn off the phone, or just throw it away…?

“…Just answer it. If someone’s calling at this hour, it might be important.” (Ayaka)

“…Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.” (Rui)

Unable to refute Ayaka’s logic, I apologized to her and obediently picked up the phone from the desk. When I looked at the screen, I saw the name “Manager Nemoto”.

“…Nemo-san?” (Rui)

Though I regularly communicated with Nemo-san for work, this was the first time she called at such a late hour. Could there have been some trouble? With a hint of anxiety, I answered the call.

“……Hello?” (Rui)

Then, I heard Nemo-san’s usual voice.

“(Ah, sorry to bother you so late, Rui-kun. Is this a good time?)” (Nemoto)

“Ah, yes… it’s fine…” (Rui)

“(Really? You don’t sound very energetic… By the way, what were you doing just before I called?)” (Nemoto)

…There’s no way I could say something like “I was about to sleep with Ayaka”.

“….I was doing some training.” (Rui)

“(Oh, like muscle training?)” (Nemoto)

“…Yes, that’s right.” (Rui)

Well, Nemo-san interpreted it in a way that worked out for me. 

With that, Nemo-san cleared her throat, changing the mood completely with her energetic voice.

“(Well then, let’s get to the point! Congratulations, Rui-kun! You’ve surpassed a 100,000 subscribers!)” (Nemoto)

“…Eh? Ehhh?!” (Rui)

I was so taken aback by the unexpected news that I didn’t know how to react. Then, Nemo-san, sounding puzzled, continued.

“(Rui-kun, didn’t you notice?)” (Nemoto)

“Uh, no, let me check… Ah, it’s true!?” (Rui)

Keeping the call connected, I navigated to my own channel… and there it was—100,000 subscribers.

No way…!? Isn’t this too fast…!? I mean, I debuted just over a month ago…!

“(Come on, Rui-kun, get it together. Your fans are celebrating on Twitter too.)” (Nemoto)

“Eh, really…? I’ll make sure to thank them later.” (Rui)

“(Yes, please do that… Also, Rui-kun, I’ve been meaning to tell you, but make sure to apply for monetization, okay? You should be eligible by now.)” (Nemoto)

Monetization…? Oh, does she mean…

“You mean like super chats and stuff?” (Rui)

“(Yes, that and more. There are also ad revenues. If you monetize, your income will increase too… There are also a lot of people who wants to support you financially, so it’s all good, you know?)” (Nemoto)

“Ehh…? Are there really people like that…?” (Rui)

“(Of course there are. You might not realize it, but you’re already a popular VTuber. That’s why you reached 100,000 subscribers so quickly.)” (Nemoto)

“I see… I mean, I’m happy if people just watch my streams, but… Well, I wouldn’t mind getting some money…” (Rui)

“(Well then, I’ve told you everything I needed to, so I’ll let you go now. Keep up the great work, Rui-kun.)” (Nemoto)

“Ah, yes, thank you, Nemo-san.” (Rui)

“(You’re welcome. Goodbye.)” (Nemoto)

With that, the call ended… I turned my gaze back to Ayaka, who had apparently been watching me the whole time. Our eyes met.

“…Did you hear all that?” (Rui)

Ayaka nodded at my words.

“Yeah. You’ve already hit 100,000 subscribers. That’s amazing, Rui. You don’t see that kind of growth very often.” (Ayaka)

“Is that so? But this is all thanks to everyone. The collaborations and shows definitely played a big part…” (Rui)

“No, Rui’s effort is a big part of it too. You wouldn’t reach 100,000 subscribers so quickly with just the help of others. I know that better than anyone. Rui, you should be more confident.” (Ayaka)

“I see… Thanks.” (Rui)

“No need to thank me. You’re really good at interacting with your viewers, you’re really good at games, and you know how to keep the streams lively with your talk. Rui, you deserved your success.” (Ayaka)

…Yeah, that’s right. Ayaka is someone who never stops working hard to grow as a streamer. If Ayaka says so… maybe it’s better to accept it sincerely. 

“Yeah, that might be true.” (Rui)

“Yeah, it is.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“Oh, right. After reaching 100,000 subscribers. Will I get ‘that’?” (Rui)

“You mean the Silver Play Button?” (Ayaka)

“Oh… yeah, that thing. It looks cool, so I want to put one up at home.” (Rui)

“Ahh… seems like everyone displays theirs at the agency.” (Ayaka)

“Huh, really…? That’s too bad…” (Rui)

“…How about asking management? They might make an exception for you.” (Ayaka)

“No… it’s not like I want it that much…” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“…Hehe!” (Ayaka)

“…Haha!” (Rui)

At that moment, we exchanged glances and burst into laughter. It felt like all the tension between us had melted away… like we had returned to our childhood. Somehow, it felt really comforting.

Then I hopped onto the bed again and lay down next to Ayaka.

“Hahaha, this feels amazing!” (Rui)

“Hehe, my childhood friend is really something! I’m proud of you too!” (Ayaka)

“Oh come on, it’s not that impressive!” (Rui)

“Maybe so.” (Ayaka)

“No, don’t take back your word so quickly!” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“Ahaha!” (Both)

We laughed again. As silly as our banter was, it was fun. Despite the cheesy lines, I couldn’t help but wish this moment could last forever.

“…Hey, Rui, do it again.” (Ayaka)

“Eh?” (Rui)

“We got interrupted by the call, so can you say it again?” (Ayaka)

“…Say what?” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

Then Ayaka, without a word, pinched my arm hard.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! I get it! I get it already!!” (Rui)

“…Then don’t be mean to me.” (Ayaka)

With that, Ayaka released her grip… Ah, I really can’t win against my cute childhood friend.

“…Yeah. …I like you too, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“Hehe, ehehe…!” (Ayaka)


…After that, we both couldn’t get back to sleep so we slurped down some cup noodles for a midnight snack while brainstorming ideas for my 100,000 subscribers celebration stream.

We came up with various things, like inviting guests and singing sessions, but nothing concrete was decided… Eventually, we both got exhausted and fell asleep without realizing it. My memory’s a bit fuzzy, so I don’t even remember if we ended up sleeping in the same bed.

So, I don’t think anything weird happened… probably. Maybe?


“…Nnn… Mmm…” (Rui)

The next day, I woke up to the sound of birds chirping… Sorry, that’s a lie. I just wanted to say that. But anyways.

“…Huh?” (Rui)

I noticed Ayaka wasn’t beside me. But there were some traces of someone being here, so she definitely had been here a while ago… Maybe she’s already up? With that thought, I got up and started looking for her.

“Hey, Ayaka… Hm?” (Rui)

At that moment, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Walking over, I found…

“Oh, good morning, Rui!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka, still wearing my shirt, stood in the kitchen with a pair of cooking chopsticks in hand. In front of her was a lit stove with a frying pan on it… Slightly bewildered, I greeted her back.

“Oh, good morning… What are you doing?” (Rui)

“What do you mean? Isn’t it obvious? I’m making breakfast!” (Ayaka)

“Eh… why are you doing that?” (Rui)

“Didn’t you say you wanted to eat a bento box before? So I thought this was a good opportunity to make one for you! …Oh, I hope it’s okay if I use the stuff in your fridge?” (Ayaka)

“Well, yeah, that’s fine…” (Rui)

…Though, I hope nothing’s expired. Those eggs have been in there for a while… Well, they should be okay once they’re cooked.

“Hehe, glad to hear that! It’ll be ready soon, so just wait a bit, okay?” (Ayaka)

With that, Ayaka turned her attention back to the frying pan in front of her. Waiting doesn’t really sit well with me… but there doesn’t seem to be much I can help with. Well, I should at least thank her.

“Hey, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“Hmm?” (Ayaka)

“…Thanks for making this for me.” (Rui)

Ayaka turned around to face me again.

“Hehe, it’s nothing! I just wanted to see your happy face.” (Ayaka)

She said it with an angelic smile… Oh no. I’m totally in love.


“Alright, it’s done!” (Ayaka)

A few minutes later, Ayaka came to the table with a small bento box. I remember buying bento boxes during a sale, but since I rarely cook for myself, I never had the chance to use them. Seeing it in use like this made me a little happy.

I leaned forward to peek inside the bento box. Inside, there were my favorite foods: rolled omelette, sausages, fried chicken, and more. It was, in essence, my ideal bento. Well, since it was all made from what was in my fridge, it was only natural it turned out that way.

“Wow, it looks delicious. It’s been a while since I’ve had a homemade bento…!” (Rui)

“Rui, don’t you ever make your own bentos?” (Ayaka)

“Well, I want to, but…” (Rui)

Of course, I know it’s better to cook for myself, but I’m just too busy to do it. Wait, now that I think about it, what’s Ayaka going to eat?

“Hey, Ayaka, what about your own food?” (Rui)

“I’m fine. I usually skip breakfast.” (Ayaka)

“Nonono, that won’t do. You went through the trouble of making this, so let’s eat it together.” (Rui)

Ayaka showed a slightly troubled expression at first, but with a little more persuasion, she seemed to agree.

“Hmm… okay!” (Ayaka)

With that, Ayaka nodded. I went and gathered two sets of chopsticks and gave her a pair.

“Alright then… Itadakimasu!” (Rui)

Itadakimasu!” (Ayaka)

I picked up the chopsticks and brought the rolled omelette to my mouth. As I chewed, Ayaka’s gaze was fixed on me, and she asked with a hint of anxiety.

“So… how does it taste, Rui?” (Ayaka)

“It’s really good.” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“…What’s with that ‘one more time’ face?” (Rui)

“Eh, was I making that face?” (Ayaka)

“You were.” (Rui)

Maybe she was hoping for me to say something like “I want to eat your food every day”? That’s too embarrassing to say directly, but I could hint at it.

“Well, I know that Ayaka is good at cooking. I’m sure you’ll make a great wife someday.” (Rui)

“That’s…” (Ayaka)

“Hm?” (Rui)

“Is it okay to take what you said as ’that1’?” (Ayaka)

“Eh? W-Well… I’ll leave it to your interpretation.” (Rui)

Then Ayaka closed her eyes and placed a hand on her chest as if savoring the words… W-What? This is kind of scary, Ayaka-san.

“Um, so, Ayaka. About yesterday… there’s something we still need to decide on properly.” (Rui)

“…The wedding date?” (Ayaka)

“No, that’s skipping a lot of steps!” (Rui)

That scared me… is this girl trying to speedrun marriage?

“…Well, it’s not entirely off-topic, but… regarding our relationship, should we hold off on things like officially dating?” (Rui)

When I said that, the light in Ayaka’s eyes immediately dimmed…

“Huh… so everything you said yesterday was a lie?” (Ayaka)

“Nonono!! Calm down, Ayaka! What I mean is that we shouldn’t tell others. The main point is, that we’re VTubers, right? And not just that, we are also affiliated with an agency… If we were to publicly declare that we’re dating, it would cause a lot of trouble, right!?” (Rui)

“Well, yeah… I guess so.” (Ayaka)

Imagining that situation, Ayaka reluctantly nodded. At least some light has recovered in her eyes.

“So… while we’re still VTubers, we can’t officially date! Well, I honestly don’t know if it’s strictly prohibited without checking with management, but I think they’d probably put a stop to it.” (Rui)

“…What about dating in secret?” (Ayaka)

“I thought about that too… but I don’t think you could keep it a secret, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“I-I totally can! I’m capable of that much!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka protested, but it seems quite challenging, doesn’t it?

“I mean, it’s not just the viewers, but also other VTubers and staff. We’re basically always live streaming, and in that kind of environment, any careless remark that slips out even once, even for a moment, will stay on the internet forever.” (Rui)

“……” (Ayaka)

“With that in mind… do you really think we could keep it a secret for long?” (Rui)

Ayaka showed a thoughtful expression… and after a moment, she reached her conclusion.

“…That might be tough.” (Ayaka)

“Exactly. I don’t think I could do it either. I mean, my first stream was already a disaster. I’ll probably be the first one to mess up.” (Rui)

“……” (Ayaka)

Hearing this, Ayaka looked sad… But of course, it’s not that I don’t want to date her.

“…Let’s compromise a bit. We can act like a couple, or something close to that, only when we’re alone and completely off-stream. To avoid risks, let’s ban any romantic messages or calls. How does that sound?” (Rui)

When I said this, Ayaka gradually started to smile again. 

“Yeah… I think that’s good.” (Ayaka)

“Great. And remember, don’t tell anyone about this… and no hinting at it either. Fans are like FBI agents when it comes to digging up relationship details.” (Rui)

“Got it!” (Ayaka)

In the end, Ayaka returned to her usual self.

“Yeah. Our relationship will be pretty restricted… I’m sorry, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“No, it’s okay. I already know that you really love me, Rui!” (Ayaka)

“…You, seriously…” (Rui)

“Ehehe?” (Ayaka)

Ayaka gave a mischievous smile. Just seeing that expression now makes me smile too.

“Well, it’s not like we can’t see each other at all. Let’s go out and have fun sometime, okay?” (Rui)

“Yeah! I’m looking forward to it!” (Ayaka)

“Haha… Well then, Ayaka, let’s eat the bento together. It’s really good.” (Rui)

“Hehe~ Of course, I made it after all!” (Ayaka)

And with that, we laughed together… and enjoyed the bento together. There’s no doubt that this moment was the most enjoyable breakfast time in my life so far.


…After finishing breakfast, Ayaka changed into her washed clothes and was preparing to leave. As Ayaka was putting on her shoes at the entrance, I asked her.

“Ayaka, did you forget anything?” (Rui)

“No, I think I’m good.” (Ayaka)

“Alright then. Take care on your way back.” (Rui)

“Yeah… Thanks, Rui.” (Ayaka)

Even as she said that, Ayaka didn’t move… A few seconds later, without a word, Ayaka turned back and looked straight into my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” (Rui)

“…Well, I just felt so happy. I didn’t want to go home.” (Ayaka)

Seeing Ayaka’s blushing face and hearing her soft voice was amusing and a little cute. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Heh, I see. I guess staying another day wouldn’t be a problem… but you have things to do, right?” (Rui)

“Eh?” (Ayaka)

“Yesterday, you lied about having ‘no plans’ for today, right? I get it now… because there was that weird pause back then.” (Rui)

When I said that, Ayaka let out a big sigh.

“Haaaa… my boyfriend is really sharp about the most irrelevant things.” (Ayaka)

With such casual words, Ayaka continued.

“Yeah, you got me. I actually got a school test today.” (Ayaka)

“E…Ehhh!? Ayaka, that’s important, isn’t it?! Hurry up and go!” (Rui)

Her ‘plan’ was so unexpectedly crucial that I ended up more flustered than she did. I mean, tests are a big deal, right? So why are you so relaxed about it…!

“I’ll probably be late… but I’ll go now. Thanks for letting me stay.” (Ayaka)

Ayaka reluctantly takes a step forward and reaches for the doorknob. Just as she was about to open the door… At that moment, I instinctively took a step forward, reaching out and grabbing her shoulder.

“Eh… Rui?” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

I knew I shouldn’t try to stop her. I hadn’t planned to. But my body moved unconsciously. 

It felt like I wasn’t in control of myself, and that scared me… No, I was probably just pretending not to notice it again. 

Deep down, I didn’t want Ayaka to leave. I felt lonely without her…

“What’s wrong?” (Ayaka)

“…No, I just realized I hadn’t properly thanked you for making breakfast.” (Rui)

“Huh? Oh, it’s fine. I can make it anytime for you…” (Ayaka)

“No, let me say it. Thank you so much, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“Huh, w-wait…!?” (Ayaka)

With that, I gently hugged Ayaka and stroked her head. It was just a pretext that I wanted to thank her. I just wanted to touch Ayaka. I just wanted to feel her warmth.

“…” (Ayaka)

Ayaka, who initially seemed surprised, quickly accepted it. She leaned her weight against my chest, wrapping her arms around my back. And as she did, she enthusiastically pressed her head against my body.

“…” (Rui)

Silence stretched on for several tens of seconds. At first, it was enjoyable and comforting. However, I gradually regained my composure. Realizing that I stopped her for such a reason, I snapped back to my senses and stopped stroking her head.

“…?” (Ayaka)

Perhaps puzzled by my sudden change, Ayaka lifted her head and looked at me with upturned eyes. Oh no, what should I do… how do I explain myself!?

“…Um, well, uh, I just remembered that you mentioned before how you wanted your head to be patted… so, um… sorry!” (Rui)

Realizing I couldn’t bluff my way out anymore, I resigned myself and sincerely apologized, bowing my head. But Ayaka didn’t seem upset at all; she just chuckled softly.

“…I guess Rui really isn’t good with this sort of thing.” (Ayaka)

“Huh? What do you mean by that…?” (Rui)

“Well, you did try your best, in your own way… In such a situation, this is what you do.” (Ayaka)

“…?” (Rui)

Ayaka came close to me… and gently pressed her lips against mine.

“……!?” (Rui)

“Nnn….” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“……Haa” (Ayaka)

After Ayaka pulled away from my lips, she showed the most mischievous smile I’d ever seen from her.

“Heheh, isn’t this kind of thing normal for lovers?” (Ayaka)

“…………Ah, um…” (Rui)

Caught off guard, I couldn’t find the words to respond. Meanwhile, Ayaka waved her hand near my face.

“Hehe, well then, see you later, Rui! I’ll come visit again another day!” (Ayaka)

With that, Ayaka opened the door and left my house. I stood there in a daze, murmuring to myself the only thing that came to mind…

“…………It was really soft…” (Rui)

Illustration of the kiss

Ayaka came close to me… and gently pressed her lips against mine.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

So yeah, they’re dating now. I never thought that the day would come so quickly but it did. Now, I’m looking forward to when they officially announce that they’re dating. I need to know how the viewers would react to this.


  1. Probably talking about a proposal

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 4 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

We moved to the bedroom, and I lay down on the bed. Ah, if Ayaka was going to use this place too, I should have cleaned it properly… I thought to myself as I picked up a strand of fallen hair.

“Hehe, don’t mind me!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka got onto the bed as well. The bed creaked with a groan, and our bodies touched… but something like this wouldn’t make me nervous. That’s because… I remembered the method of calming myself down by counting prime numbers.

“…Oh. We’re quite close, aren’t we?” (Ayaka)

“…Huh!?” (Rui)

I turned to the side and saw Ayaka’s face closer than I had ever seen before. Ah, wait, looking at her like this, she’s actually pretty cute…? No, calm down, calm down! 2, 3, 5, 7, 9… No, 9 isn’t a prime number…!!

“Rui, you really have such fair skin. I’m so jealous. Is it because you don’t go outside much?” (Ayaka)

Then Ayaka placed her hand on my cheek. Her feminine, slender fingers were incredibly ticklish… I couldn’t take it anymore.

“…Da-daaaah! That’s enough!!” (Rui)

I yelled as I jumped up from the bed and quickly moved away from her.

“Ah, Rui, where are you going?” (Ayaka)

“I-I’m going to go take a shower too!” (Rui)

With that, I headed straight to the changing room without looking back even once.

“…Haa… haa… Can my sanity really hold out until tomorrow…!?” (Rui)


After that, I took a shower and changed into my usual sleepwear. When I was alone, I didn’t pay much attention to it, but the baggy navy blue shirt and the pants with holes in them which I usually wear were a bit embarrassing if someone saw them.

“…Well, Ayaka’s outfit is way more embarrassing…” (Rui)

Muttering this, I grabbed a towel and dried my hair as I left the changing room. Heading back to the bedroom, I saw…

“…W-What…?” (Rui)

There lay Ayaka on her back, eyes closed. She was completely unguarded, not covered by anything, and had her legs spread wide open.

“Hey, Ayaka… are you asleep?” (Rui)

“……” (Ayaka)

Ayaka didn’t respond. As I got closer, I noticed that one of the buttons on her shirt, which had been fastened earlier, was now undone. If I got even closer, I might catch a glimpse of her modest cleavage…

“………” (Ayaka)

…This was definitely a trap. There was no way Ayaka, who had been so energetic just a moment ago, could fall asleep so quickly. Besides, her breathing sounded way too deliberate… Listen, she’s even going “suu-suu” in such a clear manner. Only anime characters breathe like that.

Yeah, considering this… If I did anything weird, Ayaka would open her eyes at that moment, catch me, and relentlessly tease me… But, pretending to sleep doesn’t work in front of Detective Rui. Too bad for her.

“…Phew.” (Rui)

Calmly, I took the blanket next to me and draped it over Ayaka, then muttered softly.

“Ah, Ayaka seems to be asleep. I guess I can go sleep on the floor now.” (Rui)

“…What! You can’t do that!” (Ayaka)

“Guess you’re not asleep after all.” (Rui)

At my retort, Ayaka sat up and met my gaze, then quickly covered her mouth with her hand, looking like she realized she had been caught.

“Why were you pretending to be asleep?” (Rui)

“Well… I was curious about what you would do.” (Ayaka)

“…I told you before. I wouldn’t do anything like that.” (Rui)

Though I said this, I only acted so gentlemanly because I knew Ayaka was awake. If she had really been asleep, I don’t know what I might have done…

Ayaka looked a bit remorseful, keeping her head down.

“Yeah… Sorry about trying something like that.” (Ayaka)

“…It’s fine. But seriously, don’t do that to anyone else, okay?” (Rui)

Ayaka responded eagerly.

“I know. I did it because it was you, Rui.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

Yeah… As I’ve said before, Ayaka trusts me way too much, or something… It makes me a little worried. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it?

“Hehe… Well then, Rui, shall we go to bed earlier?” (Ayaka)

Ayaka made such a suggestion. It was indeed a bit early to sleep as she said, but staying awake like this would only make me unnecessarily tense. Perhaps it’s best to lose consciousness sooner rather than later while I’m still myself.

“Yeah… You’re right. Let’s sleep.” (Rui)

Accepting Ayaka’s suggestion, I sat on the edge of the bed. Ayaka seemed to take a proper look at my attire and gently pulled at my sleeve.

“You know, Rui, your outfit looks kinda cute and fresh like this, doesn’t it?” (Ayaka)

“Don’t stare too much… Besides, your outfit is more daring, isn’t it?” (Rui)

“Huh? Ah, hehe…” (Ayaka)

Ayaka chuckled and scratched her head at my remark. At least, she still had a sense of embarrassment… I felt relieved.

“…Anyway, shouldn’t you put on some pants already? It’s gonna get cold later.” (Rui)

“It’s fine. The room is warm enough. Besides… I want to enjoy this outfit to the fullest since I probably won’t get another chance, you know?” (Ayaka)

“Oh, I see… Well then, feel free to do as you please.” (Rui)

Half in disbelief, I lay down and picked up the remote control for the lights.

“Okay, I’m turning off the lights.” (Rui)

“Yeah!” (Ayaka)

Confirming that Ayaka had also laid down, I pressed the button and dimmed the room. Ayaka’s figure became vague in the darkness, but I could definitely feel her warmth next to me.

“…” (Rui)

Suddenly, I thought to myself. Lying down facing this way means I’m facing Ayaka… No, no, no, I can’t overthink this, or I won’t be able to sleep.

Thinking that way, I rolled over to face away from Ayaka, trying to put as much distance between us as possible without falling off the bed.

“Hey Rui, don’t hog the blanket!” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“And if you move away that much, you’ll fall off!” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“Well, if that’s how you can sleep comfortably, then I guess it’s okay…” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“Come on, Rui. Say something?” (Ayaka)

“…I thought we were going to sleep?” (Rui)

At my words, Ayaka giggled softly.

“Hehe, the real show starts once we’re under the covers, right? In a dark room like this, lying here together, looking up at the ceiling… Just talking without moving our faces is the most fun, don’t you think?” (Ayaka)

“Sounds like a school trip.” (Rui)

“Do you have someone you like, Rui?” (Ayaka)

“Exactly like a school trip…” (Rui)

“…I do.” (Ayaka)

“……Huh?” (Rui)

Ayaka’s unexpected words caused time to momentarily freeze… Wait, who?

“…………” (Rui)

I couldn’t say anything. The words almost came out but didn’t. I was scared. Scared of… of someone else’s name coming out.

“…………” (Rui)

…What’s this? Why am I feeling so anxious? Ayaka is an important childhood friend to me. If she likes someone else, shouldn’t I support her? Isn’t encouraging her what a true friend would do…?

…And yet, despite that… Why is my breathing suddenly so tight…!?

“…………” (Rui)

Ayaka says nothing. She’s waiting. Waiting for a response. If I don’t ask, she won’t say anything… Come on, gather your courage. Ask calmly, without letting on that you’re flustered… Speak up, Rui!!

“…………Who is it?” (Rui)

“It’s you, Rui.” (Ayaka)

“Wha───!?” (Rui)

W-Wait, did I mishear…? No, she definitely said my name… So that means Ayaka likes me──

“…………And also, there’s Karen-chan, Ibuki, Mochi-chan, Lily-chan, Raimu-chan… Oh, and Robin-kun too!” (Ayaka)

“…………Huh?” (Rui)

“These are the people I like!” (Ayaka)

“…………” (Rui)

…My mind went completely blank. I… I can’t think straight. If I were to describe my current feelings… It’s like someone meticulously built a tower of blocks, only to have it completely demolished right before my eyes…

N-No… I mean, she did say ‘someone I like’, but…! The way she said it makes it sound like she meant ‘love’, right…!? It was a misunderstanding, so it’s not my fault… right!?”

“Oh, um… I, I just…” (Rui)

“Just what?” (Ayaka)

“…It’s nothing.” (Rui)

Anyway… It seems I jumped to conclusions too quickly. Damn it… She had to say things that could be misinterpreted like that… 

But there was a part of me that regained some composure. If you think about it, Ayaka might only have feelings for me as a friend… but, isn’t that something to be happy about…!?

“Is that so? What about you, Rui?” (Ayaka)

Ayaka then turned the question to me. If her ‘someone I like’ meant ‘like as a friend,’ then I could easily answer too…

“Yeah, I… I like everyone too. Sure, some of them have strong quirks, but everyone I’ve interacted with has been really kind. I’m grateful not just to the VTubers, but also to the managers, staff, and Shiosawa-san. I’m really glad I came to this side of the world.” (Rui)

I found myself naturally expressing these feelings. The past month since becoming a VTuber has been undoubtedly the most challenging and yet the most enjoyable time of my life.

It was because I felt I had made good friends among the VTubers, had the support of the staff, and received encouragement from the viewers.

Well, of course… The person in front of me is the biggest reason for this.

“Hehe, I see! I’m glad I could hear those words, Rui!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka smiled as she said that… Then her voice softened. 

“…I’ll say it as many times as it takes. I’ve been really happy ever since you joined us. I felt really blessed.” (Ayaka)

“That sounds a bit exaggerated…” (Rui)

“No, it’s not exaggerated at all.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

My attempt to casually brush it off was met with a serious tone of denial, leaving me speechless… Silence hung between us for several tens of seconds. Then, it was Ayaka who spoke next.

“…………You know, Rui. I actually lied today.” (Ayaka)

“…Lied? About why you became a VTuber?” (Rui)

Realizing where she might be heading, I asked Ayaka. She smiled faintly, seemingly a bit surprised.

“Ha… Yeah, you’re sharp where it counts, Rui.” (Ayaka)

And after a moment, Ayaka admitted it.

“Yeah… You’re right. There was a different reason why I became a VTuber.” (Ayaka)

“Is that so?” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“…Huh, you’re not asking?” (Ayaka)

“If it’s something you left ambiguous to hide, I won’t push you to tell me.” (Rui)

“But earlier you asked me about who I like, even though I left it ambiguous…” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

…You know that what you said before was suggestive and can be misunderstood, right?

…With that, Ayaka seemed to have some thoughts, but I didn’t press further.

“Well… I want you to hear it, so let me say it.” (Ayaka)

“Okay… What’s the reason?” (Rui)

“I was lonely.” (Ayaka)

“…Huh?” (Rui)

Her unexpected answer momentarily stunned me. Lonely…?

“What do you mean? It’s not like you don’t have friends, right?” (Rui)

“Well… I wouldn’t say I have absolutely no friends. But it’s just that, I don’t have anyone close enough whom I can talk to about anything.” (Ayaka)

“Well, most people don’t have that kind of friends, right? Besides, you… weren’t you part of that popular group back in middle school?” (Rui)

Ayaka chuckled at my remark.

“What are you talking about, Rui? And that middle school group… We weren’t close at all.” (Ayaka)

“Even though you were always with a group?” (Rui)

“Girls have their reasons.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

…Ah, so that’s how it was. I heard before that there lies some darkness within girl groups… And Ayaka seemed a bit sad as she talked.

“…So, the only person I could trust was my childhood friend Rui. But at some point… Rui started distancing himself from me. He would walk away whenever I tried to talk to him at school. Then he went to a high school I’d never even heard of, far away. He didn’t say anything to me, and even moved out of his parents’ house.” (Ayaka)

“……….W-Well, that’s…” (Rui)

Seeing me unable to respond after hitting a sore spot, Ayaka softened her tone.

“Well, I’m not blaming you. It was all your decision, Rui. It’s my fault for clinging to the past and thinking about you all that time.” (Ayaka)

“Ayaka…” (Rui)

“But you know, deep down, even though I knew that it wasn’t true…. I thought maybe you had come to dislike me back then.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“That’s why I couldn’t bring myself up to see you. I couldn’t even call you. Sending occasional messages was the best I could do. But even then, there were times when I didn’t get a reply from you.” (Ayaka)

“Sorry… I’m really sorry…” (Rui)

I apologized reflexively. Looking back, my actions at that time could easily have been misunderstood. I had truly been awful…

“Then, at that time… I heard about VTuber auditions. VTubers were becoming a big thing back then, and I knew about them. I wondered if becoming a VTuber might change something for me. Maybe I’d find a close friend, maybe I wouldn’t feel so lonely anymore. So, I decided to apply to be one.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“I must admit, my motives were pretty awful. But for some reason, the audition went smoothly… and I managed to pass. The world accepted someone like me, and I even gained a bit of popularity. I made friends like Ibuki and Karen-chan. It was a lot of fun, and it still is. But, in the end… I still couldn’t forget about Rui. I realized there’s no one to replace Rui.” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

“One day, I had an idea to invite Rui over to my place and stream.” (Ayaka)

“Why would you do that?” (Rui)

“I wanted Rui to know that I became a VTuber, I wanted viewers to know how good Rui was at games, and I wanted to spice up my stream that was getting a bit stale… There were various reasons, but the biggest reason would be that I just wanted to see you again, Rui. So, I gathered my courage and invited Rui over.” (Ayaka)

“…So that’s how it was.” (Rui)

I hadn’t thought too much about why Ayaka invited me over, and her behavior didn’t seem off, so I hadn’t suspected anything. But she has been struggling internally all this time.  Ah, I hate how oblivious I can be… Why couldn’t I have realized sooner?

I regretfully bite my lip. But Ayaka’s tone is becoming brighter and brighter.

“…But you know, when Rui finally came to my house and I saw you, I immediately felt relieved. Because you hadn’t changed at all. I thought, ‘Ah, everything was all just my misunderstanding.’ And after the stream ended, when you said, ‘It was fun playing together after such a long time,’ I was really really happy!” (Ayaka)

“…………!” (Rui)

Ayaka’s words nearly brought tears to my eyes. But I couldn’t cry… because all this time, Ayaka was the one who was suffering.

“I see… I’m sorry. Sorry for making you misunderstand and avoiding you. At that time… I just felt embarrassed about being teased for being with you… I never once hated you or anything like that.” (Rui)

“Oh, um…!” (Ayaka)

Feeling that words alone might not convey everything, I tightly grasped Ayaka’s hand. She seemed a bit surprised by my action, but…

“…I’m glad. I’m really glad that wasn’t the case…!” (Ayaka)

She accepted it immediately. Ayaka brought my hand close to her chest. Rather than the softness of her chest that I touched, I became aware of the beating of her heart. The Ayaka who had teased me so much until just now… her heart was beating rapidly. She was conscious of me.

“…Ah, um, Rui. I’m sorry about earlier… I’ll tell you again without chickening out this time. I want you to listen to me properly.” (Ayaka)

For a moment, I was about to ask, “What is it?” but decided against it. Ayaka’s voice was trembling so much. I could sense what she was about to say next.

“……” (Rui)

“……” (Ayaka)

And after a long, long time passed… Ayaka finally said it.

“Rui, I’ve liked you for a long time. Of course, I mean romantically.” (Ayaka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Oh no! What is cliffhanger-san doing here?! Well, it’s because the next part will be longer than this one, and it’s already midnight when I translated this.

Yeh, I wasn’t kidding when I said there was a lot of romantic development happening. It’s rare for a confession to happen in volume 1 in a LN that isn’t a one-shot, so I really didn’t expect this. Well, I hope there are future volumes at least.


  1. None

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 3 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

After that, we continued to play games till the end, and the stream was gradually coming to an end.

“Alright then. Shall we start wrapping up?” (Rui)

Comments: 『Eh』

Comments: 『Already over?』

Comments: 『Time flies when you’re having fun, huh?』

Comments: 『Wait』

Comments: 『How about a second round?』

“Oh yeah. I definitely want to do a second round.” (Rei)

Ayaka picked up on the comments and was about to say something, but it was already past 9 PM. If they were to play another round now, it would become quite late. Before I could convey this to her, Robin spoke up first.

“Hmm, while everyone seems eager to play… it’s already dark outside. Maybe we should wrap things up around here, as Rui said?” (Robin)

“Yeah, I think so too! It’s a bit sad, but I think that’s for the best! …But Rei-san, let’s all come together again soon and play games again or something!” (Karen)

She said that with a smile. Upon hearing this, Ayaka didn’t particularly protest and agreed with a smile.

“Yeah, that’s right! Got it! Then let’s wrap it up for today!” (Rei)

That’s what she said… And then, everyone’s gaze turned towards me. Once again, I delivered the closing words.

“Well then, that concludes today’s Owen group collaboration! Thanks to everyone who’s watching for stopping by!” (Rui)

Comments: 『Good job!』

Comments: 『Nice work!』

Comments: 『That was fun!』

Comments: 『Good job, Rui!』

Comments: 『Say ‘good job, Rui (OtsuRui)’1!』

Comments: 『Do it!』

…Looks like some sort of template has been set up without me knowing, huh? But when someone tells me to say something like that, I feel like doing the opposite… 

While thinking that, I look at the three of them, who seem to be grinning for some reason… I quickly understand the meaning behind it.

“Hehe! OtsuRui!” (Rei)

“OtsuRui!” (Karen)

“Hmph, OtsuRui!” (Robin)

Comments: 『They did ittttt!』

Comments: 『Wowww!』

Comments: 『Thank you!』

Comments: 『Much appreciated.』

Comments: 『Now it’s just Rui, right?』

“No, why do you guys have to say it…?” (Rui)

“Well, because Rui isn’t saying it, right? We all feel sorry for you, you know?” (Rei)

Feeling sorry for me… sigh. If it ends like this, I’ll be the bad guy… Ah, damn it… If you want it that badly, I’ll say it, damn it…

“…OtsuRui…” (Rui)

Comments: 『Kyaaa!!』

Comments: 『So cute!!!!』

Comments: 『Thank you thank you!』

Comments: 『Now I can live peacefully.』

Comments: 『Since Rui said ‘OtsuRui’ today is officially OtsuRui Appreciation Day!』

“…” (Rui)

Not wanting to see any more comments flowing in like that, I silently ended the livestream.


“Great job, everyone!” (Karen)

“Good job! Today was so much fun!” (Ayaka)

“Yeah, it really was.” (Robin)

After the stream ended, the three of them sat around eating leftover snacks, having what seemed like a post-stream discussion. They all had their phones out… Wait, are they taking photos?

Curious, I peeked at Ayaka’s phone. There, I saw a tweet with a blue and white background. Ah, could it be they’re tweeting something after the live stream…

“…Ah, Rui, you peeked at my phone. Being sneaky, aren’t you?” (Ayaka)

“Well, I was just curious… Sorry for looking without asking. You guys are serious about this. Are you tweeting now that the stream over?” (Rui)

“Yeah, that’s right. Come to think of it, Rui hardly ever tweets, huh? What a waste.” (Ayaka)

“A waste? Well… I know I should tweet regularly, but I never know what to write. And I’m afraid of getting unnecessary backlash or something.” (Rui)

I wasn’t completely unfamiliar with social media before becoming a VTuber. Back then, the only ones reacting to my tweets were spam accounts at best. Now, thousands of fans respond to them… I can’t afford to write something that might backfire.

Seemingly reading my mind, Ayaka encouraged me.

“No, you can just write what you think! Like, ‘That was fun!’ or ‘The food was delicious!'” (Ayaka)

“Is that really okay?” (Rui)

“Yeah, it’s fine! People want to know everything about someone they like, right?” (Ayaka)

Is that how it works… Well, if fans are following me to some extent, it means they’re seeking some kind of information from me. In that case… maybe I should try tweeting more often.

“Alright then, maybe I’ll tweet something. Um… ‘Had a great time today. Would love to collaborate again with this group if given the chance.’ How’s that?” (Rui)

“Well, that’s too formal! You’ve gotta use more emojis!” (Ayaka)

“I’m not really into using emojis though… Which one, like the one where the person has both of his hands up?” (Rui)

“Hehe, nobody uses that anymore!” (Ayaka)

“Is that so?” (Rui)

In my mind, it’s still common… Does this mean that ‘shobon2‘ is also outdated now? I liked that one.

“Yeah, it is! Here, let me show you! Give me your phone!” (Ayaka)

“Ah.” (Rui)

With that, she snatched my phone away and began typing something. After a few seconds, Ayaka showed me the screen.

“Here you go! ‘Thank you for watching the stream ♡ Today was amazing! ✨ This group is the best ❣️ I love them so much 💕’ How’s that?” (Ayaka)

“This is too much!! Don’t you dare post that!” (Rui)

“Huh? But I already did… Was it bad?” (Ayaka)

“What?!” (Rui)

I hastily snatched back my phone, but it was too late. Replies like “Someone’s phone got stolen lol” were already flooding in.

“Man, this is the worst… If I delete it now, it’ll look even worse. I can’t just delete it… I have to somehow explain…” (Rui)

“Wow, look at all those replies coming in! You’re creating so much buzz, Rui!” (Ayaka)

“This is not good! Baka!” (Rui)

“Hehe! I helped spread it around too!” (Ayaka)

“You idiot!!” (Rui)

Watching this whole exchange, the two of them burst into laughter, clapping their hands together.

“Hahaha! Rui Boy and Rei-san really get along well!” (Robin)

“Does it really… look like that?” (Rui)

“Yes, it does! You two look more like a married couple!” (Karen)

Oioi… if we were live, that comment would definitely have caused a stir… Well, it’s okay since we’re not streaming.

“…So they say, Rei-san.” (Rui)

A little annoyed, I used this chance to tease her. However, Ayaka didn’t seem particularly angry or embarrassed. Instead, she just smirked slightly.

“Hehe~ Is that so?” (Ayaka)

She smiled as if testing me… Why does she not seem bothered at all by that?


─And after the post-stream discussion was over, Robin and Karen-san were about to leave my house. They finished putting on their shoes at the entrance and turned towards me.

“Heh, sorry for intruding today, Rui Boy!” (Robin)

“I had so much fun today! Let’s hang out again, Rui-san!” (Karen)

“Yeah, of course! Take care, both of you!” (Rui)

As I waved goodbye to them, I slowly closed the door. Then, I turned my gaze towards the girl, who was still lingering in the living room.

“…So, why aren’t you heading home, Ayaka?” (Rui)

“Ah, you finally called me by my name, Rui?” (Ayaka)

“…Haa.” (Rui)

I sighed and returned to the living room, using a cushion as a pillow, I lay down on the floor… I was completely relaxed at this point.

“Hey, that’s the cushion Karen-chan was sitting on, you know? How sneaky of you~” (Ayaka)

“It just so happened to be the closest, okay? Just a coincidence… By the way, have you been saying that word over and over? Is it trending or something?” (Rui)

“Have I? I only say ‘sneaky’ every time because Rui always does weird things.” (Ayaka)

“Oh, really… But the erotic book searching thing was definitely Robin’s fault.” (Rui)

“Wow, you’re not even holding back anymore?” (Ayaka)

“Well, you’re the only one here, so who cares…” (Rui)

If Karen or Robin were still here, I might have been a bit more considerate… Ayaka deliberately spoke with an exaggerated tone, covering her chest with her hands.

“Kyaa~ Rui is a wolf after all, huh? Don’t come any closer!” (Ayaka)

“…I’ll ask again, why aren’t you leaving, Ayaka?” (Rui)

Ignoring her, I asked again. Ayaka quickly pulled her hands away.

“Oh, well, you see… I thought I could help you tidy up the room!” (Ayaka)

“Tidy up?” (Rui)

I sat up and looked around. There were empty snack bags, four glasses still with drinks in them, the sash from today’s protagonist, and… golden balloons scattered about.

“Robin didn’t take these with him, huh…” (Rui)

“Hehe, maybe these are souvenirs from Robin-kun?” (Ayaka)

“I don’t need ’em!” (Rui)

I kicked the balloons aside, but they just mockingly floated around.

“Haa… Well, the place is a bit messy so I’d appreciate your help. But isn’t it weird for just you to stay at my place? Won’t they get the wrong idea?” (Rui)

“Huh? Wrong idea?” (Ayaka)

“Well, you know… Like, we’re in that kind of relationship?” (Rui)

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, I stumbled over my words… Ayaka seemed to find this amusing and smirked mischievously.

“Ahaha! Don’t worry, I’m just here to help clean up!” (Ayaka)

“Well, that’s good to hear… But you know that rumors spread quickly, right? Especially in the VTuber community, if there’s even a hint of something between us, it could cause problems.” (Rui)

“Huh? But there are also playful jokes about relationships between guys and girls. Viewers like to tease ‘so-and-so are totally into each other’.” (Ayaka)

“Is that so? So, are you saying you’d be fine if viewers or other VTubers joked about ‘Rui and Rei being into each other’?” (Rui)

…And with that confidence, Ayaka let out a flustered voice.

“Huh? Um… Well, that’s, uh…” (Ayaka)

“See? If you can’t handle it, maybe don’t tease me so much…” (Rui)

“…It’s okay?” (Ayaka)

“Huh?” (Rui)

I widened my eyes at her unexpected response… Ayaka, looking embarrassed, continued to speak while hiding her face behind her hair.

“I wouldn’t mind at all if people said Rui and I were a good match or into each other. In fact… I might even be a little happy if they did… ehehe.” (Ayaka)

What the… Seriously, what’s going on with her… Why do you have to make me embarrassed too? Ah, damn it… This is throwing me off…

“…Haa. Um… What should I say… Anyways, once we’re done cleaning up, hurry up and head home, okay? I’ll walk you to that point.” (Rui)

“Hehe! Rui, you’re really awkward… and kind, aren’t you?” (Ayaka)

“You’re so annoying sometimes… Come on, let’s clean up. Could you take those glasses to the sink? I’ll pick up the trash.” (Rui)

“Yeah, got it!” (Ayaka)

Following my instructions, Ayaka gathered the four glasses from the table into her arms and tried to carry them all at once…

“…Uwahhh!?” (Ayaka)

Midway through, Ayaka seemed to trip over a cord or something, letting out a scream as she tumbled over. Naturally, the glasses she was carrying were sent flying and all of them shattered loudly.

“Hey!? Are you okay, Ayaka!?” (Rui)

Rushing over to her, she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

“…Ah, I-I’m sorry… I broke Rui’s glass…” (Ayaka)

Baka, that doesn’t matter! Are you hurt!?” (Rui)

“Y-Yeah… I’m okay…” (Ayaka)

Relieved to hear that, I let out a sigh. But Ayaka seemed quite down after her blunder.

“Well, that’s good… Can you stand? And, uh, be careful where you step, okay?” (Rui)

“Yeah…” (Ayaka)

I reached out to Ayaka and helped her to her feet, then carefully moved away from the scene where the shards had scattered. Turning my attention to Ayaka, I noticed something else.

“Your clothes… Ayaka, they’re wet.” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

Silently, I realized that Ayaka’s clothes were wet. Since the glasses she had been carrying still contained some drink and ice, they had spilled all over her. Leaving her like this and sending her home wasn’t an option. So, I made a suggestion to her.

“Uh… How about using the bathroom? You can take a shower to freshen up. You must be feeling sticky… I’ll handle the cleaning over here.” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“Ayaka?” (Rui)

“……Ah, yes! I’ll do that! Sorry!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka replied late, then hurriedly moved away from the scene. Watching her leave, I went and fetched a broom and dustpan. As I gathered the glass shards, I couldn’t help but think about the accident that had just occurred.

Certainly, Ayaka was the one who broke the glasses, but I had instructed her to carry them. Moreover, the cord she likely tripped over was mine, used for charging my laptop. Therefore, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I was partially responsible for this accident. When Ayaka comes out of the shower, I’ll have to apologize properly…

Wait… when she comes out?

No, hold on. Ayaka’s clothes were definitely soaked. I saw it with my own eyes, so there’s no doubt about that. She can’t wear those clothes right away, and even if I try to dry them, it’ll take time… So, what should I do?

I told her to “go take a shower” and if I didn’t offer her clothes or anything, it wouldn’t just be inappropriate—it’d be downright indecent, just like she mentioned earlier, like a wolf. 

“…!” (Rui)

Then I heard the sound of the shower as Ayaka must have entered the bathroom. Oh no, I have to prepare some spare clothes… What do I have? Should I lend her my pajamas? Or maybe the jersey I’ve had since my school days…

“Ah…” (Rui)

…As I was searching for clothes, I noticed a white dress shirt hanging in the room. No way, there’s no chance she’d wear a shirt like that after a bath. It’s too stiff and formal. Besides, what girl would be happy with this shirt… That’s just something out of anime, right?

…Yet, here I am. Why am I holding this shirt?

“…No, calm down, me! Seriously, there’s no excuse for this behavior!” (Rui)

I moved the shirt away from my face and muttered to myself. I was definitely in a weird state of mind, but I hadn’t completely lost my composure. Still, I have no idea what Ayaka would want to wear…

“Th-then… how about I give her all the options? Pajamas, jersey, and… the shirt.” (Rui)

—Preparing three choices like that is really considerate of you, Rui-kun.

“…As if that would ever happen. If anything, it might look like I have ulterior motives, and I can’t completely ignore the possibility of her being put off…” (Rui)

Even though I’ve come to that conclusion, I’m still holding onto the shirt, showing how messed up my mind is… Thinking that, I hold the clothes and open the door to the changing room. Then, I call out to Ayaka who’s showering, through the door.

“Hey, Ayaka! I’ve left a towel and some clothes here for you to use!” (Rui)

“Uh, oh, yeah! Thank you!” (Ayaka)

“Ah!” (Rui)

I placed the towel and three pieces of clothing down, and as I was about to leave, I noticed Ayaka’s clothes in the laundry basket.

“…” (Rui)

…Does that mean… her underwear, the panties she was just wearing… are in there?

“…No, no, no. Absolutely not. That’s just not right, on a human level…” (Rui)

I managed to restrain myself and slapped my own cheek hard before leaving the bathroom. I resumed cleaning up the living room. The glass shards were no longer there, and it should be safe to walk barefoot now… but my mind was far from okay… Haa.

“…So, after Ayaka comes out, what do I do?” (Rui)

Letting her go home like this seems difficult… but having her stay over at my place… that’s risky. Think logically. Tomorrow’s a weekday. I’m off work, but what about Ayaka? She must have something to do. Definitely. Plans.

“Yeah… Well, it depends on Ayaka’s response, I guess…” (Rui)

Realizing I couldn’t just keep pondering alone, I began gathering up snack wrappers and continued cleaning absentmindedly.

…A few minutes passed like that, and then the sound of the shower stopped. I heard the bathroom door open… Why am I feeling so nervous? I’m starting to dislike myself for endlessly imagining weird things.

“Haah…” (Rui)

I sighed and absentmindedly opened my phone, even though there was nothing particular to look at. I swiped through the home screen to pass the time. Then, I heard soft footsteps approaching… They stopped near me. At the same time, I heard Ayaka’s voice.

“…Thanks for the clothes, Rui.” (Ayaka)

“Ah, it’s okay, really. If anything, I should be apologizing—” (Rui)

As I spoke, I lifted my gaze from my phone… and there she was.

“…How does it look? Does it suit me? Hehe…” (Ayaka)

Ayaka stood before me wearing nothing but my shirt—this is what they call a boyfriend shirt. She blushed, looking embarrassed yet intentionally showing her thighs by gripping the shirt hem like a skirt.

“Ayaka!? Wait, you mean… you’re not wearing… anything underneath!?” (Rui)

“Yeah… I’m not wearing anything. My underwear got wet too.” (Ayaka)

“………?!” (Rui)

…I’m speechless. My mouth hung open so wide I could have fit a clenched fist inside it, and it stayed that way for what felt like an eternity. Because… Because under this thin shirt was Ayaka’s… naked body…!?

“No, wait!! Seriously, this is so not okay!! It’s bad!! It’s dangerous!!” (Rui)

“…But you left the shirt for me, so that means you were expecting something, right?” (Ayaka)

Damn, she hit the nail on the head. But there’s no way I could ever say, “Yes, I was hoping to see Ayaka in a boyfriend shirt.” It’s too embarrassing; it would be like committing social suicide.

“J-Just put some clothes on… even if you don’t have underwear, put on some pants!” (Rui)

Going full circle, it almost seems like I’m asking for something even more perverted… but this was said with Ayaka in mind. I can already hear someone pointing out, “Then why did you leave the shirt?” But, I didn’t expect her to actually put it on!!

And then… Ayaka whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

“I’m okay with it. Besides… I’ve kind of admired this sort of thing…” (Ayaka)

“It’s not about whether you’re okay with it, Ayaka! It’s about how bad this is for me!” (Rui)

Because I have no idea where to look or what to say! And besides… I’m a guy, you know…!! These biological reactions can’t be helped, you know… No, never mind, just calm down, me!!

“Here, just put this on for now!” (Rui)

In a panic, I grabbed a thin blanket from the nearby bedroom and tossed it towards Ayaka. Catching the blanket, Ayaka wrapped it around herself like a swimming towel, sitting down with a slight look of discontent.

“Haa… that was a surprise…” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

With Ayaka now covered in the blanket, I started to regain some composure. She sat there silently, facing me. What… what does she want to say…? Anyway, I have to say something…

“Um… Ayaka, it’s really not okay to just casually dress like that, you know? Well, I guess it’s hypocritical coming from me after leaving the shirt as an option…” (Rui)

“…That’s why.” (Ayaka)

“Huh?” (Rui)

Not catching the first part clearly, I asked again. I expected her to brush it off, but Ayaka lifted the blanket to cover her face slightly and spoke softly.

“…I wore it because it’s you, Rui.” (Ayaka)

…Huh? H-How am I supposed to respond to that…?

“Uh, I see… Thanks, I guess?” (Rui)

No, that’s definitely not it! …But Ayaka doesn’t seem displeased either… Could this have been the right answer? Well… Only Ayaka knows the real answer to that…

“Um, so… Ayaka. It might take some time to wash and dry your clothes. What do you want to do? If you’re okay with it, I can start washing them now…” (Rui)

“I’ll be fine waiting until tomorrow… I don’t want to cause any more trouble for you, Rui.” (Ayaka)

…Tomorrow? Does that mean that you are…? Or rather, you look like you really want me to ask…!? Alright, I get it! I’ll ask!

“Um, Ayaka. Do you have any plans for tomorrow…?” (Rui)

“…Nothing at all.” (Ayaka)

I’m curious about that pause… Just to be sure, I ask again.

“Are you really sure it’s okay?” (Rui)

“Yeah, it’s fine.” (Ayaka)

“Alright… So, how about staying over at my place tonight?” (Rui)

I feel like I’m terrible at this invitation, but Ayaka must have been waiting for these words. Without showing any particular concern, she tilted her head slightly and asked me.

“…Is that okay?” (Ayaka)

“Yeah. But let’s keep this between us, okay? Not a word to the viewers, or even to Robin and the others.” (Rui)

If this gets out, it could lead to some weird misunderstandings… Actually, it definitely would. No matter how much I try to explain, some people just won’t believe it. So, this overnight stay absolutely must remain a secret from everyone.

Ayaka seemed to understand that very well. She nodded slowly.

“Yeah. Got it. It’ll be our secret, just the two of us, right?” (Ayaka)

“Yeah… Thanks for understanding.” (Rui)

“…” (Ayaka)

“Um, what’s wrong?” (Rui)

Suddenly, I noticed Ayaka looking like she was about to cry. Worried that I might have said something wrong again, I waited anxiously for her to speak.

“I… I actually thought of something really horrible. For a moment, I actually thought it was good that I broke Rui’s glasses. I’m… the worst, aren’t I?” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

Haha… Oh, is that all? I’m relieved. I approached Ayaka and sat directly in front of her. Then, I lightly tapped her forehead.

“Huh…?” (Ayaka)

“…Baka. That’s what they call ‘making the best out of a bad situation’. You should think of it all as lucky. Plus… thanks to you breaking the glasses, I got to see Ayaka dressed like this, so it’s a win for me too.” (Rui)

I said that with a joking tone. Looking back, even though I reluctantly appeared on Ayaka’s stream, now I’m a real VTuber and find being a streamer really enjoyable. It’s probably one of those situations where a mishap turns into something good.

Upon hearing that, Ayaka gradually regained her smile.

“Hehe… Haha, ahaha! …Rui, ecchi.” (Ayaka)

“What…!?” (Rui)

Suddenly caught off guard by her change in demeanor, I felt embarrassed about what I said… Seeing me like that, Ayaka laughed even more.

“Ehehe… But Rui, you’re really kind. Thank you.” (Ayaka)

“Ah, well…” (Rui)

I-I guess… If it cheered her up, then that’s good… right? Ayaka took a step forward and tugged at the neckline of the shirt she was wearing.

“Hehe… So, for someone like you, should I unbutton one more button here?” (Ayaka)

“I-I told you not to do that kind of thing!” (Rui)


“So… where should we sleep?” (Rui)

I looked over to the adjacent bedroom, trying to decide on the sleeping arrangement. Naturally, my bed was single-sized, so it would be quite tough for two people to sleep together…

“…” (Ayaka)

Ayaka seemed to be expecting something. Nono, it’s really cramped for two people. Besides, snuggling up together… There’s no way to talk my way out of that one. Well… logically speaking, it would be best for us to sleep apart.

“Yeah… then Ayaka, you can use my bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” (Rui)

When I proposed that, Ayaka strongly objected.

“Eh, that’s no good! Rui should use it! I’ll sleep on the floor!” (Ayaka)

“No, no, I can’t let a guest sleep on the floor. So please, let me have the bed.” (Rui)

“I don’t want to! I’ve already caused so much trouble for you, Rui! At least use the bed!” (Ayaka)

“Well, even if you say that…” (Rui)

Even though I was led into it by Ayaka, I was the one who suggested staying over at my place. So, letting Ayaka sleep on a hard floor while I sleep in a soft bed… that’s just too rude. But if things continue like this, Ayaka doesn’t seem like she’ll back down at all…

Seeing my troubled expression, Ayaka, in a very awkward manner, gave a suggestion.

“Mmm, ah, I got it! Then let’s sleep together!” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

I can’t believe she’s suggesting that herself. Was she aiming for this all along? Well, no matter what… I can’t possibly say, “Yeah, let’s sleep together!”

“Wait, do you even know what you’re saying?” (Rui)

“Huh? I know. Besides… don’t you remember? We’ve slept together before. So it’s totally fine!” (Ayaka)

“…”  (Rui)

I’m glad she trusts me, but what should I say to that… And wait, sleeping together before? When did that happen? There’s no way that could have…

“…Wait. Are you talking about nap time in kindergarten?” (Rui)

Suddenly, a memory that had been slumbering deep in my mind was awakened. Ah, yes, I remember now. 

Back when Ayaka and I attended the same kindergarten, during nap time, Ayaka would always come over to where I was… and we slept together, embracing each other where no one could see.

Of course, back then, there was no sexual desire or anything like that, so we simply felt warmth in a pure sense. Yet, I remembered that warmth as strangely comforting.

As we grew up to middle school, that topic never came up again, so I had assumed Ayaka had forgotten about it, and truth be told, I had almost forgotten about it myself until then. I glanced at Ayaka, and she murmured quietly.

“…No way, you remembered it.” (Ayaka)

Ayaka wore a mixed expression of embarrassment, joy, and astonishment. Clearly, she hadn’t expected to be caught out like that. Well, it’s a story from decades ago, so I won’t pry into her intentions or anything like that.

“Haa… Anyways, we’ve both grown since those days, so sharing a bed would definitely be cramped, you know?” (Rui)

“If you don’t like it being cramped, then I’ll sleep on the floor!” (Ayaka)

“No, that’s not what I’m saying… I’m saying I’ll sleep on the floor. Besides, I’m used to sleeping on the floor daily, so really, you don’t need to worry about anything.” (Rui)

“Then I’ll sleep on the floor with you!” (Ayaka)

“Now you’re just making this confusing!” (Rui)

With a sigh, I interjected, holding my head… Ayaka seemed determined not to give in. Once she decided on something like this, I knew she wouldn’t budge an inch. It looked like I’d have to be the one to give in this time.

“Alright… Fine, I get it. If you insist, we can sleep together… But! Absolutely no funny business, okay!? Got it!?” (Rui)

Reluctantly giving in, I emphasized this point firmly to Ayaka. She chuckled in response.

“I know. Besides, aren’t I the one who’s supposed to say things like that?” (Ayaka)

“Well, yeah, but…” (Rui)

Of course, I’m not devoid of sexual desire altogether. If anything, I’d say I fall into the normal category. However, crossing that line with Ayaka would definitely complicate our relationship, which is why I’m being so adamant about it. I think Ayaka understands that… probably.

Ayaka smiled again, whether she truly understood my feelings or not.

“Hehe, alright! Let’s test if Rui’s bed can withstand both of us!” (Ayaka)

“Well, I think it should be fine for two people without testing…” (Rui)

“Eh, how do you know? Wait, don’t tell me…!” (Ayaka)

“…I checked the weight limit beforehand. Stop making weird assumptions.” (Rui)

Ayaka must have figured out that I’ve never had anyone over before. It’s annoying to be teased like this constantly. Maybe I should tease her back a little…

“Hehe, I see! By the way, how many can it hold?” (Ayaka)

“It should be fine up to 150kg. I’m about 60kg, so as long as you’re not above 100kg, we’re good.” (Rui)

I said this while scanning Ayaka’s body from top to bottom. Then I put my hand on my chin…

“…Maybe we shouldn’t risk it.” (Rui)

“What!? There’s no way I weigh that much, baka!” (Ayaka)

“Ow…!” (Rui)

Ayaka hit me hard on the back. It hurt. That was a bit much.


After that, we continued to play games till the end, and the stream was gradually coming to an end.

“…How does it look? Does it suit me? Hehe…”

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Huh, turns out Karen was normal after all.

Of course, she chose the shirt. What other options are there aside from the shirt? It’s the best option out of the three in hopes of some romantic development.
MC got some balls for straight-up attacking the weight of a girl. 

The next part is gonna be the big one.


  1. This ‘Good job, Rui’ is ‘OtsuRui’ in Japanese. This is like that ‘KonRei’ thing, but I realized it a bit too late so I didn’t change it. Of course, it becomes relevant now… So from now on, I’ll use OtsuRui.
  2. Shobon is this (´・ω・`)

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 2 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

After finishing the call, I started tidying up my place. Once I began cleaning, I couldn’t help but notice even the smallest details… I had a gut feeling it wouldn’t be finished in just one day, so I made a detailed plan. I cleaned one area at a time, starting with the living room and the entrance.

Several days passed with this cleaning routine… And then, the day of the collaboration arrived.

“Why am I feeling so restless?” (Rui)

It’s currently 5:30 PM. I remained seated, waiting for everyone to arrive at my house. Ayaka and the others must have arranged to meet somewhere before coming over, so it might take some time… We planned to start streaming at 6 PM, so I think they should be arriving soon. Or maybe not yet…

*Ding Dong*

“…!” (Rui)

Suddenly, I heard the bell sound from the entrance. Have they arrived? I quickly stood up and checked the intercom screen…

There they were.

A petite girl with a headband, a grinning young man in a loose hoodie. And behind them, Ayaka standing with her arms crossed. I didn’t need confirmation, but these were undoubtedly the cheerful Owen’s crew members.

I pressed the intercom button, trying not to reveal my nervousness, and called out to them.

“Yes?” (Rui)

Then the girl in front of me blinked her eyes rapidly.

“Ah! I’ve got a delivery for you!” (Karen)

“You’re Karen, right?” (Rui)

“Wa—How did you know!?” (Karen)

“If you’re going to prank someone, maybe use a different approach…” (Rui)

Her voice is too distinctive. Plus, there’s a camera at the entrance… Anyway, I pressed the unlock button while watching Karen blush with embarrassment.

…And shortly after that, the intercom at the entrance rang again. I walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it… There stood the three people I had seen on the monitor.

“Hehehe! We’ve come to play, Rui!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka said with a joyful expression.

“Yeah. Come on in for now.” (Rui)

“Excuse us!” (Ayaka)

“Pardon me!” (Karen)

“Sorry for intruding!” (Robin)

Then I guided the three members of the Owen group and had them sit on the cushions I had laid out in the living room. 

By the way, these were brand new cushions I had just bought yesterday… Ayaka quickly noticed it and pointed at one of the cushions.

“Hey, Rui. You bought this specifically for today, didn’t you?” (Ayaka)

“How did you know…?” (Rui)

“Well, you don’t really need stuff like this when you live alone, right?” (Ayaka)

Ayaka chuckled softly as she said that… But does she not consider the possibility that I might live with someone or occasionally have friends over…? Well… It’s frustrating that she’s right, though. I’ve been living alone for a while, so I can’t really argue back.

And Karen, still seated, glanced around my room with curiosity.

“Wow… This is my first time entering a guy’s house!” (Karen)

“Um, please don’t stare so much, it’s embarrassing…” (Rui)

I say that, but my line somehow feels a bit suggestive… Similarly, Robin also looked around my room with an air of curiosity.

“Hmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve been to someone else’s house… Back in elementary school, I was banned from almost every house I went to.” (Robin)

“What did you do, Robin?” (Rui)

“Hehe… Want to hear about it? Back in elementary school, I went to a friend’s house to play and ended up eating all the snacks meant for everyone by myself. The story got out to other classmates, and rumors spread that ‘Robin eats up all the snacks when he visits’!” (Robin)

“That’s definitely ban-worthy.” (Rui)

Upon hearing Robin’s storytelling, both of them burst into laughter.

“Hahaha! That story’s interesting! You should’ve shared it during the stream!” (Ayaka)

“Should we start the stream now then? It’s a bit early though.” (Rui)

“But… we haven’t decided what kind of stream to do yet. Is it okay to start it without a plan?” (Karen)

Karen seemed a bit concerned. Since she respects Ayaka, she probably wanted to have thorough planning beforehand. It wouldn’t bother me either way, but Robin interjected with a casual remark.

“Well, this collab today is kind of like a welcome party for Rui Boy, so I think a bit of messiness is okay, right? Plus, since it’s going to be on Rui’s channel… How about leaving the decision to him?” (Robin)

“Yeah, that makes sense! Let’s leave it to Rui!” (Ayaka)

“Alright! If that’s the case, let’s go with that!” (Karen)

Everyone seemed satisfied, and the decision was left up to me. Indeed, as Robin put it, since today’s collab was more of a meet-and-greet party for me, detailed planning might not be necessary. But well, if I had to choose something…

“Got it. So, how about we keep it casual with a talk-focused stream? We can pick up questions from viewers along the way, maybe even have a simple Q&A session… And if we run out of things to do, we can switch to games or something like that. How does that sound?” (Rui)

“Hehe, yeah! Sounds good to me!” (Ayaka)

Ayaka nodded first, followed by the other two.

“Alright, let’s get ready for the stream then… Oh, by the way, only I can move the VTuber models, right?” (Rui)

“In that case, you can just display a static image of our models!” (Ayaka)

“Ah, got it.” (Rui)

With my laptop in hand, I started preparing the streaming setup.

“Rui-san, I think you should also prepare a microphone!” (Karen)

“Yeah, you’re right. But with my stand mic, it might not pick up everyone’s voices well…” (Rui)

“Oh, I brought an omnidirectional microphone exactly for situations like this! It can capture everyone’s voices!” (Karen)

“Wow, that’s impressive!” (Rui)

Karen took out an omnidirectional microphone from her bag and placed it at the center of the desk where we were gathered. It’s really reassuring to have such experienced streamers around.

“Rui-boy, let me help too.” (Robin)

“Yeah, sure… Wait, what are you doing!?” (Rui)

When I glanced over at Robin, he was inflating a golden balloon. Continuing to pump it up and down with an air pump.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s decoration.” (Robin)

“Why did you bring something like that…?” (Rui)

“I stopped by the 100-yen shop. I picked up some party hats and… see, I even got this ‘Today’s Star’ sash.” (Robin)

Robin stopped pumping the air and happily pulled out party supplies from the bag he had brought. Then, right then and there, he puts the ‘Today’s Star’ sash over me.

“This won’t show up on the stream, but… well, thanks.” (Rui)

“Hehe, no need for thanks. I’m looking forward to this too.” (Robin)

“Alright, shall we get started?” (Rui)

“Yes!” (Karen)

“Yeah!” (Ayaka)

Confirming that everything was set for the stream, I looked at everyone and clicked the button to start the live stream.



Comments:『Oh, an off-collab, that’s rare』

Comments:『Come to think of it, Rui’s part of the Owen group too, huh』

Comments:『Don’t you mean the ramen group…? (whispering)』


Comments:『Seasoning growing on the table』

Comments:『Can’t wait to see him actually grow them lol』

Having confirmed the usual (silly) comments scrolling by, I approached the microphone Karen had brought and spoke up.

“Aaa… Aaa… Can you hear me, everyone?” (Rui)

Comments:『Can’t hear you!』

Comments:『Can’t hear anything!』

Comments:『Did you change your mic? We can’t hear you』

Comments:『Yeah, the sound quality seems a bit different… Can’t hear you though』

The mic expert over here is watching… Why are you still stubbornly lying?

“…Alright, sounds like you can hear me. Just a heads-up. Since it’s a collab today, let’s try to keep things calm, Ruimins. Otherwise, Karen and Robin’s viewers might be surprised.” (Rui)

Comments:『Sorry (ごめん)』

Comments:『Sorry (ご麵)1

Comments:『Summa-noodles (すんま麵)』

Comments:『Yuru-seimen (ゆる製麵)』

Comments:『Robin tends to get teased a lot by viewers.』

Comments:『Robin getting toyed with by viewers → ○○○○○』

“Oh, there’s a clip… I mean! I said it’s a collab today! I can’t chat with comments like I do in solo streams! Right now, Rei and the others are laughing at me!!” (Rui)

As I interacted with the comments, laughter could be heard around me. It was a bit satisfying to make them laugh, but embarrassment definitely won out overwhelmingly.


Comments:『So that was Rei-chan laughing after all』

Comments:『Rui’s so kind to engage with us』

Comments:『It might be funny if Rui ends up talking alone』

“It’s not funny… Alright then, since there’s no end to this, let’s get started with introductions. Let’s go clockwise.” (Rui)

Saying that I turned to Ayaka sitting next to me… Sensing this, Ayaka started her usual introduction with a lively voice.

“Okay~! I’m Rei Azuril, a dark mage from [Sky Sunriver]! I’m really happy to be here for this off-collab today!” (Rei)



Comments:『Rei looks like she’s having fun already.』

Next up was Karen’s introduction.

“I’m Karen Story, the healer who will heal your heart! …Um, being watched like this is a bit embarrassing, isn’t it…?” (Karen)



Comments:『Karen looks cute today too!』

And now, Robin.

“Hahaha! I am Robin… Flail! Due to certain circumstances today, I’ve lowered my voice volume to the level of Nuwacchan’s fruit juice2! Sorry if it’s hard to hear!” (Robin)

Comments:『There he goes』

Comments:『We can hear you fine』

Comments:『What percentage though』

Comments:『Yeah, orange and apple juices have different consistencies, right…』

“And finally, it’s me. …I’m Rui Astica. Today, we’re gathered for an Owen group off-collab… well, it’s at my place.” (Rui)


Comments:『Rui’s house!?』

Comments:『The ramen house, huh』

“So, yeah, there’s nothing really fancy to do here. Let’s just casually chat while munching on snacks. I’m the rookie of the Owen group, so there’s still a lot I don’t know… I’ll do my best not to drag everyone down.” (Rui)

Of course, there might be viewers out there who haven’t had the best impression of me joining the Owen group. While I’m not exactly trying to earn their approval… I do hope they might change their minds even just a little…

“Hmm?” (Rui)

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder from beside me. When I turned around… Robin flashed a bright smile, showing his white teeth.

“Hahaha! You don’t need to worry about that, Rui Boy. Aren’t we all good pals now?” (Robin)

“R-Robin…!” (Rui)

…Yeah, Robin’s actually a really great guy deep down.

“…………Hmph. Anyways, shall we search under the bed? We might find some unexpected treasures.” (Robin)

“Oi…” (Rui)



Comments:『Oh man』

Comments:『Ruining the emotional moment』

Comments:『Emotion Breaker』

And then Robin put his head down on the floor and seriously started searching under the bed. Of course, I’d cleaned my stuff under there, so there was nothing, but… Seeing this, Ayaka shot me a sharp glance.

“Hey. Rui, do you have something like that hidden there? Something naughty?” (Rei)

“We don’t need to discuss that… Besides, I get all that stuff digitally…” (Rui)




Comments:『Oi, high schooler』

“…Let’s not talk about that, okay?” (Rui)

I couldn’t deny that I’d dug myself into a bit of a hole. But since I didn’t explicitly mention adult stuff, I considered it a safe comment. Yeah, totally safe.

Then, despite looking slightly troubled, Karen kindly offered a lifeline.

“Um… How about we introduce ourselves in more detail? It’s my first time meeting Rui-san, and there might be a lot we don’t know about each other. Plus, the viewers could learn more about the Owen group too!” (Karen)

“That’s a great idea, Karen-chan. I’ll turn it into a song next time.” (Rei)

“You always say the most random things, don’t you…?” (Rui)

“Hehe, but I think it’s a good idea! Rui, you don’t know much about Karen-chan or Robin-kun yet, do you?” (Rei)

“Well… embarrassingly, no.” (Rui)

Since the collab was planned, I had looked up a bit about the two of them and watched a few clips, but between cleaning and my part-time job, I hadn’t had much time to look too deeply into it.

“But Ms Karen, what should we start with?” (Robin)

“Hmm… favorite food?” (Karen)

“That’s probably on the wiki, so… how about something a bit more personal?” (Rui)

Then Ayaka made a suggestion.

“How about the reason we became VTubers? I’m curious about everyone’s story too!” (Rei)

“Oh, that’s a good idea.” (Karen)

“Yes! I think it’s a great idea!” (Robin)

With Robin also nodding in agreement, we decided that the person who lost rock-paper-scissors would go first. As it turned out, Robin lost.

“Hmm… so it’s me first.” (Robin)

Comments:『Did it get decided in one go?』

Comments:『Robin’s really bad at rock-paper-scissors lol』

Comments:『It suits his character, though』

Then, for once, Robin spoke in a serious tone and began his story.

“I haven’t really talked about this before… but I became a VTuber because there was one VTuber I really wanted to meet. That sole desire drove me to get this far.” (Robin)

“Wow, that’s amazing! So, Robin-kun, did you get to meet that person?” (Rei)

At Ayaka’s question, Robin nodded.

“I did meet them. However… that person has since retired. So, meeting them as a VTuber is no longer possible.” (Robin)

“……” (Rui)

I couldn’t say anything… I didn’t know what to say to Robin. Ayaka and Karen also had similar expressions to mine, probably thinking the same thing.

“…Hey, what’s with this atmosphere!? Cheer up, will you!?” (Robin)

Robin, who seemed to be panicking, spoke hastily, but finding his reaction amusing, I decided to stay silent. Then Ayaka exaggeratedly covered her face with both hands.

“I-I didn’t know… Robin-kun was carrying such feelings with him all this time!” (Rei)

Continuing, Karen also took out candy from her bag and offered it with a gentle expression.

“Robin-san… Would you like some candy?” (Karen)

“No, no! Don’t apologize! Don’t worry about it! I actually have their contact information, so it’s not like a complete farewell!” (Robin)

“Oh, I see.” (Rui)

I had thought he was already in a situation where he couldn’t meet that person anymore… Then Robin let out a small cough.

“Moreover, there’s more to this story… Someday, I’ll stand on a grand stage of my own. She promised she’d meet me again if she recognized me as a top VTuber. So I’m continuing my activities with that goal in mind. It’s not like I’m sad or lacking motivation!”  (Robin)

Comments:『Oh, I see』

Comments:『I didn’t know that』

Comments:『Robin has such a past, huh…』

And with the conversation settling down, Robin extended his arms like a magician.

“Well, I apologize for taking up so much time. Who’s up next?” (Robin)

“Oh, how about we continue with the rock-paper-scissors?” (Rui)

Realizing we hadn’t decided who would go after Robin, the rest of us—excluding Robin—played rock-paper-scissors. The next one to lose was… Karen.

“Oh, looks like it’s my turn!” (Karen)

After a brief moment of consideration, Karen spoke up.

“Um, well, I didn’t have a clear reason like Robin-san, but… I’ve always enjoyed interacting with people. I used to participate in various activities like volunteering and local clean-ups.” (Karen)

“Wow, that’s impressive.” (Rui) 

Everyone nodded in admiration.

“And then… one day, I came across VTubers on a video-sharing site. Watching their videos not only lifted my spirits but also made me realize how much I had neglected the internet. I thought, ‘Maybe through the internet, I can connect with many people, even those I wouldn’t meet in my daily life!’ That’s when I decided to become a VTuber.” (Karen)

“I see! So that’s why you became a VTuber!” (Rei)

“Yes! So, I researched about VTubers, applied for auditions… and they said the deciding factor was my lack of familiarity with the internet!” (Karen)

“Well… I think that innocence is quite valuable, you know?” (Rui)

Not many people have such a pure heart like that… especially in the world of the internet… And Karen-san blushed slightly, squirming a bit.

“Um, I was embarrassed to say this before… but, um, the VTuber who lifted my spirits was actually Rei-san… hehe.” (Karen)

“Eh, Karen-chan…!? I… I love you! Let’s get married!!” (Rei)


Comments:『Aww, that’s sweet!』

Comments:『That’s so cute!』

Comments:『This lovey-dovey stuff is just what I needed!』

Comments:『Thinking this is happening at Rui’s house makes it even funnier.』

Amidst the joyful comments about their sweet moment, I asked Karen-san.

“…So, Karen-san, does that mean you joined after Rei did?” (Rui)

“Yep! That’s right!” (Rei)

“Well, actually, in the early days of Owen group, it was just Rei-chan and me.” (Karen)

“Oh, really? I didn’t know that.” (Rui)

I had no idea.

“So… does that mean there’s a possibility of more members joining in the future?”(Rui)

“Well, that’s something only the management knows!” (Rei)

And with Karen’s story wrapped up, Ayaka and I decided to play rock-paper-scissors next. The result… I lost.

“Alright, then it’s my turn… Though, my start in this whole thing was pretty weird. I was just hanging out with Rei and somehow ended up here… Still don’t really get it.” (Rui)

“Hehe, the president sure had an eye for talent!” (Rei)

“…But Rei, you probably got scolded by your manager or someone for putting me in a stream before I was a VTuber, right? Weren’t you pushing it with that one?” (Rui)

As I said this, Ayaka looked a bit awkward, showing a troubled expression…

“…Well, as they say, all’s well that ends well! After all, if it weren’t for that, Rui wouldn’t be here!” (Rei)

“Well… yeah, that’s true. Just to clarify, though, I never intended to become a VTuber, and Rei didn’t invite me over to become one either. It might sound unconvincing, but that’s the truth, so please believe me.” (Rui)

Comments:『But you’re here now』

“Well, yeah, I‘m here now… But there were various things that happened along the way! It’s a long story if I start talking about it!” (Rui)



Comments:『That’s right! That was a fake Rui created by Rei with black magic!』

Comments:『Black magic lol』

Comments:『Using black magic, I wonder if we could see the early days of Rui again?』

“Arrrgghh! Seriously! Stop bringing up the black magic thing!! I was putting a lot of effort into my character backstory too, you know!!” (Rui)

Remembering my debut stream, my face turns red… Seeing me like this, Robin laughs.

“Hahaha, well, no one else will ever debut as a VTuber in the same way as Rui Boy, that’s for sure!” (Robin)

“You’ve got that right!” (Rei)

“Indeed, otherwise things would get pretty messy… Alright, last but not least is Rei… Come to think of it, I don’t think I know why Rei became a VTuber.” (Rui)

“Me neither!” (Rei)

“Nor I.” (Robin)

The three of us turn our gaze towards Ayaka, who then chooses her moment to speak.

“Um, well, for me… I don’t really have a strong reason, but maybe because I was bored?” (Rei)

Ayaka said that… but.

“I see. That’s really straightforward.” (Robin)

“But I think even that’s a good reason to start!” (Karen)

Ayaka’s eyes seemed to suggest that she might be lying.

Comments:『I see.』

Comments:『Well, you can’t become a VTuber if you’re not bored, right?』

Comments:『It’s good that Rei came into this world even if just to kill time!』

Comments:『Rei being bored was a good thing.』

…It seems like I’m the only one who noticed that. Well, of course, it could just be my misunderstanding.

Actually, it was just my hunch that made me think that… I decided it wasn’t necessary to press further and disrupt the flow. If I do want to ask, I can do it after the stream ends… And then Ayaka continued speaking.

“Alright, so everyone has talked about their beginnings! What should we discuss next?” (Rei)

“Well, how about we talk about our future plans together!” (Robin)

To that suggestion, Karen eagerly raised her hand.

“Oh, if that’s the case! I’d like to try cooking with everyone!” (Karen)

Ayaka quickly responded to that.

“That sounds great! I’d love to cook with you, Karen-chan!” (Rei)

“Not a bad idea… But doing it on stream might be challenging.” (Rui)

“We are virtual beings after all.” (Robin)

The debate over whether VTubers should produce irl videos exists, but honestly, I think as long as it’s entertaining, why not? 

Though I can understand the sentiment that if it becomes commonplace, it might raise questions like “Isn’t the character unnecessary?” Well, finding a balance is something we should figure out.

Comments:『But there are VTubers who do cooking streams』

Comments:『I hope it becomes a reality』

Comments:『Rui, can you make a bento for us?』

Comments:『Let’s have Rui’s Youth Bento Championship!』

Haha… The Youth Bento Championship sounds hilariously fun, but the concern is that there might not be anyone willing to participate…

“Hmm… How about getting support from the staff or something?” (Karen)

“Or better yet, why don’t we just have our own show made?” (Rei)

“Isn’t that asking for too much…?” (Rui)

“Hehe! But it would be exciting if the Owen group had its own show!” (Rei)


Comments:『Give us the Owen group show!! Seriously!!』

Comments:『Give us one everyday, please!』

Comments:『Let’s ask the president』

Well, it doesn’t hurt to ask. It might not be a bad idea to consult with Nemo-san. Let’s try mentioning it next time.

“Now, in return… what would you like, Rui?” (Rei)

“Me? Well… I can’t think of anything specific I want to do right now. But I do feel like I want to try various things that I haven’t experienced before. Just like how we’re collaborating offline like this, it’s something I couldn’t have imagined doing before.” (Rui)

Before becoming a VTuber, I definitely wouldn’t have done live streams or invited people over to my house. But once I started streaming, I found it surprisingly enjoyable… I began to think that challenging myself with things I had avoided before wouldn’t be a bad idea.

“Well, Rui just wants to experience his youth, right?” (Rei)

“Please stop saying it in a way that embarrasses me…” (Rui)


Comments:『You’re still having plenty of youth now, aren’t you?』

Comments:『Really, Rui, it’s great that you became a VTuber…』

“Then, Robin-san, what do you want to do?” (Karen)

“Me? I want to try singing. Of course, with this group!” (Robin)

“Well, Robin’s aiming to be a big star.” (Rui)

“Hmph. Don’t tease me too much, Rui Boy…” (Robin)

Then surprisingly… Robin shyly lowered his face… Cut it out, although, it’s a little cute.



Comments:『Once you know their goals, I feel like cheering them on.』

Comments:『Go for it, Robin!』

“Alright, what about Rei? Any ideas?” (Rui)

“Yeah! I want to play games with everyone!” (Rei)

“Games? We can do that right now if you want…?” (Rui)

I directed my gaze towards the video game console “Snatch” placed in front of the monitor. Ayaka, while twirling her hair, spoke.

“Oh, of course, Rui’s usual games are fine and all… But I think playing board games or going to an actual game center would be fun too!” (Rei)

“Oh, that sounds interesting!” (Robin)

“I want to take Purikura3 photos with Rei!” (Karen)

I see… That does indeed sound like fun.

“That’s a good idea, but we can’t go out to play right now. Plus, I don’t have any board games either… How about we stick to regular games for today? We can save board games and arcades for another time.” (Rui)

“Oh, yeah! That sounds good!” (Robin)

“I’m looking forward to it!” (Karen)

Comments:『Oh, exciting!』

Comments:『Board games & arcade stream coming!?』

Comments:『Nice, looking forward to it』

Comments:『This is what I live for!』

I don’t want this to become someone’s sole reason for living, but it’s amazing that there are so many people looking forward to it.

“So, Rui, what games are we playing now? For a game that four of us can play, how about [Smash Fighters]?” (Robin)

“[Smash Fighters] is a no-go because Rui is too strong! It gets frustrating!” (Rei)

“Ahaha… How about [MariMo Party] then? I bought the new one but haven’t played much… been solo.” (Robin)

Upon hearing the title of the party game, Karen reacted with a twitch.

“Ah, [MariMo Party]! That’s great! I used to play it a lot with my sister!” (Karen)

“Oh, really? Karen-san, you have an older sister?” (Rui)

“Yes! She’s a very nice person, just like Rei-san!” (Karen)

“…………I see.” (Rui)

“Rui~ What’s with that pause~?” (Rei)



Comments:『That’s scary』



“Uh, well… By the way, Rei, did you bring the controllers?” (Rui)

“Yeah, I brought enough for everyone, just in case.” (Rei)

“You’re super prepared.” (Rui)

…And so, we set up the game and started playing [MariMo Party] with the four of us. Initially, I thought I was dominating, but in a surprising turn of events, Ayaka made a huge comeback victory with the bonus items at the end. It’s frustrating, but well… that’s life, isn’t it?

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Betting like 80% that Ayaka becoming a VTuber had something to do with Rei. I mean, come on, Rui & Rei? The name sounds similar.

Ok, so I have read on ahead cause I was curious why this chapter is so long and… OMG there was a lot of romantic development happening towards the end. And I mean a lot. We finally got some childhood friend justice! 

Now, I did skip the in-between section and only read the end, but holy shit, now I’m more motivated to translate this. Sooo, for the next few days, I’ll only be translating this series for the next few days until this chapter is done.


  1. So the first one is ごめん, which is sorry (gomen). Second one is ご麵, which is sorry but the ‘めん (men)’ is replaced with ‘麵 (men)’ which means noodles. As for the next, two, idk.
  2. No idea what this is referencing.
  3. Purikura is a photo sticker booth where you take pictures and edit them with various backdrops, borders, texts, icons, etc.

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 6 Part 1 – A Sudden Invitation for an Off-Collab

The next day, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Guided by the sound, I reached for my smartphone, unplugged it from the charging cable, and answered.

“Hello?” (Rui)

As expected, I heard the familiar voice of my childhood friend.

“(Hey, Rui? Were you asleep by any chance?)” (Ayaka)

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on the clock; it was just past 9 AM. Normally, I’ll be handling my part-time job’s peak hour… but today’s shift starts in the afternoon.

“I WAS asleep.” (Rui)

“(Ahaha! Sorry, sorry, but I just had to tell you my thoughts about yesterday!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka said with a laugh. Yesterday… ah, she must be talking about [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room].

“You watched it, huh? I’m glad, but you don’t have to force yourself to watch just because I was in it, you know? I’m sure you’re busy too, Ayaka…” (Rui)

“(Nonono! I’ve been looking forward to it for so long! I was excited to see you on the show, Rui!)” (Ayaka)

“Really? …So, how was it?” (Rui)

I asked for her thoughts. Ayaka’s voice grew more lively as she began describing enough for me to imagine her movements.

“(It was amazing! Seriously! There was a great response on Twitter, too, and it seemed like you got along well with Sensei and Mochi-chan. I’m really happy for you!)” (Ayaka)

“…I see.” (Rui)

I found myself sitting up. Yeah, that’s right… I am where I am now entirely because of Ayaka. I had completely forgotten that.

“…Thanks, Ayaka.” (Rui)

“(Huh, about what?)” (Ayaka)

“Well, it’s thanks to you. I’ve been able to experience so many things I never could have before. So, you know… I’m grateful.” (Rui)

Saying that made me feel embarrassed, and my drowsiness quickly disappeared. I wasn’t sure if Ayaka noticed, but I could hear her laughing.

“(It’s fine! I’m just happy that you became a VTuber, Rui! So… let’s keep doing fun things together, Rui!)” (Ayaka)

“Yeah… definitely!” (Rui)

“(…So, um, with that in mind, I got a suggestion…)” (Ayaka)

…Huh? Did the mood just change?

“Could it be…” (Rui)

“(Hehe, that’s right! Rui, let’s do another collab! This time, an offline one!)” (Ayaka)

“I knew it… Well, I don’t mind, but didn’t we just do a collab recently? Plus, doing an off-collab with just the two of us might cause some issues…” (Rui)

Saying something like this might make her bring up how we already did one at her house, but that was an exception. I didn’t even know she was planning to stream, and I didn’t know she was a VTuber either… 

While I was thinking that, Ayaka continued in her cheerful voice, not paying any attention to my concerns.

“(It’ll be fine! Besides, I’m not proposing this collaboration without a plan, you know?)” (Ayaka)

“So, what kind of stream are you thinking of?” (Rui)

“(This time, I was thinking of doing a collaboration stream with everyone from the Owen group!)” (Ayaka)

“The Owen group?” (Rui)

That sounded familiar… Where had I heard it before? 

“(Rui, did you forget? You and I are supposed to be attending [Owen’s Magic School]. There are other VTubers at [SkySun] who also used the same school setting. All of us together are known as the Owen group!)” (Ayaka)

“Oh… Right. I’m starting to remember now.” (Rui)

I think Shiozawa-san (head of agency) mentioned something like that. To get me involved with Ayaka, they made me one of the magicians as well… right?

“So, how many people are in this Owen Group?” (Rui)

“(Well… there’s me, you, Karen-chan, and Robin-kun, so four of us!)” (Ayaka)

“Another new name, huh…?” (Rui)

It’s been about a month since I joined [SkySun], but I still haven’t memorized everyone’s faces and names. I should, but unfortunately, my memory isn’t great… 

Besides, until a month ago, I couldn’t even tell the difference between VTubers and anime characters… isn’t that just an excuse?

“(You really should remember these two! You’ll definitely be working with them in the future with this group!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka spoke quite firmly. Perhaps she was thinking ahead about future activities, and that it’s best to meet the Owen Group members as soon as possible. If that’s the case, I can’t exactly refuse this invitation.

“Alright, got it… I’ll look into the two of them for now.” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

With the call still connected, I opened [SkySun]’s official website on my phone. I scrolled down, searching for the Owen Group members.

“Let’s see, Karen… oh, here she is. Is she this ‘Karen Story’ girl?” (Rui)

I found a silver-haired girl with apple-red cheeks wearing a bachelor’s cap. Her name was written as ‘Karen Story’ below her profile.

“(That’s right! Karen-chan is tiny and really cute!)” (Ayaka)

“Really.” (Rui)

So, a loli type, huh? Well, there’s always a certain demand for that… I thought as I tapped on her profile and read it out loud.

“A kind and dependable genius girl who enrolled at [Owen’s Magic School] by skipping grades… I see. The child prodigy type, huh?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, looking at it this way, your settings are a bit similar, aren’t they, Rui?)” (Ayaka)

“What? I’m neither a loli, nor am I kind or dependable.” (Rui)

“(That’s not for you to judge, Rui.)” (Ayaka)

“Eh, what do you mean by that…?” (Rui)

Still confused, I returned to the list of VTubers on the screen and searched for the other member of the Owen Group. Let’s see, Robin, Robin…

“Oh, found him.” (Rui)

There was a boy with purple hair, wearing earrings, and with a lazy expression. The name written below was…

“Robin Flail… He looks like a cool, strong character.” (Rui)

“(Ah, Robin-kun is actually a mood maker and a bit of a clown!)” (Ayaka)

“Wait, with this appearance…?” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

Oh, I see. So he’s the playful type… Well, that’s fine, I guess? I have no room to criticize him, especially after my character fell apart in my debut stream…

“(Before Rui joined, the three of us used to do things like singing collabs!)” (Ayaka)

“I see. I hope they don’t dislike me for joining the group…” (Rui)

“(It’ll be fine! They’re both really kind, and all the viewers love you, Rui! So, take it easy, okay?)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka threw kind words at me, trying not to let me worry.

“Well… If everyone’s okay with it, then I do want to do my best as a member of the Owen Group… But, are you sure it’s okay for me to join?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, yes! Of course! …By the way, I thought you’d say that,I had already gotten Karen-chan and Robin-kun’s approval.)” (Ayaka)

“As expected of Ayaka, always quick to act… So when are we doing this collaboration?” (Rui)

With a mix of admiration and bewilderment, I asked her about the schedule. Then… Ayaka seemed a bit hesitant to respond.

“(Um, we agreed to do it next week… but we haven’t decided on a location yet. So, I was thinking, what if… just in case you’re okay with it… we could do it at your place, Rui? What do you think?)” (Ayaka)

“Wait… Are you serious?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, I’m serious!)” (Ayaka)

Ayaka echoed my words… Wait, isn’t my house a bit strict with rules and all…?

“Ayaka… Don’t you have any other ideas?” (Rui)

“(Hmm, I did think about other options. I live with my parents, you know? Karen-chan also lives with her family, and Robin-kun’s house is apparently really messy. I also thought about renting [SkySun]’s studio, but I didn’t get an okay from the manager yet.)” (Ayaka)

“Oh… So that’s why it came down to using my place…” (Rui)

“(Yeah!)” (Ayaka)

I see… Well, if you’re really stuck for a location, I guess you could use it. My place is quite a distance from the station, though. And… 

“My apartment is pretty small for a four-person gathering.” (Rui)

“(But there’s enough room for the four of us to sit, right?)” (Ayaka)

“Well… I guess there’s that much, but…” (Rui)

I looked around my room. I tried to look cool by placing a potted plant on my desk, but there were torn cushions and game controllers scattered on the floor… It’s definitely not a clean room, to say the least.

“Even if we were to do it at my place… Ayaka might be okay with it, but would the other two be okay? They might not feel comfortable going to someone’s house they’ve never met… especially if it’s messy.” (Rui)

I said this thinking about everyone’s feelings, but Ayaka lightly hummed, “Hmm,” in response.

“(They said they’re fine with anywhere, but if you’re that worried, why don’t we call them?)” (Ayaka)

“Huh?” (Rui)

“(Karen-chan and Robin-kun. Should we do a group call?)” (Ayaka)

“Uh, um… really…?” (Rui)

If we were just meeting in person, I might still be able to pull it off, but adding a group call in between makes me nervous…Still, I couldn’t just avoid the situation. I already told sensei that I’ll start to pursue my youth. I need to break away from my old self.

With that in mind, I lightly slapped my cheek and made a request to Ayaka.

“Alright, Ayaka. I get it. So, can you go ahead and ask them?” (Rui)

“(Hehe, sure thing! I’ll start by messaging them to see if a call is okay!)” (Ayaka)

“Okay.” (Rui)

Ayaka got in touch with them, and after waiting a few minutes, it seemed like they both replied.

“(Oh, Robin-kun seems available and will join us now! Karen-chan might take a bit more time!)” (Ayaka)

“I see, got it—” (Rui)

Before I could finish my sentence, a notification sound indicated Robin had joined the call.

“Yo, the name’s Robin… Flail! A pleasure to meet you, Rui Boy!” (Robin)

A deep, smooth voice came through… I couldn’t believe it. Could this really be that guy with the strong character vibe… Robin Flail?

“…Is this real?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, it’s really me. By the way, my real name is Tsubasa.)” (Robin)

“Is it okay to just say that?” (Rui)

“(Heh, of course, because you’re Rui Boy. I only give my last name to the other VTubers… And of course, it’s my mother’s maiden name1, right?)” (Robin)

“…” (Rui)

…I don’t get this guy at all! What, what’s going on!? This is scary!

“Um, R-Robin-san, are you… always like this?” (Rui)

“(Yeah, I am bound by nothing… I’m a free spirit!)” (Robin)

“No, I mean, I don’t understand…” (Rui)

“(Heheh! This is just how Robin-kun usually is! It might be a bit tough to get used to at first, but it’s really fun!)” (Ayaka)

“Um, really…? If this is your usual, I’m actually more worried now…” (Rui)

I let out a bewildered sigh… Are VTubers really only popular if they’re this eccentric? Did I really get myself into something incredibly bizarre? Can I still turn back now?

Meanwhile, Robin started chatting with Ayaka.

“(Hey, long time no see, Rei-chan. I think the last time was during the Owen Group karaoke stream, right?)” (Robin)

“(Yeah, that was like three months ago!)” (Ayaka)

“(Time flies, huh? Even though I was sick of the heat every day, now I’m eagerly waiting for the next summer… Right, Ramen Boy?)” (Robin)

“Wait, are you talking about me?” (Rui)

“(Who else could I be referring to, huh? Hahaha!)” (Robin)

“…” (Rui)

Yeah, he’s definitely full of himself… And thankfully, Ayaka managed to steer the conversation back.

“(Um, so Robin-kun, about the Owen Group collab… We’re planning to do it at Rui’s place this time. Is that okay with you?)” (Ayaka)

“(I have no problem with that. Actually, are you sure it’s okay to bother Rui Boy for something like this?)” (Robin)

“Ah, that’s okay. I’m new here, so if it helps everyone…” (Rui)

Robin cut in eagerly, interrupting my words.

“(You don’t need to worry about that, Rui Boy. We’re equals here. Being a newbie or not, those things don’t matter at all.)” (Robin)

“Huh?” (Rui)

“We’re comrades, after all. Let’s drop the formalities. Being able to speak your mind freely to each other… that’s what true friendship is about, right?” (Robin)

“Yeah… you’re right.” (Rui)

After feeling hesitant just moments ago, hearing those words made me trust Robin. Maybe he’s just like me, a bit awkward in various ways… probably.

“Thanks, Robin… But since the location isn’t decided yet, and I’m starting to look forward to it a bit, how about coming to my place?” (Rui)

“(Hmm, if that’s the case, I understand, Rui. In that case, I’ll come over to hang out… shoes off, of course.)” (Robin)

“Why’s that?” (Rui)

“(It’s American-style bonding2.)” (Robin)

“You’re really misunderstanding a lot of things, aren’t you?” (Rui)

Here, a sound effect indicating someone joining the call rang out again.

“(Oh, it looks like Karen-chan is here too!)” (Ayaka)

“(Ah, I’m sorry for being late, Rei-san! I was getting ready to go out!)” (Karen)

A very youthful and cute voice could be heard. It had a distinctive quality like that of a voice actor.

“(It’s totally fine! So… Karen-chan, this is your first time meeting Rui, right?)” (Ayaka)

“(Rui… Ah, you’re Rui-san, right? Nice to meet you! I’m Karen Story! I look forward to working with you!)” (Karen)

“Nice to meet you too.” (Rui)

I returned the greeting. Ah, that’s good. Karen-san seems like a normal person…

“(I’ve heard a lot about you from Rei-san, so I’m glad we can talk like this! Let’s get along well!)” (Karen)

“Yes, of course! By the way… what did Rei say about me?” (Rui)

“(Um… she said you’re like a rabbit!)” (Karen)

“What does that even mean!?” (Rui)

Where did Rei get the idea that I’m like a rabbit…!? Is it because of my short legs or something…!? Anyways, Ayaka interrupted slightly flustered.

“(Well, putting that aside… Karen-chan, we’ve decided to do the next collaboration at Rui’s place. Is that okay with you?)” (Ayaka)

“(Yes! As long as Rei-san is there, I’m fine with anywhere! I’ll follow along!)” (Karen)

Karen seemed completely unconcerned and said so cheerfully. She seems quite attached to Ayaka… 

It was somewhat surprising, but come to think of it, Ayaka was always caring in nature. She used to walk around the town with the neighborhood kids… Well, those were stories from a long time ago though.

“(Hehe, thank you! I’ll let you know the exact date and time soon!)” (Ayaka)

“(I’m looking forward to it!)” (Karen)

“(Well then, see you both later!)” (Ayaka)

“(Yes, excuse me!)” (Karen)

“(Farewell!)” (Robin)

With those words, the two of them exited the call… and Ayaka, who remained, chuckled softly once again.

“(Isn’t it great, Rui? They’re both coming over to your place!)” (Ayaka)

“Yeah, I need to clean up. Such a hassle…” (Rui)

“(Hehe! Just admit you’re looking forward to it!)” (Ayaka)

“…” (Rui)

…Ayaka always seems to see right through me.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Something tells me Karen isn’t normal either. Just a hunch, but she might have some obsession with Ayaka. I mean, that’s how it usually goes, right?

Also, this chapter is ridiculously long. As in, it could very well take 10 parts lol.


  1. So maiden name is the surname prior to marriage of a person. So he uses his previous last name when talking to others.
  2. Yeh, I don’t get this.

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 3 – There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Youth

Since my problem was resolved surprisingly quickly, we continued talking about youth.

“And one more thing I’d like to tell Rui-kun and all the viewers. Those sparkling youthful days you see in manga and movies—it’s actually rare for people to experience them.” (Kazuo)

“…Really?” (Rui)

“Yeah. In this era, social media just makes it easier to peek into others’ lives… but there are plenty of people who spend their time alone. To be honest, I was mostly alone during my student days.” (Kazuo)

I see… Andou-sensei seems quiet, but he doesn’t give off any sort of “loner” vibe. Hearing this, Mochi gave a mischievous smile.

“Really? Sensei, you seem like you’d be popular, though.” (Mochi)

“Haha, back then, studying was the most enjoyable thing for me. Because of that, I believe it shaped who I am today, so I don’t regret it.” (Kazuo)

“That’s amazing…”  (Rui)

For me, just remembering my dark school days gives me a headache. Will my perception change when I grow older?

“Well, Mochi is in the middle of her youth too, but I often prioritize going to fortune-telling over hanging out with everyone, so I spend most of my time alone.” (Mochi)

“Is that okay…?” (Rui)

“Yes, there are many ways to spend one’s youth. There is no correct way to experience it.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『There is no correct way to experience youth, huh?』

Comments:『Sensei’s words are deep.』

Comments:『I feel a bit relieved.』

Comments:『Well, we can’t turn back time.』

Sensei’s words lightened my heart a little… I’m sure some viewers felt the same way.

“But since you want to reclaim your youth, Rui Rui… shall we start thinking about what we can do for your ‘Youth Recapture Party’ that we talked about before?” (Mochi)

“Ah, I guess we haven’t really discussed the details yet…” (Rui)

“Haha. Shall I join in too?” (Kazuo)

Thus, the three of us started discussing the contents of the ‘Youth Recapture Party’ session. Mochi started off the conversation with a thoughtful expression.

“Hmm. But there are different genres of youth, right?” (Mochi)

“Genres…?” (Rui)

“Yeah. Like what Rui Rui mentioned earlier, performing at a school festival is the kind of youth where you work together with friends to achieve something. A classic example would be aiming to win a club tournament.” (Mochi)

Here, Andou-sensei also chimed in.

“Casual everyday moments are also part of youth. The sunlight streaming through classroom windows, the sound of chalk, mundane conversations. The after-school performances of the brass band echoing in the background, and finding secret empty classrooms…” (Kazuo)

“Wait, don’t the two of you know a lot about this!?” (Rui)


Comments:『Their description of youth is so detailed.』

Comments:『Well, they are a teacher and a student.』

Comments:『They’re right in the middle of their youth.』

It’s true that both of them are characters set to be attending school… No, it’s better not to delve too deeply into that. Andou-sensei is Andou-sensei, and Mochi is Mochi, after all.

“Ah, and of course, we can’t forget about romance! Just falling in love is a huge part of youth, isn’t it?” (Mochi)

“Romance, huh…” (Rui)

It’s true that the word ‘youth’ almost always brings up the idea of romance… it’s like the fries that come with a fast food meal…

“I do have that kind of longing too, but I feel like there’s a difference between yearning for romance and actually being in love with someone. Though, I guess it’s funny coming from someone like me who’s never dated before.” (Rui)

As I said this, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. Mochi, watching me, gradually changed to a slightly more serious expression.

“No, Rui Rui, I think that’s a wonderful perspective. But… maybe you could be a little more self-confident?” (Mochi)

“Self-confident?” (Rui)

“Yeah. Instead of thinking ‘there’s no one who likes me’, wouldn’t it be more fun to think ‘maybe this person likes me’? That’s how romance starts, you know?” (Mochi)

“I see…” (Rui)

That might be an interesting perspective. But for someone like me, who didn’t have a single friend, let alone a lover, there’s no way anyone would like me…

“……” (Mochi)

…Wait, why am I suddenly thinking of Ayaka’s face right now!?

Comments:『A wizard learning about romance from middle schoolers』

Comments:『I’m impressed with how serious Rui is.』

Comments:『But I think Rui is popular, isn’t he?』

Comments:『Maybe he’s dense.』

The comment section started to get rowdy, but I decided to put that aside for now. Sensei skillfully wrapped things up.

“Well, putting aside romance, there are members in [SkySun] who play in bands, participate in gaming tournaments, and there’s even a studio modeled after a school. It’s a relatively conducive environment for experiencing youth. Of course, it will require some initiative from you, Rui-kun.” (Kazuo)

“That’s true… Understood. Thank you, Sensei! I’ll do my best to reclaim my lost youth!” (Rui)

“Wow, that’s quite a line, isn’t it?” (Mochi)

“Haha, please do your best. And if you’d like, I’m more than willing to help… Feel free to invite me anytime.” (Kazuo)

“Yes! …Wait, isn’t the screen shaking!?” (Rui)

At that moment, I noticed the background of the stream was shaking. I had a feeling it wasn’t a streaming accident but rather part of the production, but even so, seeing the screen suddenly shake was startling.

“Ah, it seems like spacetime is distorting again. Perhaps we’re reconnecting to Rui-kun’s world?” (Kazuo)

“So… it’s time to say goodbye, Rui Rui. It was fun, wasn’t it?” (Mochi)

Checking the time displayed on the laptop, it showed that an hour had passed since the start. In other words… the program was about to end soon.

“I see… I wish I could have talked with the both of you more… but saying goodbye is also part of youth, right?” (Rui)



Comments:『Yeh sure, why not』

Comments:『You’re not that kind of character lol』

Comments:『Just hurry up and go lmao』

“Yeah. Though, I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.” (Kazuo)

“…Alright! See you later, Sensei! Mochi!” (Rui)

“See you later, Rui Rui!” (Mochi)

While being enveloped in light, a sound effect played, and ‘Rui’ disappeared from the screen…

“…Did he go back?” (Mochi)

“He was an interesting kid, wasn’t he? Even a seemingly powerful wizard like him is chasing after his youth.” (Mochi)

“Perhaps he felt lonely because he was a genius… But he’ll be fine now. He’s realized he can still have his youth starting from now.” (Kazuo)

“…I see. Well then, Sensei, shall we embrace our youth too? Mochi heard that there’s a new arcade near the station, let’s go play together!” (Mochi)

“I can’t do that, Mochi-san. We have a teacher-student relationship.” (Kazuo)

“Hmph, how boring. Sensei’s so stingy. Stubborn as a rock.” (Mochi)

“You can say whatever you want.” (Kazuo)

Haa… Well then, I think it’s about time for me to head home. I’ve got a ton of science homework waiting for me.” (Mochi)

“Hehe, alright. Take care on your way home, okay?” (Kazuo)

“Okay then, see you, Sensei.” (Mochi)

With the sound of the door opening and closing, Mochi’s figure disappeared. Left alone, Andou-sensei muttered softly to himself.

“Well… For me, just having Mochi-san visiting me allows me to experience youth… Now then, time to focus on one more task.” (Kazuo)

The sound of typing on the keyboard followed, gradually fading away. Meanwhile, [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room]’s ending theme played in the backgroumd…


Comments:『Good job!』

Comments:『Good stream.』

Comments:『Quite an emotional one, wasn’t it?』

Comments:『It was really heartwarming.』

Comments:『Rui added a nice touch too!』

Comments:『It felt like one of those tear-jerking episodes from a comedy anime.』


“Didn’t today’s stream go quite smoothly!?” (Rui)

“Yes, it was one of the best we’ve ever done.” (Kazuo)

“Haha, it’s all thanks to the power of youth, right Rui Rui?” (Mochi)


After the stream ended, we chatted for a bit and exchanged contact information before heading home. Sensei also said, “Feel free to contact me anytime,” and Mochi teased, “If you don’t message me much, I’ll use our chat as a notepad, okay?”

I thanked them both with a smile, bid farewell to the staff, and left the scene. On the way home, I kept checking my messaging app and grinning to myself as I noticed I had two new “friends”. I must have looked like quite a weirdo, but I didn’t mind one bit.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Maybe the two of them are actually teacher and student irl at one point? Their description was indeed very detailed.

Yeah man, I wonder why Ayaka’s face popped up in his mind.


  1. None

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 2 – There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Youth

And then, the main event. We moved to the recording studio and were seated in front of a desk with a standing microphone and a laptop on it. I wondered if this laptop was for moving the avatars, or checking comments… or perhaps both? I’ll ask later.

There were also a few staff members around, and a lot of expensive-looking equipment lined up. I had no idea what they were used for, though… Maybe they were for sound effects?

For now, I greeted the staff and decided to look over the script until it was time to start. Meanwhile, Andou-sensei and Mochi seemed to be chatting. 

Ah, it made me happy to see them getting along behind the scenes… 

I continued watching the scene out of the corner of my eye… My actions were totally that of a typical otaku, huh?

“Um, excuse me.” (Rui)

While I was reading the script, a staff member was fiddling with the computer in front of me, doing something, so I decided to talk to him.

“What’s this used for?” (Rui)

“Oh, this is needed to move the models. There’s a webcam here for that… and you can also check comments with it.” (Staff)

…Ah, I was right.

“I see. Thank you.” (Rui)

“You’re welcome. Good luck, Rui-san.” (Staff)

With that, the young male staff member left… Yeah, it really hit me again how VTubers are made possible by the support of many people… I had to do my best too.

“Oops, there’s just one minute left until we start.” (Kazuo)

“Hehe, are you getting excited, RuiRui?” (Mochi)

“Yeah… I’m looking forward to it!” (Rui)

Honestly, I was still really nervous, but more than that, I was genuinely looking forward to it.

At 7 PM, the stream started. After the title card, [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room~!], a heartwarming BGM played in the background as their conversation began.



Comments:『Here it comes!』

Comments:『It’s hereeeeeeeee!』

Comments:『Good evening~』

Comments:『We’ve been waiting!』

Comments:『Just made it in time!』

“…Hey, Sensei. What’s your favorite four-character idiom?” (Mochi)

“That’s sudden, Mochi-san. Is something wrong?” (Kazuo)

“Nah, it’s just that during today’s Japanese class, there was a moment when we had to mention our favorite four-character idioms… and a guy cracked some lame jokes that were just not funny at all.” (Mochi)

“Oh? Like what, for example?” (Kazuo)

“Um… stuff like special moves from smartphone games, old internet slang, and even names of sexy actresses!” (Mochi)

“…I see.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『I can totally picture it…』

Comments:『The guts of a bored middle school boy is too high』

Comments:『Just having fun among themselves, huh』

“So, I was thinking, Sensei, how would you answer that?” (Mochi)

“Ah, I see. In that case… I’d probably go with something safe like ‘一期一会’ (ichi-go ichi-e). It means cherishing each encounter as it happens because I believe in valuing every moment.” (Kazuo)

“Ah, that’s good to hear. If you’d answered something like ‘Grilled beef set meal’ (yaki-niku tei-shouko), I’d probably be blowing this place up!” (Mochi)




Comments:『Blow up… oh man, my head…』

Comments:『Looks like sensei will be time-leaping again lol』

“Ahaha… Even as a joke, try not to say things like that, alright?” (Kazuo)

“Okay.” (Mochi)

At that moment, both of their gazes turned towards me… which meant it was my turn now. With the script in hand, I began delivering the lines I was given…

“…Haa, seriously, Rei? Why can’t you return the grimoire yourself? Why do I have to go all the way to the library for you…?” (Rui)



Comments:『Here he comes!』

Comments:『It’s Ruiiiii!』

Comments:『Ramen power!!』

On the livestream, Rui’s avatar appeared, and the comments section instantly lit up with excitement. Suppressing the surge of joy that welled up inside, I continued my performance.

“Huh… is this the place?” (Rui)

Right after I said that the sound effect of a creaking door played perfectly on cue.

“Huh?” (Kazuo)

“Oh my.” (Mochi)

And the two responded with voices as if meeting me for the first time. Determined not to be outdone, I continued the roleplay.

“…………Huh? Wait, where am I…!? I definitely remember opening the door to the library…” (Rui)

“Oh, are you perhaps a new student? The library is on the third floor.” (Mochi)

“Nono, Mochi-san, take a good look at him. He’s probably someone who got sent here from a different world. His clothes are completely different from ours, right?” (Kazuo)

“Ah, you’re right! That hat looks cool! I want to wear one too~!” (Mochi)

Comments:『It would definitely suit Mochi-chan』

Comments:『Ah, Rui, meeting these two』

Comments:『Rui’s roleplaying is so fresh and funny』

Ignoring the teasing viewers, I continued reading the script aloud…

“No, wait a minute… I don’t understand the situation here… Could it be that I got hit by a teleportation spell or something…!?” (Rui)

“No, probably not. Occasionally, there are distortions in spacetime, and the door here connects to doors from other worlds. Last month, it connected to FairyLand.” (Kazuo)

“…Okay… so where am I right now?” (Rui)

“This is the Science Preparation Room at [Sorahare Middle School]. It’s where Sensei, who hates the staff room, tends to hide away.” (Mochi)

“Mochi-san… please don’t say unnecessary things.” (Kazuo)


Comments:『Sensei is cute lol』

Comments:『I didn’t know that setting』

Comments:『You can even see a coffee maker in the background』

I didn’t know about that setting either… Guess, I have to choose lines that inline with Rei’s character.

“Oh, a school from another world. How interesting…” (Rui)

“Ah, wait, wait! It could cause trouble if other students find out, so how about staying here until the spacetime fixes itself?” (Mochi)

“Yes, that’s a good idea. I recommend that too. You wouldn’t want to attract attention, right?” (Kazuo)

“Well, yeah… I understand. I’ll go along with you guys. Um…” (Rui)

“I’m Mochi, Ichigaya Mochi!” (Mochi)

“I’m Andou Kazuo. I’m a science teacher in this school and also her homeroom teacher.” (Kazuo)

Following their lead, I proceeded with my introduction, adding a slight twist.

“I’m Rui Astika, a sorcerer, or maybe an easier term to understand would be… a wizard.” (Rui)

Comments:『A wizard?』

Comments:『Don’t lie』

Comments:『Isn’t he a ramen shop owner?』

Comments:『When did he change jobs from ramen to this?』

Comments:『No way… Did Rui quit the ramen shop!?』

“…” (Rui)

…I almost laughed at the comments, but I bit my lip and held it in.

“Wizard?” (Mochi)

“That means someone who uses magic. But if that’s true… as a science teacher, I’m quite interested.” (Kazuo)

“But even Mochi has fire powers” (Mochi)

“Are you talking about a game?” (Kazuo)

“No, no! It’s the thing you did before, Sensei!” (Mochi)

“…Are you talking about flash paper? That’s dangerous, so you shouldn’t casually bring it out for fun.” (Kazuo)

Flash paper refers to a highly flammable paper that burns up instantly when lit. This paper is commonly used in magic tricks. I knew that Andou-sensei had used it during an experimental livestream since it had gained a bit of attention online.

“But Sensei, you used one on a livestream before!” (Mochi)

“I’m a teacher, so it’s okay for me. Besides, showing fire in class really grabs the attention of mischievous boys.” (Kazuo)

His words felt oddly realistic… but there was only one line for me to say here.

“Oh… so you’re a fire attribute user?” (Rui)

“Haha, no, I’m not.” (Kazuo)




Comments:『It’s not lol, it’s fire1

Comments:『Maybe a combination of both, like he can sprout a fire.』

Comments:『No, that’s not how it works.』


“…So, Rui-kun. Is there anything troubling you recently?” (Kazuo)

“Huh, why do you ask?” (Rui)

“People who end up here often have something on their mind. We still don’t fully understand the exact reason, though.” (Kazuo)

…That’s right. The guests on this show are supposed to have some sort of problem. Naturally, the specifics are left to the guest, so from here, the conversation won’t follow the script.

“Well… it would be a lie to say there’s nothing…” (Rui)

“I see… If you’d like, why not talk to us about it? Sometimes it’s easier to talk to strangers.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『Sensei is so kind.』

Comments:『What a natural.』

Comments:『Does Rui even have any concerns?』

Comments:『Probably about not being popular』

Comments:『Or maybe it’s how he can’t shake off the ramen shop character?』

The comments section started speculating about my troubles… Perhaps to shift the flow, Mochi spoke to me.

“Ah, Rui Rui, why don’t you sit down for now?” (Mochi)

“Rui Rui? Ah, sure…” (Rui)

Then, Mochi said in a funny voice.

De-de-de-den~~ A chair from the science room~!2” (Mochi)

“There isn’t a backrest…?” (Rui)



Comments:『So nostalgic』

Comments:『Why the old one lmao』


Then, with the chairs set up in the background of the stream, I started to consult the two of them about my worries. I shared something I had thought about beforehand—something I had felt even before becoming a VTuber.

“So, Rui-kun, what’s been troubling you?” (Kazuo)

“Well, ‘troubling’ might not be the right word here, but… sometimes my heart feels heavy.” (Rui)

Comments:『He’s suddenly speaking politely lol』

Comments:『Back to the usual Rui』

Comments:『That was a short roleplay…』

Comments:『Heart feels heavy?』

Comments:『That sounds serious』

Then, Mochi joined the conversation.

“Heart feels heavy? Rui Rui, could it be… love?!” (Mochi)

“That’s a bit of a hasty conclusion, Mochi-san… But if it’s something physical, you should rest or consult a doctor.” (Kazuo)

“Oh no! It’s not that serious! It’s more of a mental kind of thing!” (Rui)

I hurriedly waved both hands in denial. Then Andou-sensei, like a doctor, asked for more details.

“In that case, what is it specifically?” (Kazuo)

“Well, for example… when I watch slice-of-life anime, I feel envious seeing everyone having so much fun.” (Rui)

“Hmm.” (Kazuo)

“Or when I watch videos of bands performing at cultural festivals and think how I wish I could’ve experienced something like that.” (Rui)

“Hmm?” (Kazuo)

“I feel lonely when I see high school couples. Even when playing dating sims, I think about how I wish I had experienced such romance in my school days, and it makes my heart ache……… Ah! I’m still a student!” (Rui)

Comments:『School days…?』

Comments:『Took too long to realize!』

Comments:『I get how Rui feels』

Comments:『I wish I had that kind of student life too…』

The comments showed that quite a few people understood how I felt. Andou-sensei, after a moment of thought, spoke up.

“Rui-san, I think you might be experiencing what we call a ‘youth complex’.” (Kazuo)

“Youth complex?” (Rui)

“Yes, it’s a common thing seen in many people today. It’s likely influenced by the development of social media and other similar factors…” (Kazuo)

“Sensei, what do you mean by a youth complex?” (Mochi)

“To put it simply… it’s when people who couldn’t experience youth during their student days continue to be affected by it into the present.” (Kazuo)

Comments:『That’s harsh!』

Comments:『But Rui is still a student… technically…』

Comments:『Literally me』

Comments:『That hit the viewers hard too』

Although this unexpected comment struck a nerve with the viewers, Mochi remained unfazed.

“Oh, so that’s a thing… But Rui Rui, if that’s your concern, then I think there is an easy way to solve it.” (Mochi)

“Huh?” (Rui)

Instinctively, I turned towards Mochi. When our eyes met, she placed a hand on her cheek and gave a smile.

“You can start your youth from today onwards! Embrace your youth!” (Mochi)

“Huh, experience it now…?” (Rui)

I was puzzled by Mochi’s response, but she sighed and kept her pose.

“Haa… you need to be more proactive, Rui Rui. There are even adults who wear school uniforms and go to theme parks, you know?” (Mochi)

“Well… I know that, but…” (Rui)

“And they say the youngest you’ll ever be is today, right? Instead of worrying, it’s better to just take action immediately, don’t you think?” (Mochi)

Mochi’s words struck a chord with me… Hearing that, Andou-sensei smiled gently.

“Ahaha. Indeed, Mochi-san is right. It’s never too late for anything… And besides, Rui-kun, you’re already in an environment that makes it easy to experience youth, don’t you?” (Kazuo)

“An environment…” (Rui)

“Yes. You’re part of a lively group called [Sky Sunrivers], aren’t you? You have plenty of friends to enjoy your youth with.” (Kazuo)

“…!” (Rui)

That’s right… I’m not alone anymore. There are lots of people in [Sky Sunrivers] who I can play with…! Including the two in front of me…!

“…So, can I invite Andou-sensei to hang out?” (Rui)

“Ahaha. Yes, of course. If it fits my schedule, I’d be happy to join you.” (Kazuo)

“Really? Yes…!” (Rui)

Mochi then voiced her discontent.

“Hey, Rui Rui, aren’t you going to invite Mochi too?” (Mochi)

“Ah, sorry, but if you’re okay with it, I’d love for you to join us…!” (Rui)

“Yay! Then let’s have a ‘Rui Rui’s Youth Recapture Party’ sometime soon!” (Mochi)

“Huh? Oh, yeah! I’m not sure what that means but let’s do that!” (Rui)

Comments:『Good for you, Rui』

Comments:『Thanks to Mochi-chan, it all worked out』

Comments:『It’s so touching…』

Comments:『Happy ending achieved』

Comments:『I want to see more of Rui’s youth too!』

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Yep, even I felt that. I wish I could just go back to the days of playing games after school. 

Here’s my idea for MC to experience his youth: [Take Ayaka out on a date]. Well, that’s probably too much development since we’re already closing to the end of volume 1.

Well, this was harder to translate than usual, so I hope you aren’t too bothered by some things not making sense.


  1. lol in Japanese is represented as “草”. This character also means grass, so the commenter was saying how it’s not grass attribute, it’s fire attribute.
  2. Imagine this in Doraemon’s voice and zelda item pickup theme in the background.

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 1 – There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Youth

So, the very next day…

Today was a completely free day with no streaming or part-time job… 

Heh, what should I do? Playing games wasn’t a bad idea, but catching up on the anime I’d been stockpiling also sounded appealing… 

Alright. I decided that today will be dedicated to catching up on my animes…!

“Hm?” (Rui)

Just as I made that decision, my phone vibrated. Without even checking to see who was calling, I answered it.

“Hello?” (Rui)

Then, a cute voice responded from the other side of the phone.

“(Hello, Rui-kun~! It’s been a while, it’s Nemoto desu yo.)” (Nemoto)

“Ah, Nemo-san! What’s wrong?” (Rui)

The caller was my manager, Nemo-san. Realizing this, I also noticed that her voice was in a slightly happier tone.

“(Fufu~ I’ve got some good news for you today, Rui-kun.)” (Nemoto)

“Good news?” (Rui)

“(Yes. Guess what… You’ve received an offer to appear on an official show!)” (Nemoto)

“What? An official show… What kind of show is it?” (Rui)

A question mark appeared in my mind. Of course, I knew what official shows were, but I also knew there were many different types. As I wondered what kind of show it might be, Nemoto-san spoke up.

“(Yes. This time, you’ve been invited as a guest on [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room]. It’s a program aired on the official channel every Friday.)” (Nemoto)

“Science Prep Room? Are they going to do explosive experiments or something?” (Rui)

“(No… Well, to put it simply, it’s a show where Andou Kazuo-sensei, a middle school science teacher, and Ichigaya Mochi, a student at that school, chat casually in a studio modeled after a science prep room. I watch it every week too; it’s laid-back and quite amusing.)” (Nemoto)

“Heh~ but wouldn’t it be hard to justify having guests with that kind of setting?” (Rui)

“(Ah, it’s fine because sometimes there’s a setting where ‘the door of the science prep room connects to a different dimension’. So when Rui-kun appears, it will be as if you wandered in through a door from another world.)” (Nemoto)

“That’s a pretty wild setting…” (Rui)

…But it might be kinda interesting. I do like those anything-goes settings that VTubers often have.

“(…Oh, I was talking as if you were already going to appear. Will you be on this show, Rui-kun?)” (Nemoto)

“Ah, of course! I’ll take on any job that comes my way!” (Rui)

“That’s great. You’re scheduled to appear next month, so I recommend watching the show beforehand to get a feel for it. You probably don’t know much about Andou-sensei and Mochi-san.” (Nemoto)

“No, no, I know them… by appearance.” (Rui)

“(Just knowing their appearances won’t help… Since you’ll be meeting them, it’s important to know what kind of people they are desu yo.)” (Nemoto)

“Ah, yes… I understand.” (Rui)

I should listen to Nemo-san’s advice here… If a new guest came on the show knowing absolutely nothing, the fans wouldn’t like that either…

“(Also, I recommend bringing along some issues or concerns to discuss. I think there’s a setup where people with worries tend to find their way into the Science Preparation Room.)” (Nemoto)

“Is there really such a thing…?” (Rui)

But it’s true that if I didn’t bring up any topics, it might make things awkward for the two of them… Yeah, I should think of something. Though my only recent worry is that one thing… I hope that’s okay.

“(That should be all. I’ll send the time and location details in a message later, so please check it.)” (Nemoto)

“Yes, thank you, Nemo-san!” (Rui)

“(You’re welcome. Well then, bye.)” (Nemoto)

“Bye.” (Rui)

After hanging up the phone, I opened YooTube and immediately started playing the first episode of [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room].


“…Hehe.” (Rui)


“This is… a lot more entertaining than I expected!” (Rui)


After that, I spent my free time watching [Andou-sensei’s Science Prep Room] or [Anrika] for short. The interaction between the gentle and elegant Andou-sensei and the quirky, free-spirited Mochi-san was incredibly captivating.

“Thinking about appearing on this show makes me really excited…” (Rui)

By the time I reached the tenth episode of [Anrika], I had become a complete fan of the two.


And so, on the day of the show, I made my way to the studio that Nemo-san had informed me about.

“Damn… I’m really nervous…” (Rui)

I thought I had gotten quite used to my VTuber activities, but I was still a rookie… By the way, since Nemo-san also manages other VTubers, she couldn’t come to the site with me often.

However, she did say I could always contact her if I was in trouble, so I wasn’t too anxious… but I still wanted to handle these things on my own as much as possible. With that in mind, I walked down the hallway lined with dressing rooms… This is really the right way, right?

“…Hm?” (Rui)

After walking a few more steps down the hallway, I saw a sign in front of a room with the names “Andou Kazuo-sama”, “Ichigaya Mochi-sama”, and “Rui Astica-sama” written on it.

“Are they celebrities or something?” (Rui)

I’ve only seen people like this on TV… Well, it seems like this is the right place. Can I just go in? But maybe someone’s already inside… I should knock, right? Was it two knocks? Or three?

“Okay, calm down, Rui…!” (Rui)

I vaguely remember someone saying it’s better to knock more times than less… Yeah, four knocks should do it! 

*Knock, knock, knock, knock*

“U-Um, excuse me…” (Rui)

After knocking, I slowly opened the door and saw a man inside. He appeared to be in his early thirties, dressed in a white jacket and wearing black-rimmed glasses. He looked so composed, almost like a painting come to life.

W-Who’s this stylish guy…? Is he the makeup artist or… no, that wouldn’t be necessary for us VTubers, right!? W-Wait, could it be…!?

Before I could jump to conclusions, he turned his gaze towards the entrance.

“Oh, hello. Are you perhaps Rui-kun?” (Kazuo)

“Ah, y-yes… Are you Andou-sensei!?” (Rui)

In response to my question, he smiled gently and placed a hand over his chest.

“Yes, indeed. I am Andou.” (Kazuo)

“Really?! Um, I’ve been watching [Anrika] just for today! I’m a big fan of what you did! Especially, that time loop episode in episode fourteen was absolutely amazing!” (Rui)

Excitedly, I shared my thoughts in typical otaku fashion. The fourteenth episode, which I initially thought would be a regular one, turned into chaos midway when Mochi-san went crazy. 

She ended up concocting chemicals to create explosives, blowing up the Science Preparation Room and causing Andou-sensei to time leap right at the beginning of the show.

Eventually, Andou-sensei noticed that Mochi-san had changed her hairstyle, complimented her on how good it looked, and managed to calm her down, breaking the time loop. Looking back, this felt more like a scripted drama than just a regular episode.

Upon hearing my thoughts, Andou-sensei scratched his head bashfully.

“Haha, calling that episode amazing makes me a little embarrassed… But I’m glad you liked it. Actually, that day, Mochi-san suggested, ‘Why don’t we do something like this today?’ and I ended up writing the script for that episode on the spot.” (Kazuo)

“Wow, that’s amazing!” (Rui)

Wait, so Andou-sensei was the one who wrote the script? Is this guy really a genius after all…?

“…Actually, how did you manage to get that script approved?” (Rui)

“Yes, this show gives us a lot of creative freedom. You could say they trust us a bit too much… But well, there’s never a shortage of ideas with her. So, generally, they let us do pretty much whatever we want on this show, which I really appreciate.” (Kazuo)

“I see… I’m glad to hear that! I love this show too, and I really don’t want it to ever end!” (Rui)

“Haha, I feel the same way.” (Kazuo)

Andou-sensei smiled kindly again… Ah, if I were a girl, I’d definitely be in love with him…

“So… Mochi-san hasn’t arrived yet?” (Rui)

“Ah, she usually comes about three minutes before the start.” (Kazuo)

“That’s cutting it pretty close, isn’t it?” (Rui)

“According to her, this is actually earlier than she normally is. She once mentioned this show is the only place she absolutely won’t be late for.” (Kazuo)

“Is that so…?” (Rui)

Well, that’s strange… But I suppose being a free spirit suits her, and that might be why it’s tolerated. Of course, it’s best not to be late at all.

“Well, we still have plenty of time… Would you like to chat, Rui-kun? I’m actually quite excited to meet you too.” (Kazuo)

“Really…?! I’m happy to hear that!” (Rui)

“Yes. I’ve been keeping an eye on you since your debut stream.” (Kazuo)

“…” (Rui)

Those words froze my facial muscles… Since my debut stream…

“…Wait, so even that?” (Rui)

I mimicked the gesture of a rakugo1 storyteller sipping noodles. Seeing this, Andou-sensei chuckled politely, covering his mouth with his hand.

“Haha, Rui-kun, you’re quite entertaining… Yes, I’ve watched them all.” (Kazuo)

“Ah, um… Seriously…? Ah, that’s embarrassing…!” (Rui)

I could feel my face burning intensely. Being watched by Ayaka and viewers was one thing, but this was a whole different level of embarrassment… After all, it was Andou-sensei, whom I respected! Who I was a fan of!! Without thinking, I buried my face in my hands.

“No, no. Leaving a mark in your first stream and turning it into material for the next one is quite a feat.” (Kazuo)

“R-Really…!?” (Rui)

“Yes. Being able to do that, Rui-kun, I believe you’ll achieve great success.” (Kazuo)

“Ahh… Andou-sensei! Thank you!” (Rui)

Moved by those words, I couldn’t help but reach out and lightly hug Andou-sensei, who was sitting beside me… In that fleeting moment, we heard the sound of a door opening from behind.

“Ah… Sensei, you have a boyfriend?” (Mochi)

As I turned around, there stood a girl with long brown hair, wearing a black mask, a navy hoodie, and a checkered skirt. I blurted out immediately…

“I-It’s a misunderstanding!!” (Rui)


…After that misunderstanding was cleared up, I distanced myself from Andou-sensei, while the girl in the mask approached him to inquire about me. Andou-sensei acted as a mediator between us.

“Oh, shall I introduce you? This is Rui-kun, our guest. And this girl here is Ichigaya Mochi-san.” (Kazuo)

“Ah…” (Rui)

So she really was the person behind Mochi-san… At the same time, we exchanged glances. Then Mochi-san walked over to me and introduced herself.

“Sup, Mochi desu. Feel free to just call me Mochi, okay?” (Mochi)

“Ah, nice to meet you! I’m Rui.” (Rui)

Despite my nervousness, I returned the introduction to Mochi-san. She seemed like a modern girl and appeared younger than me. Well, probably not middle school young, but still… Mochi-san continued to gaze at me.

“Oh, so Rui Rui is your real name, huh? I kinda had a feeling it might be.” (Mochi)

“Yes…?” (Rui)

More than anything, I was curious about being called Rui Rui… but I decided not to make a big deal out of it.

“Oh, you can call me by my first name, okay? I think Rui Rui is older than me anyways.” (Mochi)

“I-is that so…?” (Rui)

“Yeah.” (Mochi)

If that’s the case, maybe it’s okay to use casual language… Andou-sensei does use polite language with Mochi-san, but I think that’s just his character. Well, Mochi-san must have understood that so she let it be… Or should I call her just ‘Mochi’ instead of Mochi-san?

“…So, the reason I thought that was because when I watched the collab stream with Rei-chan, her way of calling you ‘Rui’ sounded so natural. It was like she’d been calling you that for years, you know?” (Mochi)

…Wait, seriously? Did she pick up on that just from the streams? Mochi-san’s observational skills are something…

“Wow, Mochi-san… I mean, Mochi, you’re really sharp. Well, actually, Rei is my childhood friend. Though we’ve only recently started talking to each other again.” (Rui)

Upon hearing that, both of them showed a slightly surprised expression.

“Heh~! I knew you were friends with Rei-chan, but childhood friends?!” (Mochi)

“Ah, but I’d rather not spread that around too much, okay?” (Rui)

If viewers found out about this, it might lead to misunderstandings… Plus, Ayaka wouldn’t like being teased about it. After all, we’re virtual beings.

Upon hearing this, Mochi nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, of course. …But ‘childhood friends,’ huh? Somehow, Mochi is envious of that kind of relationship.” (Mochi)

“Is that so? But I don’t really remember doing typical childhood friend stuff like going to school together or anything like that.” (Rui)

Mainly because I was embarrassed… Back in elementary school, we used to play together a lot. But starting from middle school, I made sure to wake up early to avoid running into Ayaka on my way to school. And in high school, I deliberately took exams for a different school than Ayaka’s… Yeah. Nowadays, I wouldn’t mind if someone saw me with Ayaka, but back then, I was young…

As Mochi listened, her expression gradually turned discontented.

“Huh. Why? Isn’t it normal for childhood friends to come and go through each other’s windows?” (Mochi)

“That’s just from reading too many manga…” (Rui)

“Then what about coming to wake you up every morning?” (Mochi)

“No way…” (Rui)

“Or making a promise to marry each other when you were little…” (Mochi)

“Absolutely not! And seriously, how many childhood friends clichés does Mochi know!?” (Rui)

Surprised by how she effortlessly rattled off these common tropes, I couldn’t help but show it on my face. Seeing my reaction, Mochi giggled.

“Ahaha, Mochi just loves romcom stories! And don’t you think childhood friend heroines are often really cute?” (Mochi)

“Well, yeah, I guess…” (Rui)

I agreed with her on that point, but childhood friend characters do tend to be stereotypically cast as the losing romantic interest, don’t they…

“Well, they always end up losing though.” (Mochi)

“I was trying not to say that.” (Rui)

“Why do you think they can’t win? They’re kind and cute…it’s just that they often can’t be straightforward.” (Mochi)

“You ‘ve basically listed the sole reason.” (Rui)


“By the way, Mochi-san, you came early today. Did something happen?” (Kazuo)

In response to Andou-sensei’s question, Mochi seemed to recall something and clapped her hands lightly.

“Yeah, that’s right! Today’s horoscope was good, so I came to the studio early to check it out. It seems like it was right because I got to see an interesting moment between RuiRui and Sensei, right?”

An interesting scene… was she referring to the hugging scene? It’s kind of funny to think a fortune-telling could be right based on that…

“Come to think of it, Mochi like fortune-telling, right?” (Rui)

Upon hearing my words, Mochi responded with a happy expression.

“Oh, you know quite a bit!” (Mochi)

“I’m a fan of this show, after all. Though I haven’t been following for long.” (Rui)

“Oh, I see.” (Mochi)

Mochi had previously mentioned her fondness for fortune-telling on the show. I remembered that detail… And Mochi continued.

“So, RuiRui, do you have a sense of how the show flows?” (Mochi)

“Well, I have a general idea. The guest episodes usually start with them accidentally wandering into the science preparation room, right?” (Rui)

“That’s right. At first, Sensei and I will be chatting, and then you’ll come in and improvise freely in the science preparation room.” (Mochi)

“I see… But I’m a bit nervous about it…” (Rui)

As I thought about the pressure of being solely responsible for any mistakes or slips due to the high degree of freedom on the show, Andou-sensei spoke to me.

“Don’t worry, Rui-kun. The viewers are kind too.” (Kazuo)

“I understand that, of course… But relying too much on their kindness might not be good. Because I love this show, I really want to see it through properly.” (Rui)

Upon hearing my words, the two exchanged glances.

“Wow, you’re already more responsible than Mochi.” (Mochi)

“Haha, we should learn from him, shouldn’t we?” (Kazuo)

“Nono, seriously, you two should just be yourselves as usual!” (Rui)

I don’t want to be the one to change the atmosphere, and above all, I must not forget that this show belongs to these two, and I’m just a guest.

To ease my nervousness, Andou-sensei made a suggestion.

“Well then, since we’re here, shall we practice a bit? We have the script ready.” (Kazuo)

“That’s a good idea, Sensei. But when was the last time we practiced? It’s been months.” (Mochi)

“That’s amazing. You’ve managed to pull off such awesome streams without practice…?” (Rui)

“Ahaha, I’m honored… Well then, shall we start from the opening talk?” (Kazuo)

“Yes!” (Mochi)

“…Yes, please!” (Rui)

And so, we opened the script handed to us, and the three of us began to go through the flow of the show.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

I didn’t expect MC to do the hugging thing. The fact that Mochi even came in at that time😂

I can see that Mochi is also an advocate of childhood friend supremacy. Childhood friends need love too.

Also, Mochi talks in third person, but it’s kinda hard to translate without using the word ‘I’ so I just left them inside during times when she didn’t say her name but I still need to use that word.


  1. Rakugo is a form of Japanese verbal entertainment, traditionally performed in theatres. The lone storyteller sits on a raised platform. Using only a paper fan and a small cloth as props, and without standing up from the seiza position, the rakugo artist depicts a long and complicated comical story.

CFVT – Vol 1 Chapter 4 Part 2 – Love Talk with an Introvert is Difficult

And so the question was resolved… somehow? With that, Ayaka moved on to the next question.

“Alright, let’s move on to the next one! This one is… oh, it’s from a ReiBoy! It’s from SourGrapes-kun!” (Rei)

“That’s an interesting name.” (Rui)

“[Rei-san, guest Lily-san, and Ramen Man-san, hello!]” (Rei)

“Oi.” (Rui)




Uhihi, Ramen Man…! Ramen Man…!!” (Lily)

Lily, perhaps reminded of that distinctive visual, continued laughing. Caught up in her laughter, Ayaka temporarily paused reading the letter…

“…Sorry, you can go on, Rei.” (Lily)

“Yeah, okay. [I’m in middle school, and on this year’s Valentine’s Day, I received handmade cookies from a girl I haven’t talked much to. Since then, I can’t stop thinking about her. Does this mean she likes me back? If so, should I confess…?]” (Rei)

“…” (Rui)

Here it is, that question… It pains me to give serious advice to this middle schooler, but it’s probably tougher for them to continue misunderstanding…

“Well, I think she might like you. So I think you should confess soon… What do you think, Rui?” (Rei)

“Are you serious, Rei… I think it’s a no-go. Like, a high chance.” (Rui)

“Huh, why!?” (Rei)

Comment:『Well, that makes sense.』

Comment:『Isn’t it just an obligation kind of gift?』

Comment:『No, if it’s handmade, some thought must have been put into it.』

Comment:『I’m with Rei on this.』

The comments are divided into two camps, with supporters for both Rui and Rei… Wow, it’s getting intense. Almost like a debate show now.

“Since the letter doesn’t provide much detail, I’m speculating from my perspective… First, receiving cookies on Valentine’s Day is a key point. When you think of Valentine’s, what’s the typical gift?” (Rui)

“I know, Rui! It’s chocolate!” (Lily)

“Lily’s correct. Yes, Valentine’s is traditionally about giving chocolate.” (Rui)

Comment:『But can’t you give other things besides chocolate?』

Comment:『Muffins or cookies could work too, right?』

Comment:『Some people don’t like chocolate, you know!』

“I get everyone’s points, but we’re discussing the norm here… So, instead of focusing on chocolate, we should think about why cookies were chosen.” (Rui)

“Then, Rui, why do you think she chose cookies?” (Rei)

“I think she’s probably good at baking. It’s different from just melting and molding store-bought chocolate into something that passes as homemade, which some classmates might do.” (Rui)

“Rui… Aren’t you making enemies with all the middle school girls nationwide? Are you okay?” (Rei)

I felt like I might have gone too far, but I don’t really have female fans anymore anyways… More importantly, I thought it was important to show him the reality! So I stepped up my game here and passionately appealed to everyone.

“…So she made cookies! But for those who’ve done it before, you know you can actually make a lot of cookies! Of course, it takes time and effort because you have to bake multiple batches!” (Rui)



Comment:『The topic suddenly changed.』

Comment:『Could it be…』

“By making a lot of cookies, naturally, she can give them to more people… In other words! Even to classmates you haven’t talked much to, you now have extra to give them as well!” (Rui)


Comment:『Stop ittttttt!』

Comment:『So that’s what you meant!!』

The comments were in an uproar, but I pressed on.

“Furthermore, even though it just says ‘cookies’ here, they might have been chocolate cookies for someone special, or perhaps they were shaped into cute designs!” (Rui)


Comment:『Please stop!』

Comment:『Stop it already!』

Comment:『Stop it, Rui! The questioner’s life is already at zero!』

“…That’s all. Rei, are you convinced?” (Rui)

“Uh… yeah, well, I guess I’m convinced, but… I think I might understand a bit why Rui doesn’t have many friends.” (Rei)

“Eh?” (Rui)

Ayaka’s words made his heart tighten. Not with a flutter, but with a tight squeeze… Am I really that tactless?

“Well then, based on Rui’s answer… what did Lily-chan think?” (Rei)

Here, Ayaka turned the conversation to Lily. I think her response to my statement must have been quite challenging… After a brief hesitation, Lily spoke up.

“Well… it’s true that Rui’s thoughts might not be entirely wrong… but! At the very least, I don’t think anyone dislikes you! No one would give cookies to someone they hate, no matter how many they baked!” (Lily)

With that, she encouraged the questioner. And Lily continued on…

“So you should be confident! I don’t know if that girl likes you or not, but relationships can change in any way! So why don’t you start by asking her how to make the cookies?” (Lily)

She even gave advice to the questioner. Ah, Lily is such a good girl…!

Comment:『Perfect answer』

Comment:『Lily-chan is so kind…』

Comment:『I wish Lily would hold a consultation session』

Comment:『I’ll become a fan of Lily-chan!』

Compared to Lily’s perfect answer… I… I…!

“…Somehow, I feel embarrassed about myself now.” (Rui)



Comment:『It’s good that you can reflect on it』

Comment:『Isn’t it good though?』

Comment:『But I think Rui’s realistic advice is necessary too』

Comment:『Lily-chan is the one who empathized with the questioner the most, though…』


──After that, we answered several more questions. Well, some of them were questionable whether we actually solved them, but the comments were lively, so let’s call it a win…

Fuu we read quite a lot. I guess it’s about time to wrap up?” (Rei)

“Eeeh? It’s already over!?” (Lily)

“Well, it’s been over two hours.” (Rui)

The clock under the monitor showed ’22:24′. According to the schedule, the stream should have ended a long time ago.

“Is that so…” (Lily)

But Lily’s voice clearly sounded sad. Honestly, ending this fun time made me feel a bit lonely too…

“Then, let’s read one last simple one! We’ll answer it and end the stream?” (Rei)

Reading the mood, Ayaka made that suggestion to us.

“Ah, sounds good to me.” (Rui)

“Yeah, got it!” (Lily)

Lily agreed with the proposal energetically… Ayaka, hearing this, smiled and started reading the letter.

“Alright, this will be the last one! A letter from Sudeire-chan! [Hello, Rei-chan, Rui-kun, and Lily-chan]!” (Rei)

“Oh, someone actually read our names properly…” (Rui)

It should be normal, but why does this make me so happy…?

“[Tell us about situations that make you feel flustered!] … it says!” (Rei)

“… Is that it?” (Rui)

“That’s it!” (Rei)

Is that really something people want to know…? Well, we didn’t discuss this question during the prep meeting, and Ayaka probably chose it because it seemed quick to answer. But being asked about situations that make you feel flustered… Is that something you can come up with on the spot?

“So… who wants to go first?” (Rei)

“Me, me! I’ll go first!” (Lily)

“Ohh!” (Rei)

It’s not something you’d usually volunteer for so eagerly… And then, Lily, perhaps lost in her imagination, started speaking with a giggle.

“Hehe. For me, I’d like it if someone pressed a cold can of juice against my cheek and said something like, ‘Lily, you seem a bit down lately. Are you okay?’ …or something like that!” (Lily)


Comment:『So cliché』

Comment:『Is this an old shoujo manga?』

Comment:『Isn’t that something a girl manager would do?』

Comment:『Does Lily even have times when she’s not cheerful?』

“Yeah, that’s pretty cliché…” (Rui)

“Hey, it’s nice, right!? It would make your heart flustered, wouldn’t it!?” (Lily)

Well, I’ve only ever seen something like that in fiction. And more importantly…

“If someone did that to me suddenly, I’d probably just get mad and say, ‘Whoa, that’s cold!'” (Rui)

“…Rui, how can you know if you’ve never experienced it?” (Lily)

“Stop saying things I can’t argue with.” (Rui)



Comment:『Strong comeback』

Comment:『That’s a forbidden move』

“Hmm. So, what kind of things make you flustered, Rui?” (Lily)

And then Lily asked me. Hmm… Even if you say ‘flustered’, there are various types of it. Well, for example…

“Well… maybe if a kouhai (junior) made a bento and said, ‘I made this for you, Rui-senpai! I’m not confident, but I’d be happy if you ate it…’ and handed it over shyly, that might get to me…” (Rui)


Comment:『Oh wow…』

Comment:『Cringe voice acting』

Comment:『Why does it have to be a kouhai?』

Comment:『But honestly, I get it』

Comment:『Rui didn’t get to have that kind of youth…』

The comments were quite off-putting… but the two of them remained silent.

“…Say something, Lily.” (Rui)

“Well, I think it’s not good to interfere with someone’s ideals…” (Lily)

“I don’t need that kind of kindness!” (Rui)

Nono, if you think it’s cringy, just say so! I find it tougher to endure the looks of pity in silence.

Haa… Well then, since we both said embarrassing things, how about hearing Rei’s answer?” (Rui)

Finally, I asked Ayaka… and as if she had prepared it beforehand, Ayaka smoothly gave her answer.

“Yeah, for me… I think I’d be happy if someone came to help me when I’m in trouble or feeling down. And if they gently patted my head… I think I’d be even happier!” (Rei)




Comment:『The first two were too intense』

Comment:『Rui and Lily are just too into anime』

Ayaka’s answer was relatively praised, but for me, even the act of patting someone’s head is purely fictional. And besides…

“…Rei, you say that, but only if he’s handsome, right?” (Rui)

“Huh? Ahaha! Well, yeah, I guess so. It would probably take a reliable prince charming type for it to make me flustered!” (Rei)

“I thought so. Ahh, I shouldn’t have asked…” (Rui)

“…Rui, why do you sound so sad?” (Lily)

“W-What!? What are you talking about, Lily?! I’m definitely not sad at all!?” (Rui)

Taken aback by Lily’s unexpected remark, I retorted in a strange voice. No way! Why should I feel sad just because I asked about Ayaka’s ideal situation…!?




Comment:『Are you in elementary school?』

“Ahaha! Well then, let’s wrap it up here today! Thanks everyone for sticking around for so long! Rei, signing off!” (Rei)

Ayaka, not missing a beat to end on a good note, began to end the stream. Following that, Lily and I also said our farewells.

“Bye, everyone~!” (Lily)

“Yeah… good work.” (Rui)

Comment:『Good job, Rei!』

Comment:『Good job~』

Comment:『That was fun!』

Comment:『It was entertaining!』

Comment:『Looking forward to another collaboration from the three of you!』

Comment:『You had an excellent balance.』

After catching our breath, Ayaka ended the stream.

“Man, today was really fun!” (Lily)

“Haha, great job to both of you! …Hey, Rui. How about I make you a bento next time?” (Rei)

“Why would you do that?” (Rui)


After the stream ended like that, we chatted a bit and then disbanded the voice call. At one point, Ayaka asked me various things about bento ingredients, which caught my attention… Could she really be planning to make me a bento? Well, it could be a joke too, so I shouldn’t get my hopes up too much… Ayaka must have her own busy schedule too, after all…

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

For the Valentine’s cookie one, I can totally understand where MC’s coming from. I think it’s normal for a man to be cautious and not want to misunderstand, which, in turn, leads to thoughts similar to what MC said. 

If she’s asking for ingredients, she’s 100% gonna make it. Now, I wonder if she’ll call him senpai too.


  1. None
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