CBCF – Chapter 94 – Deciding on a Plan

“Wow, it’s already this late.” (Ouka)

“Ahaha, we talked a lot, didn’t we? We just chatted about our date all day, but it was fun!” (Asuka)

“So, shall we finalize our date plan?” (Ouka)

“Right. In the morning, Ouka will come to my place, and we’ll go out together.” (Asuka)

“And then, we’ll watch a movie. As for which movie… we’ll decide the day before by making a reservation.” (Ouka)

“Let’s each decide on the ones we want to see. Then, we’ll decide with rock-paper-scissors the day before.” (Asuka)

“After that, we’ll have lunch at a gyudon store.” (Ouka)

“I’m looking forward to that!! By the way, what kind of gyudon does Ouka like?” (Asuka)

“Hmm, I think that would be the cheese gyudon. I also like the seasonal ones.” (Ouka)

“Cheese sounds great. What else do they have?” (Asuka)

“Well, there’s kimchi, okra, grated yam, things which Asuka might like. I’m not a big fan though.” (Ouka)

“With that kind of food, it’s like we’re preparing for a long night1, Ouka ecchi…” (Asuka)

“Are you an old man or something?” (Ouka)

“I’d rather have Ouka eat it to get energized, but since you’re not good with spicy food, I’ll do it instead.” (Asuka)

“Give me a break. Don’t come complaining if you can’t sleep at night.” (Ouka)

“After that, it’s shopping. Come to think of it, isn’t this the first time we’re going shopping together?” (Asuka)

“Huh? Don’t we often go grocery shopping together?” (Ouka)

“I mean, isn’t this the first time we’re going to buy something together other than groceries?” (Asuka)

“…Come to think of it, you might be right.” (Ouka)

“This time, I’ll coordinate Ouka’s outfit!” (Asuka)

“Huh?” (Ouka)

“What’s wrong, Ouka?” (Asuka)

“Come to think of it, I don’t have any clothes to wear for a date. Is it okay if I just wear my usual clothes?” (Ouka)

“Hmm… In that case, how about we go buy clothes together before our date?” (Asuka)

“Hey, that’ll be breaking our streak of firsts, is that okay?” (Ouka)

“It’s not a big deal. Oh, while we’re at it, let’s buy some camping gear, we’re going camping!!” (Asuka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Sorry, but I definitely translated something wrongly at the end. There were a few weird things that were said and I just left them out cause I have no idea what was being said.

Aside from that, this is the last chapter of the series. It’s too bad we didn’t get to see the date.


  1. They’re the energetic food for night activities, you know?

CBCF – Chapter 93 – Dinner Date

“For the movie, let’s pick something we both can enjoy.” (Ouka)

“Yeah, that sounds good. Oh, but if there’s a couple’s seat, I’d like to try sitting there.” (Asuka)

“A couple’s seat, you mean the soft for two kind?” (Ouka)

“Yeah. Since it’s our first date and all, if they have it, let’s give it a try.” (Asuka)

“Got it, got it. Well then, let’s decide on the movie considering the seats…” (Ouka)

“Yeah, that sounds good. What about lunch and dinner? Can’t skip those on a date, right?” (Asuka)

“Hmm… How about a restaurant for the date? Like Italian or something similar.” (Ouka)

“Restaurant? Isn’t that a bit extravagant for high schoolers?” (Asuka)

“Well, you see, they seem to have special courses for high school students. It’s a bit cheaper.” (Ouka)

“Sounds like a pain… And even if it’s a bit cheaper, if we’re paying that much, I’d rather cook myself!” (Asuka)

“If you say that, then it’s the usual… But yeah, I do feel like Asuka’s cooking would be better.” (Ouka)

“Oh, but if that’s the case, then I want to eat that!” (Asuka)

“Hm? Do you have something in mind?” (Ouka)

“Gyudon (Japanese Beef Bowl)!” (Asuka)

“Gyudon…” (Ouka)

“Thinking about it, I’ve never been to a gyudon place before.” (Asuka)

“Yeah, now that you mention it, I guess so.” (Ouka)

“Ouka has eaten alone at gyudon places before, right? So, I thought if I could analyze and replicate the taste of your favorite gyudon place, you’d be happy.” (Asuka)

“I’m impressed that you possess an ability to reproduce the taste of something that you only ate once.” (Ouka)

“Recreating flavors is the basics of being a chef!” (Asuka)

“You’re not aiming to become a chef, are you? Well, it’s not exactly a romantic place, but… If you really want to, shall we give it a try?” (Ouka)

“Yeah! I’m looking forward to the gyudon place. I wonder what kinds of gyudon they have.” (Asuka)

“Well, they have various toppings and such, so look forward to it.” (Ouka)

“Lunch is settled then. What about dinner?” (Asuka)

“Hmm, since we’re having gyudon for lunch, how about something a bit nicer for dinner…” (Ouka)

“Then let’s eat at home. I’ll cook! That’s non-negotiable.” (Asuka)

“But, isn’t it better to go out for a date?” (Ouka)

“But if do that, then Ouka won’t be able to eat my cooking for the day, right?” (Asuka)

“Uh, yeah…” (Ouka)

“Ouka, what do you want to eat to finish off our date?” (Asuka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

It is beyond me how they’re not already married. Anyways, next chapter is the last one.


  1. None

CBCF – Chapter 92 – Planning a Date

“We will now commence our first meeting to plan our inaugural date!” (Asuka)

“What’s with that way of talking…?” (Ouka)

“If we don’t decide today, there’s always a second session, so no worries!” (Asuka)

“Seriously though, Asuka, you seem surprisingly enthusiastic for someone who forgot that we’re supposed to go on a date.” (Ouka)

“Really? Do I seem that way?” (Asuka)

“Well, whatever. So, about the date… what are we going to be doing?” (Ouka)

“I’m not sure. By the way, what kind of date did you have in mind, Ouka?” (Asuka)

“First, let’s meet up in front of the station.” (Ouka)

“Even though we live next door? Unless we intentionally stagger our arrival times, we’ll just bump into each other at the front door, won’t we?” (Asuka)

“Yeah, that’s true… It feels like a farce from the get-go.” (Ouka)

“If Ouka arrives first and I ask, ‘Did you wait?’ and you answer, ‘No, I just got here,’ that’s definitely a blatant lie…” (Asuka)

“Right. If we didn’t arrive together, it’s obvious one of us would have been waiting.” (Ouka)

“Yeah… It doesn’t feel very date-like. Should we just skip the meeting part?” (Asuka)

“How about I come to pick you up, Asuka? You’re always coming to wake me up at my place, so why don’t we switch it up?” (Ouka)

“Ouka coming to pick me up? That sounds refreshing! Oh, but I’m worried about Ouka’s breakfast…” (Asuka)

“Don’t worry about that… I’m not a child.” (Ouka)

“Are you sure? Can you eat like a grown-up without spilling food everywhere?” (Asuka)

“Don’t treat me like a child!! Anyway, I’ll come pick you up, Asuka… Then let’s go watch a movie.” (Ouka)

“A movie? We’ve watched movies together many times before though. Well, it’s usually a superhero or anime one.” (Asuka)

“Right, so this time let’s watch a movie that feels like a date.” (Ouka)

“A movie that feels like a date… like a horror movie?” (Asuka)

“Why do you jump straight to horror?” (Ouka)

“I thought maybe Ouka would get scared and cling to me.” (Asuka)

“Wait, I’m the one who’s supposed to get scared?!” (Ouka)

“There, there, Ouka. If you get scared, I’ll sleep with you and even accompany you to the bathroom. (Asuka)”

“…Wait, Asuka, are you okay with horror movies?” (Ouka)

“I’m not great with them, but if it means Ouka will be scared and rely on me… I’ll steel myself.” (Asuka)
“That sounds like a flag. And besides, that reason doesn’t sound very date-like.” (Ouka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

A flag has been raised, but I don’t think we’re going to see it happen since the author probably never reached that point.


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CBCF – Side Story 31 – Another Day at the Pool

“Hayato, what do you think of my swimsuit? It’s a bit embarrassing to ask again, but do you like it?” (Mitsuki)

“Excellent! It suits you! Especially, the frills on the chest!! They look really cute!” (Hayato)

“Really? You’re not saying that just because?” (Mitsuki)

“Of course not.” (Hayato)

“I chose this cute swimsuit because Hayato wanted me to wear something cute, but I’ve never worn anything this cute before.” (Mitsuki)

“What a shame. You should do it more! You look really cute wearing it!” (Hayato)

“Well, you know, my hair is short… and… um… my chest is small so I thought that girly stuff might not suit me.” (Mitsuki)

“No, no, no, that’s not true! It really suits you!” (Hayato)

“D-Do you really think so?” (Mitsuki)

“It’s so cute that I feel like attacking you even though we’re outside.” (Hayato)

“Maybe if we’re alone I don’t mind… W-What are you making me say?!” (Mitsuki)

“I didn’t really make you say it…? It was Mitsuki self-destructing herself, right?” (Hayato)

“Uuu… Hayato’s at fault here. Playing with my feelings like this…” (Mitsuki)

“No, I was just joking. I never thought you would say something like that.” (Hayato)

“Nooo… Don’t bring it up again, it’s embarrassing.” (Mitsuki)

“Whoa, my girlfriend is extra cute today.” (Hayato)

“Enough already! Come on, let’s go to the lazy pool.” (Mitsuki)

“Alright! But it’s unusual for Mitsuki to suddenly want to go to the pool.” (Hayato)

“Apparently, Asuka came to the pool with Toyabe-kun, so I got a little jealous.” (Mitsuki)

“Oh, you wanted a pool date, huh? If they had invited us, we could have had a double date.” (Hayato)

“…Well, about that…” (Mitsuki)

“What’s wrong, Mitsuki? You’re making a really complicated face…” (Hayato)

“It seems that those two are going to attempt their first date soon.” (Mitsuki)

“…Mitsuki-san… What do they mean by that?” (Hayato)

“Well, even I’m not so sure. Asuka was all excited, saying, ‘Ouka invited me on our first date! What should I do, Mitsuki?!’ and stuff like that…” (Mitsuki)

“They always seem like they’re on a date though…” (Hayato)

“So, she asked us for advice based on our experience, but I just told her to do what she always does.” (Mitsuki)

“Those two… are really something, huh?” (Hayato)

“I know right? Well, let’s just enjoy ourselves in our own way.” (Mitsuki)

“Yeah. Maybe there’ll be some happy accidents today?” (Hayato)

“Of course not, baka.” (Mitsuki)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

If you don’t remember, these two got together in ss 6. They rarely show up so I pretty much forgot about them. Though, this is the last side story that the author posted.


  1. None

CBCF – Chapter 91 – A Lazy Day

“Ahhhh… I don’t feel like doing anything today…” (Asuka)

“You’re really slacking off, Asuka. Is it because of the pool? Or are you having sore muscles again?” (Ouka)

“I can deal with the sore muscles. Actually, wasn’t today supposed to be the day Auntie was coming back?” (Asuka)

“Oh, right. Mom said her return got delayed by a day, so it’s tomorrow.” (Ouka)

“I was looking forward to seeing her after so long… That’s why I thought I’d just take it easy today.” (Asuka)

“Asuka, were you really that close with my mom?” (Ouka)

“Well, we were supposed to play with Auntie as a thank-you for the pool expense. So I’m all-ready for it.” (Asuka)

“Oh, I see. Come to think of it, I remember something like that.” (Ouka)

“Did you forget? You thanked Uncle, but he said not to worry about it and asked us to play with Auntie instead.” (Asuka)

“I was also thinking of returning the leftover money after we got back from the pool, but he said since I’ll probably go out with Asuka again, to just keep it.” (Ouka)

“Ouka is so polite. If it were me, I wouldn’t even think about returning the leftover money and just take it as is.” (Asuka)

“Well, remember we talked about having our first date together? I thought maybe this is a good chance to start saving up for that.” (Ouka)

“Come to think of it, we did talk about having our first date together.” (Asuka)

“You forgot about it?” (Ouka)

“I didn’t really remember much about it, ahaha.” (Asuka)

“Was I the only one who cared…? So, what should we do? What kind of date do you want?” (Ouka)

“Huh? You’re asking me? I thought maybe you’d do some surprise or something…” (Asuka)

“Listen, Asuka. Let me tell you something important. When it comes to dates, it’s better not to do any half-baked surprises. It’s best to discuss with your partner properly.” (Ouka)

“Is that so? You seem to know a lot about it, Ouka.” (Asuka)

“Well, I asked my friend who has a girlfriend, and he said prepared a weird surprise once, and she wasn’t impressed…” (Ouka)

“Ahaha, I see~” (Asuka)

“So, I thought maybe I should consult with you about what you want.” (Ouka)

“Then let’s brainstorm some date plans together.” (Asuka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

The whole play with Auntie as a thank-you thing was mentioned way back in ch 75. Yeh, remember that number of chapters ago?


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CBCF – Side Story 30 – Inside the Car

“Mmm… nnn…” (Kamizuru)

“Kamizuru-san, are you sleepy? It’s okay to sleep if you’re tired, you know?” (Boss)

“Nnn… I’m fine… Today was fun…” (Kamizuru)

“Yeah, it was. Thank you for inviting me here, Kamizuru-san.” (Boss)

“Shuusui-san, don’t say that. The day isn’t over yet, so let’s keep calling each other by our first names.” (Kamizuru)

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassing though.” (Boss)

“Even though it was fine back at the pool?” (Kamizuru)

“Right now, we’re alone together in the car, you know? Even I feel a bit embarrassed.” (Boss)

“Don’t… Please call me by my name, Shuusui-san…” (Kamizuru)

“You look sleepy.” (Boss)

“Don’t try to change the subject…” (Kamizuru)

“Okay, okay, I got it, Meiri-san. Is this better?” (Boss)

“~~~~~!” (Kamizuru)

“What’s wrong, Meiri-san? Why are you waving your arms around like that…?” (Boss)

“It’s just that… being called by name in the car is way more overwhelming than I imagined… but I’m happy.” (Kamizuru)

“From being called by your first name by someone like me…? That’s exaggerating.” (Boss)

“It’s not… Shuusui-san is wonderful…” (Kamizuru)

“Meiri-san, you should get some rest. You can lie on the back of your seat. Otherwise, you might strain your neck too much.” (Boss)

“But.. I want to… talk more…” (Kamizuru)

“Don’t push yourself. You can sleep until we reach your house.” (Boss)

“I don’t want to go home… today… Shuusui-san… together…” (Kamizuru)

“Meiri-san, young ladies shouldn’t say such things before marriage.” (Boss)

“I’m sorry… zzz… zzz…” (Kamizuru)

“Meiri-san? Did you fall asleep…? You have a lovely sleeping face.” (Boss)

“Shuusui-san… Let’s play together again… someday…” (Kamizuru)

“Yeah… let’s do that… Kamizuru-san.” (Boss)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Unfortunately, that day will never come because this is also their last chapter. Rip.


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CBCF – Chapter 90 – Sharing

“Ouka liked butts, huh… Even though we’ve been childhood friends for so long, I didn’t know that.” (Asuka)

“Wait, don’t just assume I’m a butt person.” (Ouka)

“So, are you a boob person then? Which is it?” (Asuka)

“No matter how I answer, I lose! Just take this and eat it.” (Ouka)

“A heart-shaped one? Ouka, didn’t you buy this for yourself?” (Asuka)

“If I eat this here, it’s like admitting that seeing Asuka’s butt was lucky, and I don’t want that.” (Ouka)

“It’s not a big deal to admit it. Is my butt not good enough?” (Asuka)

“That’s not what I meant. Come on, here, think of it as sharing some luck with you.” (Ouka)

“Okay then, don’t take back what you said. Aaah.” (Asuka)

“…Is it good?” (Ouka)

“It’s delicious. I wonder what kind of luck will I get today?” (Asuka)

“Who knows? Well then, I’ll have the star-shaped one.” (Ouka)

“Isn’t that for wishes?” (Asuka)

“Yeah, I think so. Something about wishes coming true.” (Ouka)

“Okay, but wait a bit before you eat.” (Asuka)

“Hm? What are you doing, clasping your hands like that?” (Ouka)

“…” (Asuka)

“Asuka-san?” (Ouka)

“Yeah, you can eat it now. Since we have the chance, I thought I’d make a wish at least.” (Asuka)

“What’s up with you, doing something so girly?” (Ouka)

“I’m still a girl, you know?!” (Asuka)

“My bad. What’s up with you doing something so pure like a girl?” (Ouka)

“I’m a pure maiden!! Ouka, you’re so rude!!” (Asuka)

“Well, whatever. What did you wish for?” (Ouka)

“That’s a secret~ If I say it out loud, it might not come true, you know?” (Asuka)

“I see… Well then, here, have this one too.” (Ouka)

“Huh?” (Asuka)

“May Asuka’s wish come true. Oh, look, Asuka, there’s a four-leaf clover underneath. This star seems to have some blessings.” (Ouka)

“…Thank you. Well then, I’ll give you some of my Monaka Ice Cream too. Let’s share.” (Asuka)

“Yeah. Thanks.” (Ouka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

That was so sweet, if not for the fact that Asuka probably made a weird wish. I’m sure we’ll find out.


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CBCF – Chapter 89 – Which One

“Don’t you want to get something more expensive? Are you sure you want this?” (Ouka)

“Yeah, this Chocolate Monaka Ice Cream is one of my favourites. It’s nice and crispy.” (Asuka)

“I thought you were going to ask for something expensive…” (Ouka)

“That wouldn’t be very kind to Ouka’s wallet. There are still plenty of things I want to do during summer vacation.” (Asuka)

“Asuka… It makes me happy to see you growing into such a considerate child… your father is pleased.” (Ouka)

“Why are you looking at it from a father’s perspective? Anyways, which one did Ouka buy?” (Asuka)

“I went with Pino1.” (Ouka)

“Pino? That’s nice~ I wonder if it has heart-shaped or star-shaped pieces inside?” (Asuka)

“Apparently, they’ve also been including four-leaf clover shapes inside recently.” (Ouka)

“Really? I didn’t know that. Come on, open it!” (Asuka)

“Sure thing. Let’s see…” (Ouka)

“Wow, amazing!! It has both heart and star-shaped pieces!!” (Asuka)

“Oh, that’s lucky! Hearts represent happiness, and stars are for wishes, right? This is great.” (Ouka)

“I guess it’s Ouka’s lucky day today. Hmm… Ouka’s wishes and happiness …” (Asuka)

“What’s wrong, Asuka? You’re making a strange face.” (Ouka)

“…Could it be that Ouka wished to see my butt at the pool today!?” (Asuka)

“I didn’t wish for that! Why would I?!” (Ouka)

“Well, isn’t that the luckiest thing that happened to you today?” (Asuka)

“Well… I mean, I won’t deny it, but…” (Ouka)

“I see… So Ouka prefers butts over boobs… It’s a bit embarrassing to think about that… but I’ll have to prepare myself…!!” (Asuka)

“No, there’s no need to prepare yourself. I don’t understand Asuka’s standards for embarrassment.” (Ouka)

“Ouka, do you think I should start wearing miniskirts more often from now on? I don’t have many miniskirts… If you prefer butts, maybe hot pants? Or jeans?” (Asuka)

“What are you saying that with such a serious face…” (Ouka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

A chapter just can’t end without Asuka making some sort of ecchi joke.

Also, I googled Monaka Ice Cream and it looked like some sort of waffle with ice cream fillings inside. It actually looks kinda nice.

Anyways, I’m back and there are only about 7 chapters left so let’s finish it.


  1. Raw said Pinyo, but I guess it’s supposed to be Pino, which is apparently a popular ice cream brand in Japan. They’re like small bite-sized chocolate ice cream.

CBCF – Chapter 88 – A Little Sulking

“It’s been a while since we came to the pool, but it was fun, wasn’t it? Though, sliding down the slide so much really hurts.” (Ouka)

“Yeah, it was fun. Let’s come again sometime.” (Asuka)

“Asuka, are you okay? You’re probably going to get sore muscles from sliding down so much…” (Ouka)

“Yeah, I probably will. I can already see it happening…!” (Asuka)

“Um… taking supplements and getting plenty of sleep can apparently help reduce muscle soreness.” (Ouka)

“Is that so?” (Asuka)

“I’m not sure about the details, it’s just something I saw when I did a quick search.” (Ouka)

“If you knew that kind of stuff, you should’ve told me earlier.” (Asuka)

“No, I looked it up after you got muscle soreness the other day.” (Ouka)

“Oh, really? You looked it up just for me?” (Asuka)

“I don’t want you to keep getting muscle soreness and colds over and over again…” (Ouka)

“That won’t happen so often! I’m fine!!” (Asuka)

“A lot happened at the pool today, so be careful. Even your butt was completely exposed… ah!” (Ouka)

“……!!” (Asuka)

“Stop silently hitting me!! Stop it!! That was an accident!!” (Ouka)

“Don’t remind me of that!! It’s embarrassing!! Ouka, you idiot (baka)!!” (Asuka)

“You were fine with the top, so why the butt…” (Ouka)

“Because Ouka forcefully pulled it off!! From the front and from behind…” (Asuka)

“It’s a good thing there weren’t other people around at the exit… seriously. If we had been a little later, it could’ve been worse.” (Ouka)

“Ugh… it’s a relief that only Ouka saw it but… I don’t care about you anymore, Ouka!!” (Asuka)

“Ah, what a pain. You’re so troublesome when you’re acting like this.” (Ouka)

“Don’t call me a pain!! You looked at a girl’s lower half!!” (Asuka)

“You’re so stubborn!! Don’t get mad!! No, don’t sulk!! I’m sorry, okay?” (Ouka)

“…Hmph.” (Asuka)

“Hey… Asuka, um… do you want some ice cream?” (Ouka)

“…?!” (Asuka)

“I’ll treat you to some slightly expensive ice cream if you cheer up a bit, okay?” (Asuka)

“…In a cup?” (Asuka)

“…In a cup or in a cone, whatever you like.” (Ouka)

“Alright, Ouka!! Let’s go to the convenience store!!” (Asuka)

“You’re like a child with how fast your attitude changes. Oi, don’t cling onto me. It’s hard to walk like this.” (Ouka)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

I’ve been having some issues with my website lately cause WordPress is shit and it takes forever to post a chapter. Just throwing this out there cause you might see some bugs when reading. I have no idea how to fix this, so I’m considering just reinstalling everything on my website or just shutting it down and joining a translation group. Of course, I prefer the former so hopefully I can find a fix to this.

I’ll be overseas for about a week, so I won’t be posting any chapters until I get back.


  1. None

CBCF – Side Story 29 – The Two on the Way Back

“Ah, today was fun! Right, Hishiki?” (Dateyama)

“Yeah, it sure was. It was really fun, Dateyama.” (Hishiki)

“Today was the best day ever! Let’s celebrate today every year as Hishiki Day!!” (Dateyama)

“Could you not do that?” (Hishiki)

“No?” (Dateyama)

“I’d be happy if you didn’t.” (Hishiki)

“Then I won’t. But I was happy we got to slide down the waterslide together too.” (Dateyama)

“Well, I was a bit hesitant…” (Hishiki)

“It’s fine. In the end, I got to hold you close and slide down together.” (Dateyama)

“Don’t mention it… it’s embarrassing…” (Hishiki)

“From now on, it’s okay for us to openly show our feelings, right? I’m gonna go all out and attack.” (Dateyama)

“…It’s embarrassing, but yeah, it’s fine. But… there’s no need for you to attack me?” (Hishiki)

“Well, you said we’re still not… you know, official yet.” (Dateyama)

“I just want to enjoy being more than friends but not quite lovers for a little longer.” (Hishiki)

“Is that really all?” (Dateyama)

“…If Dateyama becomes my boyfriend, he might not be able to hold back in various ways.” (Hishiki)

“Huh? Don’t you trust me? Do you think I’ll do something that Hishiki doesn’t like?” (Dateyama)

“No… um…” (Hishiki)

“Hmm?” (Dateyama)

“I just feel like my own self-restraint might not hold up…” (Hishiki)

“Hey, why don’t you come over to my place today? My parents aren’t home.” (Dateyama)

“Don’t just invite me over like that!! You sound dead serious!!” (Hishiki)

“But if you say such cute things to me, my self-restraint won’t hold either!! You’re totally inviting me, aren’t you?!” (Dateyama)

“I’m not inviting you!! Just wait until I calm down a bit!!” (Hishiki)

Haa… I’ll try to hold back.” (Dateyama)

“Sorry, Dateyama… just give me some time to calm down.” (Hishiki)

“…Hey, Hishiki. Am I making you do something you don’t want to? Like, even though you actually like Toriyabe-senpai, you’re just convincing yourself you like me because I confessed… There’s no way that’s true, right?” (Dateyama)

“Huh? What are you talking about?” (Hishiki)

“Well, you know, it’s just… I’m so happy it’s almost scary… Like, if our feelings are reciprocated, I’m worried I might have brainwashed you into liking me.” (Dateyama)

“Don’t worry about silly things like that. I really do like you, Dateyama.” (Hishiki)

“If that’s the case, then it’s fine, but…” (Dateyama)

“Come on, stop making that worried face… I’ll even prove it a little bit. Lean down, Dateyama.” (Hishiki)

“Huh…? Hishiki, what are you… ah.” (Dateyama)

“How’s that? Does that ease your worries?” (Hishiki)

“Ah… Hishiki… kissed my cheek…” (Dateyama)

“Well, shall we head home for today?” (Hishiki)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

So, this is actually the last side story featuring these two… so yeh, say your goodbyes to them. It’s kinda sad that they didn’t officially get together, even though they’re pretty much together.

We’re getting closer and closer to the end.


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Character List (might contain spoilers)