CGM – Vol 3 Side Story – Water balloons

Anya and I walked while playing with water balloons.

We looped the long rubber attached to the water balloons around our middle fingers and stretched them out, making them bounce back and forth. It’s simple but incredibly fun.

“Wil-sama, water balloons are so much fun, aren’t they?” (Anya)

“Yeah. It feels like we’ve returned to our childhood.” (Wilhelm)

Kyaa! It’s cold!” (Anya)

It seems like Anya couldn’t catch the stretched-out water balloon properly. With force, the water balloon hit her chest and burst.

“Aww, I’m soaked.” (Anya)

“Are you okay, Anya?” (Wilhelm)

“Yes, I’m fine. It’s summer, so I’ll dry quickly.” (Anya)

I draped my jacket over Anya. It’s only natural to act as the gentleman of the town.

Oh, Stephanie is waving from the side of the road.

“Hey, you two! Wanna see Stephanie-chan’s magic trick?” (Stephanie)

“Wow, it’s Stephanie-san! We’d love to see it!” (Anya)

“Thanks! I’ll show you my latest creation.” (Stephanie)

Anya’s eyes sparkle with excitement.

I approached Stephanie, flicking the rubber of the water balloon back and forth. Whoops, maybe I got a little carried away with the water balloon. Perhaps I stretched the rubber too much, making it loose.

The rubber slipped off my finger, and the water balloon flew towards Stephanie.

“Ah, sorry, Stephanie.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Ahh!” (Stephanie)

The water balloon hit Stephanie’s chest. It bounced off with a dreamy feeling.

And then, the water balloon collided with my face, full force.

“Guah!” (Wilhelm)

“Sorry. Wait, should I be apologizing?” (Stephanie)

“No, but thanks.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Why am I being thanked? And with such a nice smile.” (Stephanie)

“Well, I indirectly got to experience the resilience of Stephanie’s chest, even if it was accidental. Wouldn’t anyone feel grateful for that?” (Wilhelm)

“I don’t get it at all. Honestly…” (Stephanie)

Anya stared at me intensely. She seemed to have a realization. She looked at her own chest and then at Stephanie’s. A sense of defeat filled Anya’s eyes.

It’s because Anya’s chest wasn’t soft enough that the water balloon burst. I patted Anya’s head.

Stephanie noticed the water balloon I was holding.

“Maybe I’ll turn this water balloon into a magic trick. Hoi, hoi, hoi!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie started juggling with seven water balloons.

“Wow! No way. Stephanie, you’re good at this.” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t be amazed just yet. The real magic starts from here.” (Stephanie)

“But, aren’t you just going to fail and pop them all anyway?” (Wilhelm)

“Haha, not at all. Now, get ready for the highlight of this magic trick.” (Stephanie)

However, all the water balloons burst, leaving Stephanie completely soaked.

“T-This is strange. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.” (Stephanie)

She was completely drenched. The clothes clung to her skin, emphasizing her bust line. What an incredible figure!

“I-I’m so jealous.” (Anya)

Anya exclaimed in shock.

“So, this is the miracle, huh?” (Wilhelm)

It was strange to be amazed, but her body line was indeed miraculous.

Stephanie looked incredibly embarrassed.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Yep, the author brought Stephanie back one last time for this chapter. Well, I like Stephanie so more of her is a win in my books.

So yeh, this is it. It’s kind of sad but we’re caught up with this series. And mannn was it fun to translate. I mentioned this before, but this is the most fun I had translating a series and I really hope there are more vols in the future. For now, goodbye to MC, Anya, Sofia, Clara, Eva, Liliana and Stephanie. Oh and Feene and Tony too cause I quite like them.

Well, for the few of you who stuck around, good work getting through the entire series. Hopefully, it was a fun read.


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CGM – Vol 3 Epilogue

I was being brought forward to the throne of the king. Surrounding me were only strong soldiers.

The king was about the same age as my father, but his hair and beard were both white and bushy. He was tall with a dignified face.

With a somewhat weary expression, the king looked down at me. Standing right beside him was my father. Unlike the king, my father’s face was radiant.

“Your Majesty, this is the criminal Wilhelm.” (Robert)

“Hmm. I am well aware. He is your son, is he not?” (King)

“Huh? No, he’s a complete stranger to me.” (Robert)

“What? Did you forget that when Wilhelm was born, you brought him to me with a foolishly proud expression and insisted I hold him? Have you already forgotten?” (King)

“That eldest son has already passed away. Could you refrain from bringing up sad memories?” (Robert)

“Now now, he’s alive and well before us. And look, he’s even holding the national treasure, the magic sword.” (King)

“He’s just a doppelgänger.” (Robert)

“Well, enough of that. So, Wilhelm, do you really like that magic sword so much?” (King)

“Not at all! This thing just won’t leave me alone!” (Wilhelm)

Indeed, the magic sword, Catastrophe, remained stuck to my body, seemingly unable to be removed. Perhaps Feene had placed some sort of curse on it. Despite being pulled by various people and even attempting magic to dispel the curse, it remained firmly attached.

The king let out a deep sigh.

“If only it didn’t end up like this… I was thinking of giving Wilhelm a medal or something, you know.” (King)

My father expressed his dissatisfaction greatly.

“It’s wasteful to give him medals and such. It would lower the prestige of them. Indeed, it’s better to exile him from the country. No, perhaps forced labor would make that fellow reflect. Oh, not enough? Are you suggesting something as extreme as execution? Your Majesty, how strict you are.” (Robert)

Father… Is that how you act even in front of His Majesty?

“Now now, you keep quiet. Show a little more love for your son.” (King)

“I must respectfully decline the latter proposal.” (Robert)

Haa… Wilhelm, you’ve been through a lot…” (King)

“Yes, that’s true…” (Wilhelm)

There was someone here who sympathized with me.

“Now then, I want to ask Wilhelm. Are you intending to proclaim yourself as the Demon King and seize this country?” (King)

“I have never considered such a thing. All I want is a peaceful paradise where I can shut myself in without worries.” (Wilhelm)

Haa… So you’re still continuing your shut-in lifestyle…” (King)

“No, recently I’ve been working a lot like a horse.” (Wilhelm)

“You’re not a child anymore. Working is just common sense.” (King)

The king rose with dignity. His presence was not just impressive, it was awe-inspiring.

“Wilhelm. I shall inform you of your fate.” (King)


Even though I think it’s a bit scary to be treated like a Demon King just for standing on top of the royal castle, I don’t think they’ll execute just because of that.

“The national treasure, the magic sword, Catastrophe, shall be entrusted to you for a while.” (King)

“Eh? I don’t need it!” (Wilhelm)

“Refusal is impossible. If you can remove the dangerous aspects of it, then it shall be promptly returned to the country.” (King)

“Then, let’s try to fix it right now! There’s an easy way to do so!” (Wilhelm)

I was about to slam the magic sword that had been attached to my back onto my thigh when Feene intervened.

“Waitttt, please waitttt! I’ll behave, I promise! Pleaseeee! I beg youuu! Just please don’t break ittttt!” (Feene)

“What are you talking about? Does a magic sword have a life?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s so cruel—” (Feene)

“Wilhelm, don’t think lightly of damaging a national treasure, alright?” (King)

“Huh? Your Majesty, why are you siding with the magic sword?” (Wilhelm)

“I’m starting to find it amusing watching you.” (King)

Ah, so that’s the kind of person he is.

“Well, joking aside, there’s something I want you to do for a while. And for that, you’ll need that magic sword.” (King)

“Something you want me to do…? Me, the shut-in?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s right. I want you to get off your backside and do something. It’s about the artifacts of the Demon King stolen from the museum. Unfortunately, they’ve all disappeared without a trace. I want you to recover them all.” (King)

“Huh, whaaaaaat? That sounds so exhausting! If I do that kind of labor, I won’t be able to shut myself in anymore! And besides, isn’t that a job for a civil servant?” (Wilhelm)

“According to rumors, you’ve been considering getting a job lately.” (King)

“W-Who told you such unnecessary things?” (Wilhelm)

Liliana? Edel-nee? There aren’t many candidates. Damn it.

“Hehehe, who could it be? Well, that’s beside the point. It’s fine if you choose to become a civil servant, but you’re free to choose any profession you want, Wilhelm. However, there’s one job in particular that I insist you do. What if the artifacts of the Demon King fall into the hands of someone with ill intentions? No one else but you can handle this. I promise that if Wilhelm Wondersky returns all the artifacts to the country, I will declare him innocent of any suspicion of being the Demon King.” (King)

“…Understood.” (Wilhelm)

“Very well. While I can’t award you a medal, I’ll see to it that you receive a reward. You’ve worked well this time. Thanks to you, our friendship with the [Seagull Principality] has been maintained.” (King)

I ended up receiving a considerable sum of money and a letter of gratitude.

However, due to my father’s persistent request, the money ended up being delivered not to me personally, but to the Wondersky family. It seems it was a measure to prevent me from easily shutting myself in.

“That’s all. Is there anything else, Wilhelm?” (King)

“What will be the outcome of this commotion?” (Wilhelm)

“The friendship between the two countries will be maintained, and the Grand Duke will return to his country with a large amount of food from our nation and the saint, making it a happy ending.” (King)

“Well, actually, one of my friends got caught up in all of this.” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, if it’s Stephanie, she returned to her homeland with the Grand Duke.” (King)

“Huh?” (Wilhelm)

“She’s a noble lady of the [Seagull Principality]. She may be adopted, but nobility is nobility. To ensure no cracks appear in our friendship, I left her treatment entirely to the Grand Duke.” (King)

“Huh, but she ran away from home. Did a noble lady really cross the sea alone to come this far?” (Wilhelm)

“I’ve heard that she ran away from home due to an excessive belief in the Demon King. Her family was worried sick and even filed a missing person report. Since she’s a minor, our country won’t take any action. Well, the thieves will receive harsh punishment without mercy. Hahaha…” (King)

A noblewoman? Stephanie? That clumsy magician? My image of nobility has been shattered. The world is so unpredictable. Well, if Stephanie, who had a tough childhood, has found a warm family who cares about her whereabouts when she runs away, then I feel a little relieved.

I bowed deeply to the king. Then, I left the room.

With this, the matter is settled. For now, I’ll return to the [Grand Bahamut] and prepare to shut myself in at my parents’ house. I’ll think about work later.

Night fell.

After thoroughly enjoying Anya’s delicious meal, I’m ready to return to shut myself in. I’ve decided to leave all the work at the [Grand Bahamut] to Tony. He declared that he would work like a horse as an apology for causing trouble at the friendship ceremony. With Tony in charge, I shouldn’t have any worries.

As I headed to the entrance of the [Grand Bahamut], Anya looked sad.

“Wil-sama, I’ll miss you.” (Anya)

I patted Anya’s head.

“Well, I’ll come back again someday.” (Wilhelm)

“Really? I’ll be waiting, ready to make delicious meals for you, so please come back for sure.” (Anya)

“…Yeah, I’m looking forward to it.” (Wilhelm)

I waved goodbye to Anya and left [Grand Bahamut].

I walk alone along the night road.

As I look up at the night sky, I see a beautiful starry sky spread out. I exhale softly.

“Well then, time to think about a job.” (Wilhelm)

After I’ve properly shut myself in, of course. I’ll take my time to consider where to work.

“Wilhelm-kun.” (Liliana)

A woman approaches from the direction of the royal castle. She’s a cool-looking civil servant.

“Liliana, are you on your way home from work? Why are you here?” (Wilhelm)

“I thought you might be about to shut yourself in soon. Before you do, there’s something I’d like you to do.” (Liliana)

Is she psychic? She’s perfectly predicting when I’m going to become a shut-in.

“What do you want me to do?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s a job interview.” (Liliana)

I stop in my tracks. Liliana doesn’t stop. She approaches me, takes my hand, and starts walking, pulling me along.

“Hey, wait. Why a job interview?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s been arranged for you to have an interview with the hiring manager from our batch. If you can have a conversation that seems somewhat appropriate for three minutes, she’ll decide to hire you right away. I’ll accompany you, so let’s go.” (Liliana)

“But I’m going to shut myself in.” (Wilhelm)

“But your feelings seem to be leaning towards getting a job, don’t they?” (Liliana)

Caught red-handed.

“I understand everything you’re thinking.” (Liliana)

“That’s something my mom would say.” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t say things that’ll make women dislike you again. Come on, let’s go.” (Liliana)

Liliana pulls my hand.

“Well, hold on a second. Actually, I have plenty of options. I don’t really need to stick to being a civil servant.” (Wilhelm)

Even though I say I have plenty of options, the only other offer I have is from the church.

“Unfortunately, Wilhelm-kun, there’s no other path for you to take besides being a civil servant.” (Liliana)

“What about my feelings?” (Wilhelm)

“Because there’s no other woman who would take care of you.” (Liliana)

“Isn’t it the same in any job?” (Wilhelm)

“But I’m here, aren’t I?” (Liliana)

Liliana stopped walking. She turned around. I feel like she’s being a bit coy and cunning.

“Well, working with you, Liliana, seems like it could be fun.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana looked happy.

“I’m glad to hear that. Well then, let’s go right away. If you get hired, let’s go out for a drink to celebrate. I’ll treat you.” (Liliana)

“…That sounds good too.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana smiled brightly with a cheerful expression. It’s nice to have someone who’s happy for you.


I hear light footsteps, like those of a fairy. I turn in the direction of the sound and see Anya running towards us.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Anya? Did you forget something?” (Wilhelm)

“I just couldn’t help but feel anxious.” (Anya)

Anya looks at me and Liliana. She notices Liliana holding my hand. She must have sensed something.

“Wil-sama, I need you!” (Anya)

“Uh, what?” (Wilhelm)

“I want you to always, always be by my side. Five years from now, ten years from now, even a hundred years from now.” (Anya)

“A hundred years from now might be a bit—” (Wilhelm)

“Please let me take care of you forever! Taking care of you is my greatest happiness, Wil-sama.” (Anya)

Anya’s eyes are moist. If I continue to let Liliana lead me away like this, I feel like Anya will start crying. I can’t bear to make Anya cry.

I let go of Liliana’s hand. However, Liliana’s hand doesn’t let me go. I try to avoid it. But Liliana’s hand follows me relentlessly, like a persistent snake.

“Haha… sorry, I overheard. Wil-kun, looks like you’re in a tough spot.” (Sofia)

Sofia appears from a different direction. She puts her hand on Anya’s small shoulder.

“Hey, Wil-kun, if you’d like, how about we go on another quest sometime? I really enjoy going on quests with you.” (Sofia)

“I feel the same way, but… Can I not get a job?” (Wilhelm)

“Yeah, either is fine!” (Sofia)

“Wait a minute! Please don’t affirm Wilhelm-kun like that. Don’t spoil him. Don’t even feed him!” (Liliana)

“Am I some kind of pet or something?” (Wilhelm)

“Wilhelm-kun has a disappointing tendency to seek comfort. If you spoil him, he’ll just wander off.” (Liliana)

“Yeah, Liliana-san, I know that.” (Sofia)

“In that case, please don’t spoil him. He’s finally motivated!” (Liliana)

I put my hand on Liliana’s shoulder. Liliana looks at me.

“Hey, Liliana. I actually already wrote my resume. Look, here it is. I wrote it seriously. I really did have intentions to get a job somewhere.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana heaves a sigh of relief. I hold out the resume with both hands.

“But I think this isn’t necessary anymore.” (Wilhelm)

I tear up the resume from the top and throw it away.

“Ahhhh! What are you doing!” (Liliana)

“Hey, Liliana. There are so many people who need someone like me, a shut-in.” (Wilhelm)

“But it’s just two people. It’s really not—” (Liliana)

“There are cute girls who are willing to take care of me too, you know?” (Wilhelm)

“I can take care of you too!” (Liliana)

“But isn’t it fine if a shut-in like me gets taken care of by a cute guild master?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s not good. Please don’t try to neatly wrap things up. I won’t let you go. Let’s sit down and talk it out, just the two of us. Let’s discuss our future thoroughly. I won’t let you sleep tonight. I’ll make sure to reform you once again, Wilhelm-kun.” (Liliana)

Anya approached me with a happy expression.

She spread her arms wide and jumped into my chest. She hugged me cutely. It was warm and adorable.

“Wil-sama, I’m so happy. I’m the luckiest person in town.” (Anya)

Her smile was once again as cute as an angel’s—

Final illustration

“Wil-sama, I’m so happy. I’m the luckiest person in town.”

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Wow~ After 3 volumes, we get a title drop. Does this mean that this is the end of the series? I hope not… the author did say to “see you in the next story with Wil and friends” in the afterward so who knows.

Kinda sad that Eva didn’t really show up much in this volume but I guess her story was already told in the previous volume.

We still have the side story before it’s all over. See ya tmr.


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CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 6 – The shut-in battles the legendary magic sword

Mew-chan looks at me, startled.

“Wow, there it is again mew! For some reason, you always manage to wake up early on special days. What’s up with that mysterious skill?” (Mew-chan)

“Good morning, Mew-chan. Don’t be so surprised just because I woke up early.” (Wilhelm)

“Well, considering your usual habits mew…” (Mew-chan)

“I guess I can somewhat understand it.” (Wilhelm)

Today is the day when the Grand Duke of [Seagull Principality] is coming to the city. In other words, the place is like a festival, so I managed to wake up on my own.

I dress in clean clothes so as not to embarrass myself as a noble. After washing my face carefully, I put on my shoes.

“Huh? Where are you going mew?” (Mew-chan)

Mew-chan was cutting bread and preparing sandwiches for me. He spreads butter carefully and the sandwiches look really delicious with plenty of fillings.

“I’m going to go get a haircut. Then I’ll join the friendship ceremony directly afterwards, so I’m not returning until night.” (Wilhelm)

“I think a bald cut would look good on you mew.” (Mew-chan)

Mew-chan smiled mischievously.

“I’m just getting it tidied up a bit. Can’t show up at the friendship ceremony with messy hair, you know?” (Wilhelm)

“Being a noble is tough mew. Oh, why don’t you eat while walking mew.” (Mew-chan)

Mew-chan handed me the plate with the sandwiches.

“If you’re hungry, you won’t have any energy for the main event mew.” (Mew-chan)

“Thanks.” (Wilhelm)

“Take your sword with you mew.” (Mew-chan)

“My sword? No, that’s impossible. It’s disrespectful to attend the friendship ceremony armed.” (Wilhelm)

“…Magic beasts have a keen sense of smell mew. But well, a neet like you might be able to slip through, Mew.” (Mew-chan)

Maybe it was some kind of intuition. Mew-chan might have sensed some unsettling atmosphere. If something were to happen at the friendship ceremony, it would be disastrous. 

At worst, it could end the friendship between the two countries and lead to war. So, let’s hope that doesn’t happen.

“Well, I’m off.” (Wilhelm)

“Oi neet.” (Mew-chan)

I turned around as I was opening the back door. Mew-chan wasn’t looking my way. He was heading to the sink to clean up the plates.

“Make sure you come back mew.” (Mew-chan)

“Huh? What do you mean?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s nothing. Magic beasts have a keen sense of smell mew. Just go already mew.” (Mew-chan)

I left [Grand Bahamut]. After a few steps, I turned around. Did he really sense something? Did he pick up on the fact that my heart was drifting away from [Grand Bahamut] towards getting a job?

“If I get a job, I won’t see her as much, huh.” (Wilhelm)

Mew-chan’s annoying smiling face flashed in my mind. …Well, even if I don’t see him, I won’t be too lonely.

I continued on without looking back.

The cheers were incredible.

People had gathered in large numbers along the roadside and even on rooftops to catch a glimpse of the Grand Duke and Duchess of [Seagull Principality]. The couple was slowly proceeding down the main street in a luxurious carriage. The excitement was overwhelming; it was a complete festival.

I arrived at the friendship ceremony venue a bit earlier. It was happening right in front of the royal castle’s main gate. On both sides were gorgeous-looking gardens, making it a very suitable place.

“Ah, you! What are you doing here?!” (Robert)

So noisy. My father suddenly grabbed me by the collar.

“Today’s representative of the Wondersky family is Tony. You have no place here!” (Robert)

“I just came in case something happens to Tony. Are you alright, Tony?” (Wilhelm)

I called out to Tony, who was looking extra dashing today.

“No, I’m not doing well at all. I thought I’d like to greet the Grand Duke with nii-san.” (Tony)

“Toonnyyyyy! What are you saying? I’m devastated! Why would you say you respect a shut-in? He’s the last person in this city anyone should respect!” (Robert)

“But doesn’t nii-san have a lot of respectable qualities?” (Tony)

“Huh? I can’t find a single one. Respecting someone like him will rot your soul. Come on, it’s dangerous, so don’t get close. Don’t even let him into your line of sight. Let’s go. Okay?” (Robert)

Father growled, trying to keep me from getting close to Tony. He gestured for me to shoo away.

“N-Nii-san, see you later!” (Tony)

Tony waved his hand with a charming gesture as if he were flirting with a girl. It made my heart skip a beat. I see. He’d definitely win over any girl around his age just like this.

“Hey, hey, Wil-kun. Can we eat the food now?” (Sofia)

“You’re unwavering, Sofia-san.” (Wilhelm)

Since we bumped into each other, I brought her along. Technically, civilians aren’t allowed in until after the ceremony for the party, but I managed to get through by claiming that she was a guard for the Wondersky family.

“Let’s wait until the ceremony starts.” (Wilhelm)

She said she would check which dishes to eat. So steadfast.

“Mr Grand Duke and Mrs Grand Duchess, thank you for your long journey to visit us!” (Anya & Clara)

As soon as the friendship ceremony began, it was Anya and Clara’s turn.

Dressed in pure white dresses like princesses, the two of them looked like angels. The Duke and Duchess were all smiles, and the audience was buzzing with excitement over how adorable they looked.

“We’ve brought you some welcome flowers!” (Anya & Clara)

But then it became silent.

Of course, it did. After all, they weren’t holding the flowers.

“W-W-W-Wil-kun, what should we do? Hey, what should we do? Onee-san’s stomach hurts with worry, or rather, my chest hurts. Wil-kun, do something.” (Sofia)

“C-C-Calm down. The adults around us will surely do something.” (Wilhelm)

Somehow, both of them seemed to be looking at me with a parental sense. It’s nerve-wracking.

I feel like the Grand Duke and Duchess are looking at them in a parental way. It’s nerve-wracking.

Is someone going to deliver the flowers to them? Or did they forget them?

“Huh? Why are Anya-chan and Clara-chan smiling?” (Sofia)

“…I see. I think I know what they are doing.” (Wilhelm)

The Grand Duke pointed out while smiling.

“Oh? Did you forget the flowers?” (Grand Duke)

“No, they’re right here.” (Anya & Clara)

Anya and Clara said in unison. Then, they crossed their hands in front of their chests, looking adorable. With smiles on their faces, they opened their arms wide.

And magically, an elegant bouquet of flowers appeared in each of Anya and Clara’s arms.

“What?! No wayyyyyy! Wil-kun, wasn’t that amazing?” (Sofia)

“Indeed! To think that they would try this on the grand stage! That was incredible!” (Wilhelm)

The audience erupted into applause. It was one step above Stephanie’s magic tricks. Truly impressive.

“Hahaha. That was quite a surprise. What a wonderful welcome!”

The Duke seemed thoroughly pleased. He and his wife happily accepted the bouquets.

It seems like there’s still something more. Anya and Clara are smiling mischievously.

“Whaaaat?! No wayyyyy! Wil-kun, wasn’t that amazingggg?” (Sofia)

“Indeed! I was totally surprised! That was absolutely incredible!” (Wilhelm)

The audience erupted into thunderous applause. It surpassed Stephanie’s magic completely. It was splendid.

“Hahaha. That was amazing. What a wonderful welcome!” (Grand Duke)

The Grand Duke also seemed very pleased. He and his wife happily accepted the bouquets.

It seems like there’s still more to come. Anya and Clara are smiling happily.

“Clara-chan, let’s go!” (Anya)

“Yes, Anastasia. I’m ready!” (Clara)

They gracefully spun around as if dancing. Their skirts fluttered, and somehow, they were holding a large number of white doves in their arms.

“No wayyyy! Where did those doves come frommm?” (Sofia)

“That’s surprising too, but can you really carry doves like that?” (Wilhelm)

Maybe Sofia-san and I are the most excited ones here.

“May the lasting friendship between our nations continue!” (Anya & Clara)

Anya and Clara simultaneously released the white doves. The doves gracefully soared into the sky. In harmony, the brass band played a majestic fanfare, and celebratory cannons were fired into the air.

The friendship ceremony venue was buzzing with excitement. Everyone was clapping and whistling.

Thanks to Anya and Clara’s lively performance, the subsequent orchestral and dance performances were also filled with energy. The friendship ceremony was a great success.

On the special stage, the king and the Grand Duke firmly shook hands.

Following that, speeches wishing for friendship between the two nations were delivered. There was even a speech from the saint. Despite being a formal ceremony, it proceeded in a bright and lively atmosphere, free from stiffness.

I realized that I had somehow become separated from Sofia-san.

Since Sofia-san was busy enjoying and praising the delicious dishes served at the friendship ceremony, she must have wandered off to find more food and desserts.

Most of the main events of the friendship ceremony were already over. The venue was buzzing with excitement, including the general public.

Now, what should I do?

“Oh, Wilhelm-kun, I see you were tucked away in this corner.” (Liliana)

I turned around at Liliana’s voice.

That caught me off guard. Liliana looked so dazzling and beautiful as if she were the main heroine of this venue.

“Liliana? Wow, you look beautiful.” (Wilhelm)

“R-Really? I didn’t think this bright red party dress suited me at all, but my mother insisted I wear it…” (Liliana)

“Your mother has great taste. It suits you perfectly. You look really beautiful.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana, who seemed somewhat unsettled, smiled happily.

“I feel a bit more confident after hearing that from you, Wilhelm-kun.” (Liliana)

I picked up a chocolate tart from the table and handed it to Liliana on a plate.

“That is pretty good. Would you like to share one with me, Princess?” (Wilhelm)

“You’re getting a bit carried away with the ‘Princess’, aren’t you? But it does look delicious.” (Liliana)

“What about a drink? Champagne?” (Wilhelm)

“I’ll refrain from alcohol today.” (Liliana)

I received an apple juice from the waiter and handed it to Liliana.

“You’re unusually kind today.” (Liliana)

“I’m participating as a nobleman, after all. I should behave as a gentleman to elegantly dressed beautiful ladies.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s very admirable. I hope you’re always like this.” (Liliana)

Liliana raised her glass to me. I clinked my glass against hers. Cheers to this friendship ceremony.

She took a bite of the chocolate tart.

“Oh, it’s delicious. Well, that’s to be expected considering they gathered the top chefs.” (Liliana)

“Yeah. I wonder which restaurant this is from. I’d like to try it sometime.” (Wilhelm)

“Wilhelm-kun, you have chocolate on the corner of your mouth. Honestly, you need to be more careful.” (Liliana)

Liliana wipes the corner of my mouth with a beautiful handkerchief.

“Oh. Thanks.” (Wilhelm)

It must have been from the rich and creamy texture of the chocolate tart.

Liliana has this “you’re hopeless” look on her face. There’s a hint of maternal instinct in that expression. Wait, am I a child? I need to be more composed. Composed.

“Ehh—? So, it’s like that between you two?” (?)

Huh? There’s a guy nearby grinning from ear to ear. He’s someone I know well.

“Oh, Father!” (Wilhelm)

Liliana quickly withdrew her hand that was wiping the corner of my mouth.

“T-That’s not it! We’re just friends!” (Liliana)

“That’s right! We’re just friends, you know!” (Wilhelm)

“You don’t want me to tell anyone, right? I understand. I understand perfectly. Hehehehe…” (Tony)

“Father, you’re completely misunderstanding! There really is nothing between us!” (Wilhelm)

“Youngsters are all like that. Ah, delightful! So, you’ve chosen the Liliana route, eh? That’s how I see it. Well, indeed, Liliana looks exceptionally beautiful today. Even a shut-in would be captivated by her.” (Tony)

“Robert-sama, we’re really not like that.” (Liliana)

“Oh? Is that really so? Would one normally wipe the corner of another’s mouth if there weren’t some love involved?” (Tony)

“Father, you’re exaggerating! We didn’t do anything like that!” (Wilhelm)

“That’s right! If I did that to him, my hands would get dirty!” (Liliana)

“Oi, Liliana, that’s a bit too much.” (Wilhelm)

I interjected with a retort.

Oh no, it’s no use. My father’s grin won’t stop. He’s definitely thinking something mischievous.

“Blushing in love is a young person’s privilege! Hahaha! I’ve seen something good. Oh, how joyous! Liliana, thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking on our family’s liabilities! I’m truly grateful!” (Tony)

“Liabilities?! It’s because you keep saying things like that that this child loses confidence and becomes a shut-in. Please, at least refrain from tarnishing the Wondersky family’s reputation.” (Liliana)

“Whoa, Liliana, that’s quite harsh. That really hurt, you know.” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t worry, Liliana. I’ve always said I’m willing to take the blame if need be.” (Tony)

Well, that’s certainly true, but…

“Wilhelm-kun, aren’t you going to say something back?” (Liliana)

“I don’t have any positive accomplishments or achievements to retort with, you know.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s why I’ve been telling you to find a job as soon as possible!” (Liliana)

“Ow, my ears hurt.” (Wilhelm)

I covered my ears with both hands. However, Liliana grabbed those hands and insisted, “You must find a job!”

“Hehehe, delightful, delightful. It’d be nice if you young ones just stayed together like that.” (Tony)

“W-wait, we’re not ‘continuing on’ in any way!” (Liliana)

“Now it’s the parents’ turn. I’ll go greet the Shootingstar family’s couple! Well then, enjoy yourselves!” (Tony)

“Ah, wait! Hold on. My parents are the kind of people who take that seriously! They’ve been wanting to marry me off as soon as possible!” (Liliana)

“That’s even more convenient, isn’t it? I can’t stop now. Hehehe!” (Tony)

My father attempted to leave with a skip. This was bad. I was being undermined from the outset. I grabbed my father’s back with all my strength to stop him.

“Please wait, Father! Liliana really is just a friend. Please think about it. It doesn’t make sense for someone like me, a shut-in, to have a girlfriend, right?” (Wilhelm)

“I understand that reasoning.” (Tony)

“That’s right.” (Wilhelm)

“But Tony also mentioned it. He said he thinks a capable and beautiful girl like Liliana would be perfect for his nii-san.” (Tony)

“Tonyyyyyyy!” (Wilhelm)

His Liliana endorsement came back to bite us huh? That’s a fatal blow. Damn it.

“Well, I can’t believe Tony would say something like that.” (Liliana)

“You’re not looking too upset, Liliana.” (Wilhelm)

“Alright, it’s settled! Well then, I’m off! Farewell!” (Tony)

“Ah, no, it’s not settled at all! Wilhelm-kun, please stop him. If you don’t, he’ll escape!” (Liliana)

“Please stop, Father. Let’s discuss this properly.” (Wilhelm)

“Hahaha, stopping me is futile! It’s fun for parents to give the final push, you know!” (Tony)

“What kind of parent has fun pushing forward their child’s marriage proposal?” (Wilhelm)

“Unfortunately, it’s me!” (Tony)

Oh no, this person is hopeless!

“Accept it gracefully! This is what noble marriages are like!” (Tony)

“Wait, wait!” (Wilhelm)

Father sped off in a blur. Uh oh. I have to catch up. Surprisingly, he’s quite agile. I had to sprint at full speed to chase after him.

Phew, that was a relief. Father got called away for work.

We narrowly avoided having the wedding venue decided for us. The noble society is really intimidating.

But now, I guess things will calm down for a while.

I took a glass of champagne from the server and drank it. The chill and fizziness are irresistible.

I returned to where Liliana was. She was drinking champagne with a tired expression. Wasn’t she supposed to refrain from drinking today? Well, she must be exhausted. I felt the same.

“You look tired.” (Wilhelm)

“Tou too, Wilhelm-kun.” (Liliana)

That was the extent of our conversation. We drank our champagne in silence.

Well, spending quiet time like this with Liliana isn’t so bad. It’s been a while since my student days.

Just when I thought that…

BOOM! Smoke suddenly billowed from the makeshift stage. What on earth? It was quite abrupt. It didn’t feel like the start of an event.

“Ladies and gentlemen, everyone, pay attention to me!” (Stephanie)

A familiar voice echoed from within the smoke.

 “*Cough cough* I-I’ve produced too much smoke.” (Stephanie)

It was Stephanie. Seems like she messed up another magic trick.

“Everyone seems to be having a good time, right? Well, it’s only going to get better from here! Because now, the adorable Stephanie-chan is going to show you some miracles!” (Stephanie)

The smoke began to dissipate.

Stephanie was carrying a blood-red sword on her back. That’s… not good, is it?

“It’s the magic sword, Catastrophe.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Wilhelm-kun, that sword was supposed to be stored in the museum’s warehouse, right?” (Liliana)

“It must have been stolen again. And somehow, it’s ended up in Stephanie’s hands. This is really bad.” (Wilhelm)

That sword seems to have some effect on people, making them act strangely. The leader of the thieves was affected by it.

Stephanie pulled out a scroll from somewhere.

I recognize that too. It was supposed to be displayed in the museum as an artifact of the Demon King.

“Now, it’s your turn! Come out! Great Demon Beast Cyclops! Go wild and destroy everything in sight!” (Stephanie)

The magic being used was incredible. Stephanie is a demon herself, so she has a naturally high magical ability, but she seems to be exceptionally skilled even among them.

Stephanie’s strong magic triggers the magic depicted on the scroll.

It’s a summoning spell. A giant has been summoned. It’s as big as the castle.

The massive magical beast called Cyclops roared towards the sky. It was a deafening roar.

“Gaoooooooo!” (Cyclops)

It sounded like an ominous cry that heralded the end of a country.

Indeed, there’s a legend that Cyclops once destroyed an entire small country single-handedly. It’s a terrifying magical beast that gained infamy during the era of the Demon King.

Cyclops looks like a huge and terrifying demon. It has horns on its head, a single eye, and green skin, and its hands grip a menacingly spiked club.

“Cyclops! Destroy everything! Crush every single human here! And then, join me in this blood-soaked party venue to welcome the new Demon King!” (Stephanie)

“Gyaaaaaaaah!” (Cyclops)

Cyclops mercilessly smashes its club into the densely packed crowd of people. Soldiers who were bravely charging at Cyclops are crushed one after another.

A scream erupts from one person, then another, spreading like wildfire. The atmosphere of joy quickly turns into a chaotic whirlwind of screams and panic.

“Stop the caster!” someone shouts. Soldiers start gathering, ready to take action.

Stephanie grips the magic sword tightly, her eyes gleaming with malice.

“Kyahahaha! My miracles will continue! Come forth, all of you! I’ll devour anyone who gets in my way! Die! Die! Dieeee!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie swings the magic sword repeatedly, summoning one monstrous creature after another.

Each one is a large-scale monster. Stephanie’s formidable magic power seems to allow her to summon even more powerful creatures than when the sword was wielded by the leader of the thieves.

There’s a lion-like beast with razor-sharp fangs, a zombie knight beast clad in full armor, a man-eating wyvern beast, and a gorilla beast capable of using magic. Each of them is a formidable monster, ranking at least B-rank or higher.

Furthermore, reinforcements seem to have arrived. There might be dozens of them.

“Uooooooo! Kill the Grand Duke!” (Thief)

“Grand Duke! You’ve been feasting on delicious food all by yourself!” (Thief)

“You’re not fit to be the leader of our nation!” (Thief)

“Know the hatred of the people suffering from food shortages!” (Thief)

Those are… the thieves Tony dealt with before. And it seems they’ve also hired mercenaries. They must have blended in with the crowd and are now causing chaos all over.

This is bad. I don’t think it’ll stop unless I intervene.

“Liliana, I’ll be back in a moment. Stay somewhere safe—” (Wilhelm)

I felt a murderous intent and turned around. The boss of the thieves was standing there, seemingly having concealed his presence.

“My bad. You’re too strong. Just stay quiet for a while, will ya?” (Big Thief)

The thief boss infused something with magic and hurled it at me. It is firmly attached to my right hand.

My right hand was being pulled back. My left hand too. And then, both hands were restrained.

“What’s this? It won’t come off! Oh no. Petrification?” (Wilhelm)

“The Gorgon’s Handcuffs, an artifact of the Demon King. You won’t easily break free from it no matter how hard you try. Just stay put and watch quietly until we kill the Grand Duke. That girl there wants you to become the Demon King. As long as you behave, nothing bad will happen to you. See ya!” (Big Thief)

“Wait!” (Wilhelm)

I want to chase after him. I really do, but the lion-like demon beast bared its fangs and lunged forward—not at me, but at Liliana.

I instinctively shielded Liliana with my back.

It sunk its teeth deeply into my right shoulder. No, it was more than that. Its jaw would be strong enough to pierce through my shoulder and tear it apart, bone and all.

“Wilhelm-kun!!!!!!!” (Liliana)

Liliana turned pale. That was the loudest I’ve ever heard her scream.

“Rest assured. This would be a fatal wound for an ordinary person, but I’m exceptional, so I’ll be fine. See, even this beast’s fangs couldn’t pierce my defense.” (Wilhelm)

The lion-like beast is overwhelmed by my aura, visibly shocked.

It hesitates, trembling, before withdrawing its teeth from my shoulder. It must have realized the hopeless difference in strength.

I turn around and kick the beast’s jaw, likely shattering its skull into pieces.

“Hah, go back and train until you’re an S-rank beast!” (Wilhelm)

Even if you’re an S-rank, I’ll still be stronger though!

“Wilhelm-kun, thank you for saving me! Are you sure there’s no serious injury? Your muscles are fine, right? If they were hurt, I’d cry.” (Liliana)

“If possible, I’d like you to worry about more than just my muscles.” (Wilhelm)

“As long as you’re energetic, you should be fine.” (Liliana)

The treatment for everything but muscles seems a bit casual…

I concentrate magic into my arms, pushing harder and harder.

But darn, it’s no use. The handcuffs restraining me remain unaffected.

As expected of an artifact from the Demon King. These handcuffs don’t seem like they’ll break easily.

The petrification progresses steadily. I need to concentrate my magic to interfere with it, or things will get bad. What a troublesome thing to be stuck with.

“Wil-something-kun!” (Tony)

My father rushed over, his expression tense. The diplomatic event had been utterly ruined. It’s only natural to panic in such a situation. It could escalate into a full-blown war between the two nations, a serious matter indeed.

Grabbing my collar, my father’s eyes were deadly serious.

“Do something about this, now! This might be the only time you can be of any use to society. If you put in a bit of effort, you could wipe out these monsters in an instant!” (Tony)

“I’m sorry, but it’s a bit complicated right now…” (Wilhelm)

I showed him the condition of my arms.

“It’s an artifact of the Demon King. What’s more, if even you can’t remove it… How can I set you free?” (Tony)

Quick thinking, as always.

“A mere sword won’t be able to destroy this. Father, do you have any legendary sword that you can guarantee will be able to destroy it?” (Wilhelm)

“Hmm, if it weren’t for the friendship ceremony, I would have had the finest sword at hand… But, our home is nearby from here. Wait here. I’ll fetch the sword and do everything I can to minimize the damage until then!” (Tony)

“Understood!” (Wilhelm)

My father dashed off at an incredible speed. It seemed like his muscles and tendons were about to snap. Could he really be okay running at such a pace? His speed was worthy of respect. Truly fitting for the father of both me and Tony.

Seeing my father put in so much effort, I knew I had to do the same.

I looked out at the ceremony venue, where screams were echoing incessantly.

Various people were engaged in different actions—fighting, fleeing, standing frozen in fear or crying. I needed to do something quickly. There were already a hundred monsters, and with each swing of Stephanie’s sword, their numbers increased. It was becoming overwhelming. And on top of that, there were the thieves.

But the most troublesome was— I looked up at the towering figure. It was the Cyclops. If we didn’t deal with it, this chaos would never end.

The Cyclops swung its club relentlessly, repeatedly attacking the same spot. Why was it fixating on one person?

Wait a minute. Was there someone here who could attract such a powerful creature’s attention?

Ah, it was Sofia-san. Somehow, I found it quite fitting.

“Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why meeeeeeeeeee?! Why are you only targeting me?! It’s not fun even if you crush meeeeeeeeeee!” (Sofia)

Well, it might actually be quite amusing. Sofia-san, you’re always so unlucky.

The Cyclops was chuckling. Perhaps it found Sofia-san’s reactions amusing. I get, that feeling. We might become friends after all.

It kept swinging its club relentlessly. But Sofia-san, with her incredible speed, narrowly dodged each attack. Truly impressive, Sofia-san. She’s amazing. As expected of the master of evasion. If it’s just about running away, she’s the best in the country!

“Sofia-san! Nice job! Just keep leading it like that for about an hour!” (Wilhelm)

“An hour?! No way, no way, no way, no way! Hey, Wil-kun, instead of just watching, help meeeeeeeeeeeee!” (Sofia)

“It’s okay, Sofia-san can handle it!” (Wilhelm)

“There’s no way I can handle it! I’m just a delicate girl, you knowwww!” (Sofia)

“That’s not true, right?” (Wilhelm)

“GAOOOOO!” (Cyclops)

“See, she agreed!” (Wilhelm)

“She just shouted out of frustration! Wil-kun, hurry up and help meeeeeeeeeeeee!” (Sofia)

“Even while saying that, Sofia-san is amazing at dodging, isn’t she?” (Wilhelm)

She gracefully dodges to the right, somersaults to the left, and continuously avoids attacks by occasionally slipping inside the Cyclops.

“I want to keep watching. That artistic evasion is just…” (Wilhelm)

“Wilhelm-kun, I was going to say we should help her, but… she’s really something. Despite having such a stunning and enviable body, her agility is unfair. Should we just keep watching like this?” (Liliana)

“Noooo! Why are you both looking at it like you’re appreciating art? This isn’t an art gallery!” (Sofia)

“If Sofia-san were in an art gallery, she wouldn’t look out of place at all with her beautiful appearance. I’d want to visit every day. How about ‘The Beautiful Evasion Master Sofia’ for the title?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, come on! There’s no time for such comments when lives are at stake! I won’t be happy no matter what you say in a life-or-death situation!” (Sofia)

The Cyclops seemed to be getting annoyed and clicked its tongue. Its speed in swinging the club only increased.

Wow. That’s some master-level attack speed. And Sofia-san, continuously evading it, is even more incredible.

“I can’t keep up anymore. Both the attackers and the ones dodging are too fast. Sometimes, it feels like she’s moving fast enough to leave afterimages. Is that even humanly possible?” (Liliana)

“She’s amazing. It seems like something inside Sofia-san always awakens in extreme situations. Her movements are something even I could learn from.” (Wilhelm)

Sofia-san might actually be quite the prodigy.

“If we wait a little longer, Sofia-san might level up to a whole new tier of strength.” (Wilhelm)

“Hey, don’t just leisurely watch! If you wait any longer, I’ll be squashed flat!” (Sofia)

“Sofia-san seems soft, so she won’t get squashed, right?” (Wilhelm)

“Don’t say random things! Ouch, that hit!” (Sofia)

Ah, indeed it looks bad. I can’t use my hands. So, I can’t swing a sword or even use magic much. I have to manage somehow with just my legs.

I swiftly approached Sofia-san.

A gigantic club from a Cyclops loomed from above. If I don’t do something, Sofia-san will be crushed. So, the excellent me will handle it!

“Take this! Hero’s Divine Sword Technique, [Savage Beast Whirlwind Kick]!” (Wilhelm)

It’s one of the techniques for when the hero doesn’t have a sword.

Giving weight and hardness to my legs, I charged forward and swung with all my might. If my opponent were human, I could crush bones and organs simultaneously. But my opponent is a club.

“Ugh. It’s heavy–” (Wilhelm)

It was indeed impossible to crush it. But I had enough power in my legs to prevail.

I deflected the Cyclops’ club. The Cyclops leaned back, exposing its arms and upper body. It’s wide open.

I circled behind the Cyclops. Then, once again, I unleashed [Savage Beast Cyclone Kick].

“Fall—!” (Wilhelm)

I struck the back of the Cyclops’ knee with [Savage Beast Cyclone Kick]. Successfully, I crushed its bones and flesh, causing it to lose balance.

The Cyclops let out a scream as it fell backward. Its head collided with the royal castle, breaking through the outer wall.

I leaped high into the air. Looking down at the fallen Cyclops, its expression twisted in terror.

“Does this hurt a bit?” (Wilhelm)

I aimed [Savage Beast Cyclone Kick] at the Cyclops’s abdomen. There was a sensation of destroying its internal organs. It must have taken significant damage.

“Now’s the time! Attack!” (Wilhelm)

“Uoooohhhhh!” (Backup)

Soldiers and guild members swarmed around the Cyclops. I’ll leave the rest to them. With the Cyclops injured, they should be able to handle it. I withdrew.

Sofia-san came running, gasping for breath.

“Thank you, Wil-kun… *haah, haah* But, next time, if you could *haah* help a little faster, I’d be *haah, haah* so happy.” (Sofia)

“Well, I thought the same thing, but I didn’t want to steal your moment, Sofia-san.” (Wilhelm)

“It’s fine, really. Haah, haah. Oh, by the way, what happened to your hand?” (Sofia)

“I got hit by the enemy. Sofia-san, could you please take Liliana and escape? I’ll handle things here.” (Wilhelm)

“But, with your hand like that, even you, Wil-kun—” (Sofia)

Oops, a zombie monster is approaching Liliana. I used the Demon King’s ultimate magic, [Monster Control], to manipulate a nearby lion monster and rescue her.

“Sofia-san, hurry!” (Wilhelm)

“Yeah, sorry. Hang in there!” (Sofia)

Sofia-san runs off.

I’ll hold out until my father brings the sword. It’s going to be a really tiring day. Come to think of it, Mew-chan predicted this kind of crisis, didn’t he? Mew-chan’s intuition is seriously impressive. I kinda respect him for that.

[Tony’s PoV]

What a disaster. The entire ceremony has gone down the drain.

In this chaotic situation, the action I, Tony, must take—it’s definitely to support my nii-san.

…Huh, nii-san’s hands are bound. It seems Father will handle it somehow, so I should do something else.

If I was nii-san, what would I do in this situation? Probably protect the Grand Duke.

Upon checking on the Grand Duke, I found that he was being attacked by thieves. The soldiers are desperately trying to protect him, but the thieves are just as desperate. The thieves seem to have the upper hand in momentum.

Soldiers are falling one by one. I should go assist over there. I decided to use the fallen soldiers’ swords to aid in the fight.

Ah, Edelweiss-san jumped in to help first.

“Naughty kids need to be punished! The saint is furious!” (Edelweiss)

“You’re… you’re the former delinquent saint!” (Thief)

Ah, Edelweiss-san looked irritated with a delinquent expression. She raised her hands high and unleashed a powerful magic.

“Hehehe. In this world, there are things you can say and things you can’t. This is divine punishment. Purification magic, [Holy Hawk]!” (Edelweiss)

A large, large hawk descended from the sky. With its sharp talons gleaming, it swiftly attacked like beams of light.

In the blink of an eye, she scattered the thieves. As expected of the former delinquent who was renowned during her school days. She’s incredibly strong in fights.

Next, the boss of the thieves approached Edelweiss-san. It’s my turn to take him down.

“Fake saint, prepare to die!” (Big thief)

“Oh my? Who’s the fake here? No matter how you look at it, I’m clearly a genuine saint, aren’t I?” (Edelweiss)

“No matter how you look at it, you look like a delinquent pretending to be a saint!” (Big thief)

“W-What are you saying? I’m more modest and pure than anyone, aren’t I?” (Edelweiss)

“Don’t mess with me! If you’re pure, then I’m considered pure too!” (Big thief)

“I’m definitely much purer than you! The saint is absolutely furious!” (Edelweiss)

The boss of the thieves raised a large sword overhead.

Edelweiss-san seemed to be engaging in hand-to-hand combat. She clenched her fists in a fighting stance. It’s likely not in her favor. It’s my turn to intervene.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I’ll just get in your way for a moment!” (Tony)

I stood in front of Edelweiss-san, as if shielding her. Then, I imbued magic into my right fist and unleashed it.

“You… you’re that person from back then!” (Big thief)

“My apologies. This might sting a bit! [Blast Explosion]!” (Tony)

The boss of the thieves was hit by the explosion magic and was lifted into the air.

“Aaaargh! It hurts!” (Big thief)

As he floated upwards, another explosion occurred.

“No way! Aaaaaargh!” (Big thief)

Another explosion occurred as he floated higher… And thus, the explosions continued ten times.

“Aaaaaaah! Why is it always the explosions?!” (Big thief)

The boss of the thieves became tattered, rolling his eyes back as he fell. Seems like he’s lost consciousness.

“Perhaps I went a little overboard. Oh well. Are you okay, Edelweiss-san?” (Tony)

“Kyaa! Tony-san, you’re so cool! Let me pat your head!” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss-san hugged me and patted my head. Instantly, goosebumps covered my entire body.

“Ugh… Uwaaaaah!” (Tony)

“Why are you turning pale and screaming?” (Edelweiss)

Well, who wouldn’t be scared when hugged by a wild beast and touched on the head?

“Hehehe, there’s no need to be embarrassed. Didn’t I always hug you like this when you were little? It’s okay to rely on your onee-san, you know?” (Edelweiss)

All I remember from when I was little is being treated like Edelweiss-san’s toy… A kind onee-san? No way, it’s the opposite.

“Edelweiss-san, could you maybe stop acting like that?” (Tony)

I don’t want to deal with this weird facade of hers.

“Alright, Tony-san?” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss-san showed her usual delinquent expression.

“After all this, come to the back of the church later, okay? Absolutely.” (Tony)

Scary. Her gaze is particularly intimidating. Okay, let’s just pretend I didn’t hear that.

Now, onto the next enemy.

“Nooooooo! Anastasiaaaa, Anastasiaaaa!” (Clara)

That’s a scream. It’s Clara-chan. And in front of her is a bipedal dragon.

Wait, what? The dragon is looking up at the sky, and there are legs of a girl sticking out from its closed mouth.

Are those legs possibly Anya-chan’s? In other words, is she being eaten from the waist up?

“Don’t worry, she hasn’t been eaten yet. I’m sure she’s still safe.” (Edelweiss)

Well, I don’t think you can call that safe. Just one step away from being swallowed.

“Please be careful! Someone, anyone! Preferably Wilhelm-sama!” (Clara)

I readied my sword and charged forward. With one swift strike, I cleaved the dragon’s neck in half.

Anya-chan, who was inside the dragon’s mouth, was thrown out with a poof. I gracefully caught Anya-chan in a princess-like embrace.

“Phew, looks like I made it just in time.” (Tony)

“Kyaa! Tony-sama, you’re so cool desu wa! Actually, that’s not fair, Anastasia! I want a princess carry too desu wa!” (Clara)

“We’ll save that for another time.” (Tony)

I winked at her.

“Kyaa! Yes, please!” (Clara)

I gently set Anya-chan down. It seems she’s uninjured.

“Thank you, Tony-sama! You looked so cool, just like Wil-sama!” (Anya)

“Heh, for a capable guy like me, it’s a piece of cake. I’m just glad Anya-chan is safe.” (Tony)

Anya-chan stood up and looked towards the makeshift stage. There, Stephanie-san was swinging her magic sword vigorously, summoning one magical beast after another.

“Tony-sama, I want to stop Stephanie-san. She’s clearly in an abnormal state. I’m sure that magic sword is the cause.” (Anya)

“Yeah, there’s no doubt about it. Let’s help her out.” (Tony)

However, I’m not sure if we can even make it that far. Even if I go alone, I’ll have to defeat at least fifty powerful magical beasts in a straight line. The longer it takes, the more magical beasts will appear, making this a very difficult mission.

Now, what should we do…? Oh, it looks like Edelweiss-san has caught up.

“You seem troubled.” (Edelweiss)

“No, not really.” (Tony)

“You’re definitely troubled, aren’t you? Right?” (Edelweiss)

“I’m not troubled at all, Edelweiss-san.” (Tony)

“But you are troubled, aren’t you? Ah, Tony-san, you’re such a tsundere. Hehehe.” (Edelweiss)

“I’m not a tsundere, not at all.” (Tony)

“Hehehe, it’s useless to lie. After all, as the kind and innocent person that I am, I’ve been taking care of you since you were a baby, treating you like a toy to play with—uh, I mean, I’ve been taking care of you with lots of love and affection since you were a baby. If you were a tsundere, I’d know, and I’d notice your troubles right away.” (Edelweiss)

So, I really was treated like a toy…

“So, Tony-san, let’s solve your worries. As the most pure-hearted and reliable person here, I will pave the way for you.” (Anya)

“P-Pure-hearted…?” (Tony)

Edelweiss-san placed her hand on my shoulder. Then, she leaned in closer, exuding an aura of intimidation.

“Tony, remember to come to back of the church, right? If you don’t show up, I’ll come get you at your house, okay?” (Edelweiss)

Yikes. Alright, I’m not going back to my parent’s house today.

“Now, I’ll use purification magic. Tony-san, please respect me a little. Also. maybe show a bit of your ‘dere’ too.” (Edelweiss)

I really don’t want to show any ‘dere’.

“This is the power of justice shown by the gods. Let this blessed saint, wielding the sword of judgment, pave the way forward.” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss-san raised her hand towards the sky.

A beam of light descended from above. And that light transformed into an unbelievably large sword, fitting into Edelweiss-san’s hand. It was pure white and truly beautiful.

“Evil beings, be destroyed! Here we go. Purification magic, [Saint Sword]!” (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss-san swung the massive sword downwards.

This is incredible. It’s a sword imbued with the powerful magic of purification. All the magical beasts in the vicinity of where the sword was swung were purified and disappeared without a trace.

“Amazing. Truly worthy of being called a saint.” (Tony)

I genuinely admire her. Thanks to her, a path towards Stephanie-san has been cleared.

“You should have just said that from the beginning. Alright, I’m counting on you! Please save the poor girl who’s been possessed by the magic sword!” (Edelweiss)

“Yes! Leave it to me!” (Tony)

I dashed forward, with Anya-chan and Clara-chan following closely behind.

It seems Stephanie-san noticed my approach. She turned her eyes, clearly disturbed, towards me. They were violent and suspicious, something so terrifying that if someone said she was the Demon King, I might believe it.

“Stephanie-san, please drop that sword! It’s too dangerous!” (Tony)

“Kyahaha, that won’t do! Everyone should just die already. Come on, die, die right now, die for me! Bleed out and die with a splash of blood! That would make me so happy!” (Stephanie)

It’s clear that the magic sword is affecting Stephanie-san. This isn’t her usual personality.

“Stephanie-san, hand over the magic sword. Even if your magic tricks aren’t perfect, don’t give up on life!” (Tony)

“How rude! My magic tricks aren’t imperfect!” (Stephanie)

Anya-chan and Clara-chan caught up.

“Stephanie-san, your magic tricks are cute! People might call them imperfect, but I love them, so please keep going!” (Anya)

“Stephanie-san, please take care of yourself. Even if your magic tricks aren’t perfect, life usually works out somehow desu wa!” (Clara)

Stephanie-san swung her sword, summoning three more monsters, but I swiftly defeated them all in an instant.

“I told you I’m not bad at magic tricks! Leave me alone! I’m just preparing a suitable stage for the Demon King to make an entrance! Don’t interfere!” (Stephanie)

“Demon King? Sorry, but the Demon King perished over a hundred years ago!” (Tony)

“But they still exist in the present day. I’m talking about your onii-san!” (Stephanie)

“Nii-san is the coolest hero in the world!” (Tony)

I leaped onto the makeshift stage and attacked Stephanie-san. She drew her sword to block.

“The weakness of that magic sword is that it only summons beasts when swung,” I remarked as our swords clashed. As long as we kept up this exchange, no new monsters would be summoned.

“But staying like this won’t resolve the situation. Sooner or later, you’ll be attacked by beasts from behind,” she retorted.

“No, it’s fine. Because I’m not alone,” I replied confidently.

From both sides, two girls came running towards us. It was Anya-chan and Clara-chan. I could feel the power they were gathering in the palms of their hands.

“That magic sword seems to be the weakness. If you don’t swing it, no more monsters will come out.” (Tony)

We clashed swords. As long as we continued like this, no new monsters would be summoned.

“But even if you keep this up, the situation won’t be resolved. Sooner or later, you’ll be attacked by monsters from behind.” (Stephanie)

“No, it’s okay. Because I’m not alone.” (Tony)

Two girls ran towards me from both sides. It was Anya-chan and Clara-chan. I could feel the power building up in the palms of their hands.

“Anastasia, here I go!” (Clara)

“Yeah, Clara-chan, together!” (Anya)

“Hero’s Divine Sword Technique, [Explosive Palm Strike]!” (Anya & Clara)

“Bfffffttt!” (Stephanie)

Anya-chan and Clara-chan’s palm strikes hit Stephanie-san’s solar plexus simultaneously. Stephanie-san’s expression twisted in pain.

Explosive energy from their hands surged into Stephanie-san’s body. The energy rampaged inside her, causing her body to contort and twist. What a brutal technique.

Stephanie-san rolled her eyes back and gazed up at the sky. With a dry clatter, the magic sword fell to the stage.

“Oww… That hurts…” (Stephanie)

She collapsed onto the stage, groaning in agony. Despite the intense pain, she seemed to have avoided losing consciousness.

Anya-chan and Clara-chan, being light in weight, probably didn’t sustain as much damage as one might expect.

I looked at the fallen magic sword.

It seemed prudent to dispose of such a dangerous artifact. I resolved to discuss it with my father and seek the nation’s counsel. While it might be considered a national treasure, until then, we would responsibly hold onto it—

“Huh…?” (Tony)

As I picked up the magic sword, I had a sensation that the entire world was shattering like fragile glass.

Someone’s scream echoes repeatedly in my mind.

My vision is tinted blood-red.

I thirst for death.

Hatred wells up from the depths of my heart.

I never imagined this magic sword could be so dangerous―― I can’t resist. Nii-san’s smile briefly flashes before fading into oblivion.

“No, stop. If you hold that sword, you’ll go mad!” (Stephanie)

“Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” (Tony)

I want to kill. I want to kill. I want to kill. I want to kill. I want to kill…

I want to kill everything. I want to kill it all. If I don’t, I feel like I’ll lose my mind.

Anya-chan approaches me.

“Tony-sama? Are you alright?” (Anya)

“Anya-chan, come to think of it, you learned the Hero’s Divine Sword Technique from nii-san before me, didn’t you?” (Tony)

“Y-Yes, that’s right… But I’m sure Tony-san will learn it too.” (Anya)

“I… I feel jealous.” (Tony)

I want to kill. I want to kill. Oh, how I want to kill. I can’t suppress this emotion. It’s like I’m not myself anymore. I raise the sword. At this rate, I’ll end up killing Anya-chan.

“No, stop!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie-sama sits up and throws a smoke bomb at me.

A surprisingly large amount of smoke billowed out, obscuring Anya-chan.

“I’ll show you my miracle now. This time, it’s a real miracle!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie-san stood up unsteadily.

“Stephanie-san’s magic tricks are famous for never working. That’s why I’ll just go ahead and strike down Anya-chan!” (Tony)

I swung my sword while still enveloped in smoke. Fueled by hatred, I intended to strike down Anya-chan.

However, the sensation was completely different. It didn’t feel like I had struck a person. What I had actually struck was Stephanie-san’s hat. It seemed that Anya-chan had swapped places with her using magic tricks.

“Wha? The magic… succeeded…? Stephanie-san’s magic worked? A miracle happened!” (Anya)

“Don’t call it a miracle! It’s pure skill!” (Stephanie)

“But, like, isn’t this where you’re supposed to say, ‘This is my miracle!’ as your catchphrase?” (Anya)

“Ugh! I missed my chance for my catchphrase, aaaaaah! It was the perfect timing for me to act cool! Am I such an idiot!” (Stephanie)

I trembled violently. I felt a chill. I had come dangerously close to killing Anya-chan. I needed to thank Stephanie-san.

“T-Tony-sama…” (Clara)

“Clara-chan, hurry… and run away… I’m… losing it…” (Tony)

Stephanie-san pulled Anya-chan’s hand, leading her out of the smoke. She also grabbed Clara-chan’s hand and ran away.

“Stephanie-san, I want to help Tony-sama desu wa!” (Clara)

*Cough* Ughh…!” (Stephanie)

“Hyaa! That’s an incredible amount of blood desu wa! Why is this happening?!” (Clara)

“It’s because of your palm strikes, isn’t it?! That little brother of maou-sama has ten times more magic than me. That’s why there’s absolutely no way we can win against him. If anyone could win, it would be just one person. Yes, only maou-sama.” (Stephanie)

I swung the magic sword. I swung and swung and swung.

In front of me, an A-rank large demon was being summoned. If I continued like this, destroying the city, the country, and even the world, it would surely feel satisfying. Such wicked emotions surged within me. It doesn’t matter anymore. I spotted my brother in my line of sight. With a laugh, I dashed towards him.

[Wilhelm’s PoV]

I remained restrained by handcuffs. Despite that, I managed to do my best, engaging in battles with the magical beasts and assisting with civilian evacuations.

During my efforts, I noticed that Tony had somehow managed to stop Stephanie.

“…Ah, I guess I’m not such a special person after all.” (Wilhelm)

I came to terms with it. With Tony around, this city would be more than safe. Tony, along with Anya and Clara, I hope you all continue to work together and accomplish many things in the future. As for me, I’ll find employment and support Tony from the shadows.

I kicked away the approaching demons.

I may not be suited for glamorous stages, but rather for hunting down mass-produced magical beasts. Well, even that is an important task. There are still dozens of them left, so I’ll keep doing my best with all my might.

Hmm? The sinister magic is exploding. It’s on the stage. Oh no, what’s happening? Tony has the magic sword.

Stephanie is running towards me, pulling Anya and Clara along. That’s a lot of blood she’s coughing up. Impressive that she can still run. She’s got guts.

“M-Maou-sama, please. Save us, save this city.” (Stephanie)

“You’re really asking a lot. Are you okay, Stephanie?” (Wilhelm)

“The only one who can handle this situation is the Maou-sama. Take back the magic sword. Control all the demons. Then, declare yourself as the Demon King. And then, save my country. Praise my magic tricks, write the latest edition of the scriptures, go on a date with me, treat me to lots of crepes, and also—” (Stephanie)

“Whoa, whoa, hold on. Isn’t that a bit too much to ask for?” (Wilhelm)

“If I can only pick one thing, then I really want you to become the Demon King. I’ll worship you for life.” (Stephanie)

“That’s not happening.” (Wilhelm)

“Anyway, please, just grant my wish. I’ll take these kids to safety.” (Stephanie)

“Alright, leave it to me.” (Wilhelm)

Stephanie and the others run off. Anya looks like she wants to say something, staring at me.

“What’s wrong, Anya?” (Wilhelm)

“Wil-sama, could you please confront Tony-sama?” (Anya)

“What do you mean?” (Wilhelm)

“I can’t say anything more than this…” (Anya)

Anya is then taken away by Stephanie before she can explain further.

I didn’t fully understand, but it seemed like Tony was carrying something heavy inside of him. Perhaps I can find out during this battle. It might be tough, but as someone as talented as me, I should be able to do it.

“I found you, nii-san.” (Tony)

Tony was approaching from behind at an unbelievable speed. He swung his sword with enough force to split my head in two.

Sensing his presence, I ducked to avoid it. However, numerous magical beasts were summoned from the magic sword. There were even dragon-type magical beasts that seemed to be close to S-rank. It’s not advisable to fight here. The damage would be too great.

“Am I Tony’s target? Convenient. Let’s change the location, Tony.” (Wilhelm)

While smashing the summoned magical beasts with kicks, I started running. Tony followed me at the same speed. I need to minimize the damage. For Tony’s sake too.

We were brothers who had never fought before. It’s unbelievable that we’re now doing something like killing each other. Life sure is unpredictable.

I ran with Tony chasing me all the way to the royal castle. Since it’s not a designated evacuation area, the damage should be minimized here.

As I ran up the outer wall, Tony followed, running up the wall as well.

“Nii-san, I want you to face me!” (Tony)

Whoa, Tony swung the magic sword. Two winged magical beasts, griffons, were summoned and attacked with their claws. It was difficult to fight while running up the wall. I ran up to the nearest roof and waited for the griffons.

A griffon approached, roaring, trying to slit my throat. As the first one came close, I kicked its jaw and shattered it. The other, I snapped its neck with a kick.

Tony headed further up, so I jumped up and followed him.

We were quite high up. The royal castle was built on an elevated location, so from here, the view was spectacular. If it weren’t for this situation, I might have enjoyed the cityscape and the breathtaking scenery.

I faced Tony. His eyes and expression looked utterly cursed.

“As expected of you, nii-san. Even without using your hands, you don’t get any weaker.” (Tony)

“Of course. I’m skilled, after all.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s exactly why I love you, nii-san!” (Tony)

Tony charged at me, brandishing his magic sword. His approach was incredibly fast. I narrowly dodged his attack, but a bit of my hair was cut. I just had it styled today.

Tony kept slashing at me without pause. His swordplay was artistically beautiful. If I let my guard down, I might be cut in half. Well, not that he’d ever hit me. I continued to evade gracefully.

“Cut, cut, cut, oh, I want to cut you, nii-san! I want to put many wounds on you, make you tattered, then bring you down to the ground, and then I’ll—” (Tony)

“You’re full of openings.” (Wilhelm)

I delivered a powerful headbutt to Tony’s forehead.

He talked too much during the fight. Blood flowed from Tony’s forehead. It seemed to have caused some damage.

Tony scooped up his blood with his fingers and licked it, looking pleased.

“The wounds you gave me… I hope they never heal.” (Tony)

“What are you saying? All the girls in this city would hate me if your handsome face got ruined. So hurry up and heal it—whoa, that was close!” (Wilhelm)

The tail of a scorpion-like beast struck down behind me at an unbelievable speed. Following that, a giant serpent-like beast slithered towards my feet, trying to bind me. Additionally, a demon with a pitch-black body was about to cast a spell. There were many other beasts behind me as well. Every time Tony swung his magic sword, more beasts were summoned.

“Don’t interfere with my conversation with my brother!” (Wilhelm)

I mercilessly kicked all of them down to the bottom of the royal castle.

Whoa, close one. In the brief moment I looked away, Tony had closed in with his sword ready. He aimed a series of thrusts at my neck with his magic sword. If it hit, it would be instant death. But, it wouldn’t hit.

“Nii-san, stop just dodging and attack me more! Let me experience your strength. Come on! Right now!” (Tony)

No way, without a sword, I can’t do it. I can’t defeat him while being restrained. Tony is too strong. Where’s Father, who went to get the sword? Do I need to buy more time?

“Hey, Tony. Why am I your only target?” (Wilhelm)

Whether it was the boss of the thieves or Stephanie, they swung the demonic sword indiscriminately. They fought in a way that involved not only the enemy in front of them but also those around them.

But Tony only attacked me.

It feels like even the magical beasts are being summoned in a quantity that I can handle. Perhaps there’s still a hint of gentle Tony remaining in him.

“The reason you’re the only target is because I deeply respect you, nii-san!” (Tony)

“So basically, because you respected me but then I turned into a pathetic shut-in, you suddenly wanted to chop me up first?” (Wilhelm)

“There’s no way I could ever think of you as pathetic! You’re the one who drove away the strongest ancient magical beasts from the surface and saved the city! And when the legendary ghost appeared, you rescued all the children in the city, and when there was a food crisis in the neighboring country, you worked harder than anyone else. You’re my proud nii-san!” (Tony)

Tony swung the magic sword with all his might. I gracefully dodged and then kicked away the emerging magical beasts, one after another.

“Regarding the food crisis, I’m sure Tony worked harder, though?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s because you were handling all the difficult quests, nii-san! I only dealt with the easy ones. Nii-san, you’ll bite your tongue if you keep talking during the fight!” (Tony)

I keep my distance, but Tony quickly catches up and continues his thrust attacks. It seems like the magical beasts aren’t summoned when he thrusts. It makes it a bit easier to handle.

“Don’t worry. I can handle this much.” (Wilhelm)

“What do you mean, ‘don’t worry’?! This is a serious duel between men!” (Tony)

“A duel? Seriously? I didn’t see it that way.” (Wilhelm)

“Please have that perception! Right now, I’m happy. I’m content. The last time that you faced me with your sword seriously was when I was five!” (Tony)

“Huh? Has it been that long?” (Wilhelm)

“It has! Nii-san, , you haven’t looked at me like that for so long! For so, so long! That’s why I’ve been striving and striving to catch up, to keep trying! This duel! This serious match! It’s important for me that you take it seriously, nii-san!” (Tony)

…I see. I feel like I understand the troubles Tony has been carrying. Tony has been watching me all this time. But I…

In the past, I only thought of myself, and I only saw Tony, who kept chasing after me, as a cute little brother. Even with his sword training, I only thought, ‘Oh, he’s trying his best, huh.’ That’s what Tony has been unsatisfied with all this time. He was training all this time to fight me seriously.

What should I do? Tony is starting to seem even cuter. Because he’s cute, I want to show him my overwhelming strength and show him the cool big brother side of me.

Is the sword still not here—?

“Wil-something-kun!” (Robert)

There it is. Father’s voice. He’s calling me from below the castle.

“Take this sword—!” (Robert)

Father threw the tip of the sword towards me. The sword is flying towards me at an incredible speed.

“Father, you’re late!” (Wilhelm)

“I’ve been working hard for you, yet that’s all you can say? Listen up! That’s our family heirloom sword! No, it’s the holy sword once wielded by a hero! There’s no sword greater than this in our country! Do you have any complaints?!” (Robert)

“I don’t, but why do we have such an amazing sword?!” (Wilhelm)

“Who do you think I am to teach you that?! I can only teach it to the heir! Listen, don’t you dare harm our precious heir! Solve everything in an instant with that hero’s sword!” (Robert)

“Father—! I’m the heir of the Wondersky family—!” (Wilhelm)

Father put his hand to his ear and showed a pretending face.

“I’ve been having trouble hearing lately. Ha ha ha, how unfortunate—!” (Robert)

I ran to the edge of the roof to meet the sword. Tony was right behind me, chasing after me.

“Nii-san, how are you going to catch the sword while your hands are restrained like that? I’ll cut those handcuffs for you!” (Tony)

“I can’t trust you in your current state, Tony!” (Wilhelm)

“No, I’ll do it! Just don’t move!” (Tony)

See, I knew it. I couldn’t trust Tony, who was filled with malice. He swung the sword down towards the back of my head.

I dodged to the side, but a sturdy golem-like magical beast and a large dragon were summoned.

I’ll deal with them later. I caught the handle of the hero’s sword flying towards me with my teeth. Alright, now I can fight with the sword!

“Let me show you a rare technique of sword throwing! Hero’s Divine Sword Technique, [Gale of the Sky]!” (Wilhelm)

I cast a spell on the hero’s sword I held with my teeth. Then, I threw it strongly into the sky.

The hero’s sword, enveloped in fierce winds, soared into the air.

This technique aims to target and throw down the enemy king who exposes his face on top of the castle walls. It’s a powerful technique that can pierce through both armor and flesh.

The hero’s sword, soaring into the sky, descended at my will.

“I’m going to cut you! If you look away, I’ll kill you! Please look at me!” (Tony)

Dodging Tony’s attacks, I manipulated the hero’s sword.

With a piercing sound cutting through the air, the hero’s sword flew around like a falcon. I let it dart around endlessly, disrupting Tony’s movements, then swiftly attacked towards Tony’s chest with the hero’s sword.

“Kuh—” (Tony)

Tony managed to dodge, but it gave me an opening.

“All right, come down!” (Wilhelm)

I successfully dropped the hero’s sword precisely onto the handcuffs.

“There we go, kept you waiting, Tony!” (Tony)

My hands were free. I took the hero’s sword and cleanly sliced off the handcuffs still lingering on my arms.

The sky darkened above me. The large magical beasts licked their lips and looked down at me.

“Get out of the way.” (Wilhelm)

I swung the hero’s sword. This sword, it’s unbelievably light and sharp. With a single swing, I effortlessly cleaved multiple large magical beasts in half as if they were paper.

Tony backed away from me, keeping a slight distance. He must have instinctively sensed that being too close would mean getting cut down in an instant. And he was right.

Tony’s expression turned serious as he carefully poised his sword. That stance was something I taught him when he was still young. It was a stance that resembled the one I have now.

“Nii-san, do you remember?” (Wilhelm)

“What now, Tony?” (Tony)

“It was when I was only five years old—” (Wilhelm)

“Can you give me the summary version?” (Tony)

He looked disappointed.

“In short, I asked you to teach me the hero’s divine sword technique. And you said you’d teach me once I got stronger.” (Tony)

“Huh. I don’t remember that at all.” (Wilhelm)

“I was sure you wouldn’t! That’s why today, I’m going to kill you!” (Tony)

“Is Tony some kind of obsessed yandere boyfriend or something?” (Wilhelm)

“When I’m facing you, it’s bound to happen!” (Tony)

“Can you please go back to being the honest and kind Tony?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s a bit difficult. So, I’m going to seriously take your life, nii-san! I’ll put everything into this one-strike! Please, accept it!” (Tony)

“Alright, bring it on, Tony! I’ll show you the power of your older brother!” (Wilhelm)

We both stepped back to create some distance between us. Then, our eyes met. At that moment, we both charged forward simultaneously.

Tony roared.

“Haaaaaaaah! Today, I’ll become a strong man who will be acknowledged by nii-san!” (Tony)

“Uwooooooooo! Hero’s divine sword technique, [Fierce Wind]! Followed by, Hero’s divine sword technique, [Mirage Attack]!” (Wilhelm)

I closed the distance between us with a short-distance, super-high-speed movement technique, almost like teleportation. Then, using the Mirage technique, I created multiple illusions of myself to confuse Tony. Timing might be a bit off.

“And—Tony! Today, I’ll put on a grand performance just for you!” (Wilhelm)

From here, I’ll stack the hero’s divine sword techniques. I’ll show you my strongest combo.

By doing so, I respond to Tony’s serious feelings. This is a serious duel, where backing down as a man is absolutely not an option.

I imbued the hero’s sword with magic. The blade began to gleam with incredible intensity.

The intense gleam was like that of the sun, radiating a dazzling brilliance that illuminated the city, the country, and the world with overwhelming force.

This is one of my strongest sword techniques. It’s one of the techniques that the man once called a hero cherished.

“Hero’s divine sword technique, ultimate move! [Flash Brilliance]!” (Wilhelm)

The hero’s sword clashed with the demon king’s magic sword.

That created a powerful impact, accompanied by a loud metallic sound that made one want to cover their ears. It also generated a strong gust of wind that tore through the roof of the royal palace.

Both of our techniques were delivered with all our might. Tony’s sword technique also possessed formidable power.

Having unleashed our respective techniques, we passed by each other and turned our backs, coming to a stop.

There was a brief moment of silence.

Then, a sound echoed from the distant roof of the castle—a sword was pierced through. It was the magic sword Catastrophe, wielded by the Demon King.

I stylishly rested the sword on my shoulder and turned back with a smug expression.

“Ha, still got a long way to go, huh? You can’t catch up that easily to someone as exceptional as me, Tony.” (Wilhelm)

“I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it! Wooooohoooooooo!” (Tony)

Tony raised both hands in a victory pose.


That’s strange. I totally nailed it, looking cool while defeating Tony. Why is he so happy? He keeps repeating his victory pose, raising his fists to the sky multiple times. But wait, isn’t that pose usually done by the loser?

“I mean, it’s pretty clear I won… right…?” (Wilhelm)

With a beaming smile, Tony turned around.

“I was able to hurt you, nii-san! I surpassed your physical abilities and defensive magic!” (Tony)

“Huh?” (Wilhelm)

I finally noticed. There was a faint damage on my cheek, with a slight trickle of blood.

“What… What do you mean?” (Tony)

“I’m so happy! Really, truly happy! The condition for you to acknowledge my strength is to be able to hurt you, right, nii-san?” (Wilhelm)

Ah, I remembered. We might have had that conversation with Tony a while back.

“The best feeling ever! It took me ten whole years to get here. Finally, the day has come when you acknowledge my strength, Wil! This is the first time in my life I’ve felt so excited!” (Tony)

Tony, overwhelmed with joy, fell backward. He continued to raise his fist in victory, rolling around in sheer delight.

After reveling in the moment for a while, Tony looked up at me from his position on the ground.

“Nii-san.” (Tony)

“What is it?” (Wilhelm)

“I want you to teach me the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques!” (Tony)

“Huh? Sure, why not? I’ll teach you anytime.” (Wilhelm)

“Yahoo! I did it, I did it, I did it! My dream since I was five has finally come true!” (Tony)

Wait, could that have been Tony’s underlying concern?

Maybe I haven’t fully understood Tony yet. Is this something to be this happy about? Could it be that from Tony’s perspective, I’ve been a difficult brother to approach?

I realized that I might need to spend more time connecting with Tony in the future. I strongly felt that way.

Leaving Tony, who was filled with joy, behind, I reached the edge of the roof of the royal castle.

In the plaza just before the castle, the battle with the monsters continued relentlessly. There were numerous monsters, each one powerful and ferocious. Moreover, some monsters had even infiltrated the city.

“The situation is seriously dire. This won’t end well if it continues like this.” (Wilhelm)

We had to do something, but defeating each monster one by one was too exhausting. So, I decided to sweep them away in one go.

“Activate Magic Eye—” (Wilhelm)

I heightened my magic. Absorbing the surrounding magic, I ascended higher and higher. Surpassing human limits, transcending even common sense, reaching the utmost extremes that shook the world.

My eyes would probably turn as terrifyingly red as the strongest ancient monster on the ground.

“Now, behold, the ultimate magic of the Demon King!” (Wilhelm)

Locking onto all the monsters present, I unleashed an immensely powerful magic that would attack all of them.

I raised my hands to the sky, no, to the universe. Objects there responded to my magic.

“Now, tremble! Let everything be crushed and perish! [Meteor Burst]!” (Wilhelm)

In the instant after I cast the spell,

A sense of dread enveloped the area as something terrifying fell from the sky. Both humans and magical beasts alike looked up.

And then, immediately afterward, a thunderous sound like the roar of a fearsome monster echoed from the sky.

The rocks hurtle down from the sky, wrapped in flames, descending at an impossible speed that defies perception. Each meteorite falls one after another towards the magical beasts I’ve targeted.

The magical beasts, unable to even utter a final cry, are extinguished in an instant.

In the chaotic battleground, silence falls swiftly.

No one understands what just happened. They all stare in astonishment at the fallen creatures and the meteorites.

“That was undoubtedly the Demon King’s ultimate magic. There’s no mistaking it. Wilhelm Wondersky-sama, you are undoubtedly the most worthy candidate for the title of Demon King in this era!” (Feene)

A fairy flutters before me. It’s Feene.

“I am so happy. It’s now clear to me that the magic sword, Catastrophe, is indeed most suitable for you.” (Feene)

“No, I think the magic sword, Catastrophe, would end up being disposed of…?” (Wilhelm)

“W-What?! Just when I finally met the new Maou-sama…” (Feene)

“How unfortunate…” (Wilhelm)

“Wow, you sound completely uninterested. But but, I do want the Maou-sama to protect the magic sword, Catastrophe.” (Feene)

“I wouldn’t do such a thing.” (Wilhelm)

“Hehehe. But you see, unfortunately for you, we’re going to be inseparable from now on. Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to protect me.” (Feene)

Feene flew to my right hand. Then, with her tiny hand, she shook hands with me. Huh, we’re shaking hands?

“I can touch Feene’s body?” (Wilhelm)

“When the magic sword, Catastrophe, accumulates enough magic, then you’ll be able to touch me. So, um, from now on, please take care of me!!” (Feene)

Huh, I thought Feene disappeared, but the magic sword, Catastrophe, was in my right hand.

Uh oh, this isn’t good. When did I start holding the handle of the sword?

Was I shown an illusion by Feene? I felt like an evil thought was sprouting inside me, but I managed to suppress it. So, when you become somewhat stronger, you won’t be swallowed by the darkness of the sword. In other words, everyone was lacking in that department.

“Now, Maou-sama. Let’s show the exhausted people the splendor of our power! Let’s show them the presence of the Demon King, and let’s make a grand entrance!” (Feene)

I heard Feene’s voice coming from the magic sword.

“W-What?! The sword moved on its own!” (Wilhelm)

The magic sword moved on its own while I was still holding it in my right hand. It stood proudly on the roof of the royal palace, striking a pose with the sword held high in the sky.

Somehow, it was already sunset. The orange sunlight shimmered upon the cursed sword.

Everyone looked up at me. It seemed like the light returned to the eyes of the people who had been stunned.

“That’s the Demon King! Maou-sama is standing on top of the royal palace! Wilhelm-sama granted my wish! This must be a call to action, telling me to follow him when he raises the flag!” (Stephanie)

I heard Stephanie’s loud voice.

“B-But that’s not it! I didn’t mean to do that! The sword moved on its own!” (Wilhelm)

However, nobody seemed to hear my voice.

“Is that the person often featured in the newspapers?” (Citizen)

“The shut-in Demon King of the Wondersky family?” (Citizen)

“No matter how you look at it, that’s undoubtedly the Demon King. Hohoho. He’s terrifying yet dependable. One can’t help but admire that. How gracious.” (Citizen)

“Demon King! Demon King!” (Citizen)

Someone started chanting repeatedly. Then, strangely, other people began chanting “Demon King, Demon King” as well.

“No! I’m not the Demon King! If anything, I’m a hero! Or rather, I’m a shut-in!” (Wilhelm)

“Demon King! Demon King! Demon King!” (Crowd)

“S-S-Stop it!” (Wilhelm)

My desperate cry fell on deaf ears.

“Demon King! Demon King! Demon King!” (Crowd)

The chant didn’t stop.

Even from afar, it was clear. Stephanie was the happiest among them.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

MC can’t seem to escape his fate as the Demon King. It’s bound to happen someday. It looks like Feene also did something to him so that they could be together forever…? I’m not sure but it was implied.

Yep, I translated it all in one go cause it didn’t feel right to cut it into parts.

I would like to question how can MC even hear anyone from all the way at the top of the building. Not to mention, his father threw that damn sword all the way to the top of the building.


  1. None

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 4 – The shut-in becomes a hot topic

[Feene’s PoV]

From the magic sword, Catastrophe, I emerged in my fairy form.

I, Feene, resolved to do my best so that Wilhelm-sama would use this magnificent sword that is me.

The magic sword has already accumulated a lot of magic. Most of it was from that thief.

But it’s still not enough. Next, I plan to absorb magic from someone with even stronger magic.

So, I raised my fist high and cheered myself on, aiming for the exit of the museum. I successfully made it outside with ease.

It was night outside. I checked around taverns and restaurants. But it was no good. I couldn’t find anyone who seemed evil or who had strong magic.

“Hmm, what should I do…” (Feene)

I flew through the night city, arms crossed, deep in thought.

Isn’t there someone who conveniently has high amounts of magic and bad intentions somewhere?

“Alright, this time I will succeed in my trick!” (?)

I heard the voice of someone with strong magic. I immediately turned around. It seemed to be coming from a room on the third floor of an inn. I peeked in through the window.

“There are three chicks here. Now, this cute Stephanie-chan will cast a miracle on these chicks. So, cover them with this cloth… ta-da-da-da-da-da! And when I remove the cloth, look! The chicks have turned back into eggs!” (Stephanie)

“Coo!” (Chickens)

What was under the cloth were three chickens.

“No wayyyyy! Why are they growing?!” (Stephanie)

The magician girl was aghast, holding her head in despair. She seemed utterly shocked.

“The trick is supposed to turn chicks into eggs… If it’s going to fail, at least stay as chicks!” (Stephanie)

Ah, upon closer inspection, these are the type of chickens with strong magic that grow quickly. Not suitable for magic tricks.

Haa… I can’t even get it right in practice. I’m supposed to be a genius.” (Stephanie)

If you’re a genius, you wouldn’t fail, right? What a peculiar person.

“Oh, maybe if I cover them with the cloth again, they’ll turn into fried chicken or something!” (Stephanie)

That’s amusing. The girl covers the chickens with the cloth. Then, she quickly removes it.

“Coo!” (Chickens)

They remained as chickens. Well, of course they did.

“Of course, it won’t happen…” (Stephanie)

Alright, I’ve decided. I’m going to scout her. Oh, I just remembered. This girl was the one said Wilhelm-sama was the Demon Kingat the museum. This is quite convenient.

“Good evening!” (Feene)

I greeted her by passing through the wall, and the girl looked incredibly embarrassed.

“N-no, that wasn’t a failure… Wait, huh? You’re the fairy that came out of the magic sword, aren’t you? What are you here for?” (Stephanie)

“I came to scout you. Aren’t you interested in the magic sword?” (Feene)

“I’m not. I’m a magician who dedicates her life to magic tricks. Fighting isn’t my main gig, even if I have talent.” (Stephanie)

I quietly used magic.

It’s a spell that manipulates people’s hearts to my advantage. It’s not exactly brainwashing, but with skilled persuasion, I can control the other party to some extent. Thanks to the magic sword accumulating enough magic, I’ve become capable of this. Resisting is out of the question.

The girl’s eyes became unfocused. Success.

“Let’s change the question. Is there anyone you want to have the magic sword?” (Feene)

“…Of course, it’s… Wilhelm Wondersky-sama.” (Stephanie)

“That’s a good answer. The magic sword is currently in the warehouse. Someone needs to retrieve it.” (Feene)

“…I see. Then I’ll… deliver it.” (Stephanie)

“You catch on quickly, which is helpful. Let’s go together now. We can retrieve the cursed sword tonight without being caught by security.” (Feene)

“Understood. Everything is for the sake of my beloved Maou-sama.” (Stephanie)

“That’s right, it’s for Maou-sama.” (Feene)

I grinned.

Things proceeded smoothly. The magician girl, Stephanie, got hold of the magic sword. And from the effects of holding the magic sword, malicious intent began to sprout and intensify rapidly.

According to those who wield the sword, it feels like their minds are collapsing like shattered glass. They can’t resist it and find themselves unable to avoid doing bad things. Stephanie is probably already in that state.

“I want to save the [Seagull Principality]. I want to defeat the Grand Duke and have Wilhelm Wondersky-sama take his place on the throne. If someone like him, who is openly acknowledged as the Demon King, becomes the country’s leader, there will never be another civil war. After all, no one can oppose the Demon King’s strength. I don’t want to see another child suffering like me.” (Stephanie)

“I understand. When shall we proceed?” (Feene)

“The friendship ceremony―― This will be a major event. It’s impossible alone. We need allies.” (Stephanie)

I guided Stephanie to free the thieves.

The thieves, now outside, were joyfully breathing in the fresh air.

The boss of the thieves approached Stephanie. He seemed overflowing with gratitude.

“Sorry, miss. Thank you for helping us out.” (Thief)

“It’s the least I could do for a fellow countryman. You all hate the Grand Duke, don’t you?” (Stephanie)

“You too, miss… That sword is dangerous. It’ll take over with malice. Let me take it.” (Thief)

“No, I’ll deliver it to Maou-sama.” (Stephanie)

“Maou-sama?” (Thief)

“The one who defeated you guys. I want him to become the Demon King and stand at the top of the country.” (Stephanie)

“Ah, him. He certainly has the power to rule the country. As a token of gratitude for your help, we’ll go along with your plan, miss.”  (Thief)

It looks like it’s going to be very interesting. At the friendship ceremony where the Grand Duke of the [Seagull Principality] will attend, we’re going to cause a big commotion.

It seems like it’ll be a festival of madness and death, woven with blood and screams. I quietly let out a devilish smile.

[Wilhelm’s PoV]

I came to the church. It’s not like I came here to pray or confess. I’ve decided to get a job, but I wanted to clear up any lingering doubts.

Guided by a nun, I arrived at the entrance of a splendid room deep within the church. This must be the room used by the saint. The nun knocked on the door.

A woman’s voice responded casually.

“Saint-sama, a visitor has arrived. May I open the door?” (Nun)

“Huh? Seriously? Wait, wait a minute. Don’t open it yet. Absolutely not, okay?” (Edelweiss)

Sounds of hurried movements came from inside the room. They must be rushing to clean up. I can vividly imagine how messy it must have been before.

“Please, come in.” (Edelweiss)

The tone of the voice changed. It was the gentle voice of the totally pure saint.

The nun opened the door for me, and I confidently stepped into the room. Edel-nee stood with an elegant posture, welcoming me. She may look gentle, but one should never be deceived. In our student days, she was quite a troublemaker.

“Good day. Welcome.” (Edelweiss)

“Hey, Edel-nee.” (Wilhelm)

“Oh? Wilhelm-san?” (Edelweiss)

“Long time no see.” (Wilhelm)

“My, my? Isn’t Wilhelm-san supposed to turn into ashes if he steps out into the sunlight? I heard you couldn’t leave your house.” (Edelweiss)

“Don’t mix up shut-ins with vampires or something from fiction. Even I go out occasionally, you know.” (Wilhelm)

I flashed a smug grin.

“Oh my, what a miracle. Great God above, on behalf of humanity, I sincerely thank you for bringing this pitiful shut-in out into the sunlight.” (Edelweiss)

“Isn’t that a bit much? Whoa, it’s so bright.” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee shone with divine radiance. It was so dazzling that I couldn’t see anything.

“Edel-nee, could you tone down the brightness a bit? Just a little glow is enough to give off a saintly vibe.” (Wilhelm)

“Hehehe, that wasn’t just an act. That was a genuine expression of gratitude.” (Edelweiss)

“Hey, you don’t have to pity me so much for being a shut-in. I was actually pretty proud of being one.” (Wilhelm)

“My my! How troubling! Your heart is still tainted, isn’t it? What a pitiful sight. As a saint, it’s my duty to correct you with love.” (Edelweiss)

“I think it’s you who needs correcting, Edel-nee… And I don’t need your ‘love’ either.” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee playfully delivered a cute cat punch to my forehead. She was smiling, yet clearly annoyed.

“Rejecting the love of a saint will bring you misfortune. I’m fuming.” (Edelweiss)

“Wow, hearing you say that doesn’t suit you at all. Anyway, let’s get to the point.” (Wilhelm)

“Indeed. We can discuss love another time, when we’re alone.” (Edelweiss)

The nun brewed tea gracefully, then bowed and left the room. 

Now that we were alone, Edel-nee seemed to relax. She sat cross-legged on a chair.

“So, what brings you here, Wil?” (Edelweiss)

It seemed like Edel-nee reverted to her usual self. In private, she dropped the refined facade and interacted with a more rough and casual demeanor.

“I actually came here today because I wanted Edel-nee to teach me purification magic.” (Wilhelm)

That was the reason for my visit. I can’t use purification magic myself, but Edel-nee, being a saint, has mastered all forms of it.

By learning purification magic from her, I hope to master the sacred sword technique called the [Waterfowl’s Swift Blade]. I plan to pass on this sword technique to Anya before I start my job.

“Huh? Purification magic? Why’s that? Suddenly feeling like wearing a nun outfit? If you want one, I can get it for you. Whose do you want? I can bring it right now.” (Edelweiss)

Edel-nee made a face like she couldn’t believe it, then burst into a smile. Is she really a saint…? I’m starting to think I might have chosen the wrong person for this.

“I don’t have any peculiar fetishes like that. I just want to learn Angelina-san’s sword technique and teach it to Anya.” (Wilhelm)

“Angelina-san? Oh, Anya’s mother, right? What’s the sword technique again?” (Edelweiss)

“It’s called the [Waterfowl’s Swift Blade]. Haven’t you heard of it?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, right, right. I remember now. I heard about it from the previous saint when I became a saint myself. It’s the sword technique used to dance in the Sacred Spring and offer prayers to the gods, isn’t it? It’s a lost art.” (Edelweiss)

I nodded in agreement.

“That’s kind of dumb though. There’s no special reason why there’s only one successor. It’s just tradition. But logically, if there’s only one successor, the tradition would eventually die out.” (Edelweiss)

“That’s reassuring to hear. It seems unlikely that the gods would be angry if I were to learn the technique.” (Wilhelm)

“I don’t mind at all. In fact, I encourage it. Spread it far and wide so that there will never be zero successors again. If you’re worried, I’ll make sure to convey it properly to the gods.” (Edelweiss)

“Thanks.” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee’s expression changed suddenly.

It seemed like she had realized something. She stood up from her chair and leaned forward towards me. Her gaze was fixed straight into my eyes.

“Edel-nee?” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee gently held both my cheeks in her hands and brought her face closer to mine.

“Wil, there’s something bothering you, isn’t there?” (Edelweiss)

“Nah, not really?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh come on, there definitely is something. I can tell. How many years do you think we’ve known each other?” (Edelweiss)

“About 10 years?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s been 20.” (Edelweiss)

“Hey, don’t exaggerate. We weren’t even born 20 years ago.” (Wilhelm)

The correct answer would be around 14 years, I guess. I didn’t include the years when we were babies because I don’t remember them.

“Well, forget about the exact numbers. The fact is, you’re the one I’ve known the longest among the guys.” (Edelweiss)

Huh… Wait, am I actually Edel-nee’s childhood friend? That’s not something I want to hear.

“That’s why I can tell when you’re troubled. Come on, spill it. Confess. There’s nothing to hide in front of a saint. How many pairs of Anya’s underwear did you steal? Come on, tell me honestly. Confess! Come on, come on, hurry up!” (Edelweiss)

“Hey! Who would even do something like that?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s alright. I already know everything. I won’t tell anyone, I promise. So, how many?” (Edelweiss)

Edel grinned mischievously. There’s nothing saintly about her at all.

“I’m telling you, I didn’t take any.” (Wilhelm)

“Aw, come on, where’s your sense of humor? Let’s talk about panties, okay? C’mon?” (Edelweiss)

Is this saint okay? Maybe I should consider finding help from someone else real quick.

“Listen, Edel-nee.” (Wilhelm)

I widened my eyes. My expression was dead serious.

“Panties, you see, they’re best when cute girls wear them. There’s no romance in washed ones stored in a drawer. So, I haven’t taken any. Not interested at all. Edel-nee, you get my reasoning, right?” (Edelweiss)

Edel-nee looked like she had a really bad headache. She had the expression of a mother lamenting how foolish her child is.

“Wil, could you please come up with a slightly more sensible reason? I’m seriously starting to worry. You know, even being interested in panties worn by cute girls is crossing a line, right?” (Edelweiss)

“I was just kidding and got a serious response.” (Wilhelm)

“Hahaha, it’s because you never straightforwardly ask for advice. If you don’t like it, just spit it out. What’s bothering you?” (Edelweiss)

“…Alright. But promise not to tell anyone, okay? Lately, Tony has been acting strange. It’s just been on my mind a lot. That’s all.” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee looked relieved and sat back in her chair.

“Finally being honest, huh? But is that really something to worry about now? Tony’s been amazing since we were kids, right?” (Edelweiss)

“Yeah, but… It’s been especially incredible lately. He’s been clearing quests one after another, and more and more people are gathering around him.” (Wilhelm)

Edel-nee looked like she didn’t care.

“But hasn’t that been the case since we were kids? Tony’s always been a magnet for attention… So?” (Wilhelm)

“Huh?” (Edelweiss)

“Is that really all you’ve been worrying about?” (Wilhelm)

“…I guess I was just feeling conceited, thinking everyone needed me. But I finally realized there were plenty of people who could replace me. And now that I’ve realized that, I feel really bad for being treated kindly by everyone in my current position.” (Edelweiss)

Everyone around here takes care of me without even saying a word. There shouldn’t be any need for them to treat me specially when I’m nothing special.

“Ah, I see. That’s actually a pretty typical worry for you, huh?” (Edelweiss)

I took a sip of the tea. It was delicious. You’ve landed a good job, Edel-nee.

“Are you planning to leave [Grand Bahamut]?” (Edelweiss)

“Yeah, I think so.” (Wilhelm)

“Well, then, why not become a Church Knight? I’ll make you my personal guard.” (Edelweiss)

Her suggestion caught me off guard. Church Knights are considered elite positions in this country, right alongside civil servants. And of course, the pay is good too.

“If you become my personal guard, I can relax. The contract requires eight hours of work per day, but you only need to put in about three hours of actual work. Sounds good, right?” (Edelweiss)

Apparently, being busy during major events where the saint appears on stage is expected. But apart from that, it seems pretty easygoing.

It was a tempting offer for me. Even if Tony becomes a civil servant and climbs the ranks like his father, being the saint’s guard would still be something to be proud of.

Edel-nee retrieved some documents from the shelf.

“Here, this is a recruitment brochure. Consider it as one of your options. I really recommend it.” (Edelweiss)

Edel-nee always seems to be looking out for me in her own way. I took the recruitment brochure. I’ll give it some serious thought.

Next, I consulted about purification magic. It seems Edel-nee will schedule a time for me after the friendship event with the neighboring country is over. Right now, she’s busy with preparations for that, so there’s no available time.

Just as we were wrapping up our discussion and considering leaving, we had a visitor in the room.

“Hellooo! Delivery from [Grand Bahamut]! Oh, Wil-kun’s here? Whatcha lookin’ at, huh?” (Sofia)

It’s Sofia-san. She approaches with a cheerful demeanor. Oh no, she saw the recruitment brochure for the Church Knights.

“Oh, Wil-kun, you’re getting a job? Come to think of it, I think I heard something similar from Anya-chan. Hmm… I didn’t expect Wil-kun to get a job. It’s a bit sad, but I believe you can do well anywhere, Wil-kun. I’ll be rooting for you!” (Sofia)

I guess she isn’t going to stop me? Just as I thought.

“Thank you… By the way, what are you delivering here?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s food! Summer oranges, fish, you name it.” (Edelweiss)

Edel-nee chimed in, providing some clarification.

“You’re aware of the food shortage in the [Seagull Principality], even if you’re a shut-in, right? I thought it would be good for me to provide food support as a saint. After all, I am the saint.” (Edelweiss)

“Well, having a good reputation is important, huh?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh my, it’s not just for rapport, you know? Hehehe.” (Edelweiss)

The friendship ceremony is coming up soon. The city is starting to bustle with preparations for the welcome. As Sofia-san and I chatted, we headed home, looking forward to the event.

[Anya’s PoV]

I, Anastasia, am currently on a quest with Tony-sama.

It’s a quest to retrieve bananas from the vast nest of monkeys. The quest difficulty is C, and it’s quite dangerous. Even Tony-sama is struggling a bit.

“Ah, this monkey beast is a problem. It’s not afraid of fire at all.” (Tony)

That’s right. It doesn’t fear Tony-sama’s fire magic at all.

We didn’t need to defeat the monkeys, so the plan was to scare them away with fire and then retrieve the bananas. However, it ended in failure.

“Uggyaa!” (Monkey)

One of the monkeys jumped from the tree and tried to pounce on Tony-sama’s face. He simply grabbed the monkey’s face and tossed it away.

“We have no choice. Let’s try to force our way through.”(Tony)

That seems to be the only option. We have plenty of other quests to attend to, so we can’t afford to spend too much time here.

“Anya-chan, don’t leave my side.” (Tony)

“Don’t worry! Dodging is actually one of my specialties!” (Anya)

“Uggyaa!” (Monkey)

The monkey leaped towards me. I gracefully danced aside, avoiding its attack.

“Huh…? Why are there two Anya-chans?” (Tony)

I smiled.

“Look, there are even more of me!” (Anya)

“Whaaaat? Amazing! There are seven Anya-chans!” (Tony)

The monkeys and Tony-sama exchange glances.

“That was incredible!”  (Tony)

“Uggii!” (Monkey)

“Well, I need to keep dancing to use the Hero’s Divine Sword Technique, [Mirage Step].” (Anya)

Huh…? Tony-sama’s complexion doesn’t look good. It’s getting darker and darker. The monkey also looks worried as it gazes at Tony-sama.

“Hey, Anya-chan, is that by any chance the Divine Sword Technique of the Hero…?” (Tony)

“Yes, that’s right. I learned it from Wil-sama.” (Anya)

“I see. That’s nice. Um, have you been taught any other techniques?” (Tony)

I proceeded to tell Tony-sama the names of all the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques I’ve been taught so far. Although I haven’t mastered any of them completely yet, I aspire to be able to wield them all proficiently someday. Using Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques would make me look cool as a Guild Master, after all.

Tony-sama looks incredibly envious.

“When I was five years old, I asked nii-san to teach me the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques.” (Tony)

Tony-sama gazed into the distance. Perhaps he’s reminiscing about those memories.

As the monkey lunged towards him, Tony-sama effortlessly caught its face and gently pushed it away. He doesn’t seem to have any openings. Truly, Tony-sama is remarkable.

“At that time, he told me, ‘You can’t stay like this forever. You need to grow stronger, Tony, so that I can acknowledge you. If you do that, I’ll teach you all the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques.’ Since then, I’ve been training diligently every single day.” (Tony)

Tony-sama looks pained as he speaks. It’s evident that he’s put in extraordinary effort to reach where he is now.

“But no matter how hard I tried, it was no use. Nii-san’s remained as strong as ever, just like back when I was five. At this rate, it seems like I’ll never get to learn the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques…” (Tony)

“Tony-sama, it’ll be alright.” (Anya)

I tried to cheer him up with a bright and energetic voice.

“When we get back, let’s ask Wil-sama right away. Wil-sama is a kind person, so I’m sure he’ll teach you the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques.” (Anya)

“Thank you. But, I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do that.” (Tony)

“Huh? Why not?” (Anya)

“Brothers, you know, sometimes it’s hard to be straightforward.” (Tony)

“Meaning?” (Anya)

“I want nii-san to acknowledge my strength first, and then teach me the Hero’s Divine Sword Techniques. The promise we made when I was five is absolute to me.” (Tony)

It really feels like a typical sibling relationship. I don’t have any siblings myself, but I feel like I can understand Tony-sama’s feelings a bit.

“I understand how you feel, Tony-sama. Well then, it’s time for a serious match with Wil-sama!” (Anya)

“A serious match… I wonder if he’ll do it. My brother and I have hardly ever had a real fight. He rarely takes me seriously.”  (Tony)

“The two of you are quite close, aren’t you?” (Anya)

“Yeah, I love nii-san. Oh, it seems like our conversation turned into life counseling somehow, huh? Shall we go get those bananas?” (Tony)

“Thank you for sharing with me. I’ll support you, Tony-sama!” (Anya)

I hope Wil-sama acknowledges Tony-sama’s strength. I’m sure there will be a chance. I’ll also keep an eye out for it so we don’t miss it.

Tony-sama said thank you. His gentle expression reminded me so much of Wil-sama.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

So many job options. Well, considering how strong he is, it’s only natural. I mean, he basically saved the entire city twice at this point. It’s weird how he isn’t being acknowledged more.

Also, poor Stephanie. She has one of the worst lucks ever, getting caught in all this mess.


  1. None

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 3 – The shut-in becomes a hot topic

[Anya’s PoV]

It happened while I briefly looked away.

I, Anastasia, was feeding the pigeons when I noticed that Blacky-chan, the black cat, had taken a bite out of the plump pigeon.

“Ahhh, Blacky-chan, you can’t eat the pigeon! I was just trying to be friends with it.” (Anya)

Blacky-chan squirmed and meowed, clearly not liking how I was holding him. After I let him down, Blacky-chan ran over to Eva-chan.

Phew, the pigeon was saved. I’ll continue with Operation “Befriend the White Pigeon!”

Oh, a new pigeon flew in from somewhere. Maybe it wanted to eat some food.

As I looked at the direction it came from, I saw someone I knew sitting on the bench.

Wow, it’s Wil-sama. I thought about going to say hi… but then I noticed that he was eating crepes together with a cute girl.

“Guh…!” (Anya)

That feeling when your whole world gets turned upside down… it’s real, isn’t it? I feel like crying. Wil-sama is on a date with someone who’s not me. And she’s a girl with big breasts. Of course, that’s what it’s about. Haa… I’m bigger than Clara-chan, though.

“Maybe I should make tonight’s dinner stuff that Wil-sama dislikes.” (Anya)

No, perhaps I should showcase the depth of my generosity by making only the things Lord Vil loves.

The pigeon coos at me, probably asking for more food.

“Sorry for the wait. Here you go, some delicious bread for you!” (Anya)

I’ve torn the bread into small pieces for easy eating. The pigeons seem to love it.

“Pigeons, let’s be friends, okay?” (Anya)

One of the pigeons looks up at me. Then, for some reason, it flinches and quickly moves away from me.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?” (Anya)

The pigeon seems wary and won’t come closer to me. Is it feeling a bit scared?

“Hey, Anastasia? Your eyes are lacking light, you look rather scary.” (Clara)

I’ve been called out by Clara-chan. Are my eyes different from usual?

“And your long hair is getting in your mouth, too. You look like a cursed doll that has been neglected for years.” (Eva)

Eva-chan checks on me.

“Kyaa, Ana-chan, you’re so cute! Kekeke… Kekekeke…” (Eva)

That laughter, it’s quite something.

“Kekeke… Kekekeke…” (Anya)

I tried my best to laugh.

“A-Anastasia seems to have malfunctioned. Please calm down. Is something wrong?” (Clara)

“Well, Clara-chan, Eva-chan, what do you think of that?” (Anya)

“Ah, it’s Wil-oniisan!” (Eva)

“Indeed, Stephanie-san is with Wilhelm-sama. They’re eating crepes… Ah, I see, that’s definitely a date desu wa. I think it’s what they call a crepe date desu wa!” (Clara)

“Wow, Wil-oniisan’s type is so obvious, isn’t it?” (Eva)

“Yeah, it’s crystal clear desu wa. So, basically, we’re all hopeless desu wa…” (Clara)

Everyone looks down at their chests. *pat, pat, pat*

“Ana-chan, Ana-chan, mine are decent compared to the two of you, right?” (Eva)

“But Eva-chan, yours aren’t big at all, either.” (Anya)

“…Kekeke… Kekekeke…” (Eva)

Eva-chan smoothly pulls out a straw doll from her long hair. It’s the perfect item for cursing someone.

“Maybe both the busty one and Wil-oniisan need a little punishment…” (Eva)

“Eva-chan, can I have one too?” (Anya)

“Sure, here you go.” (Eva)

Eva-chan gave me the straw doll, but Clara-chan snatched it away.

“No-way-desu-wa. Dangerous items like this must be confiscated.” (Clara)

“Aww!”  (Eva & Anya)

“Wilhelm-sama may not look impressive, but he actually has some attractive qualities and comes from a good family, so I’m sure this won’t be the last time. There’s no end to jealousy if you let it bother you every time.” (Clara)

“Then, Clara-chan, what would you do in a situation like this?” (Anya)

“I’ll attack him every day until he can’t think of anyone else but me!” (Clara)

Clara-chan crossed her arms and struck a pose as if lifting her chest. But there was nothing to lift.

I send her a sympathetic look.

“I don’t think your sex appeal would work.” (Anya)

“Shut up desu wa! You’re no different!” (Clara)

Haa, it’s like comparing acorns… Sad.” (Anya)

“Hehehe, Ana-chan, Clara-chan, I have enough to lend both of you.” (Eva)

“We’re jealous!” (Anya & Clara)

But even Eva-chan’s bosom wouldn’t seem to sway Wil-sama. We’re dealing with a tough opponent. The path of love is indeed treacherous. In the realm of love, Sophia-san must surely be the strongest.

I found myself in Wil-sama’s room for some reason. Not to search for evidence of infidelity… no, just to clean the room. Maybe Wil-sama will praise me with “Did you clean the room while I was away, Anya? Thanks” or something like that.

I open the window and start sweeping away with the broom. It’s quite clean thanks to Mew-chan, who loves cleanliness.

“Huh?” (Anya)

There’s an unfamiliar booklet on the desk… W-Wait, is this—

“A… a job guide? Wil-sama? That can’t be… This is… unbelievable! This is the beginning of the end!” (Anya)

“I’m back! Anya-chan, Mew-chan, I got some blueberries on the way home. How about we make some cheesecake and top it with blueberries tonight?” (Sofia)

It seems Sofia-san has returned from her quest. I rushed down the stairs.

“Sofia-san, Mew-chan, something big is happening!” (Anya)

Mew-chan reacts with a “Mew” sound. Sofia-san energetically asks, “Anya-chan, what’s going on?”

“I… I found this on Wil-sama’s desk.” (Anya)

“What in the world?!” (Sofia)

“Mewwwww!” (Mew-chan)

“So, Wil-kun is actually considering a job! …Hmm, now that I think about it, it’s unexpected, but not entirely impossible?” (Sofia)

Sodane!” (Mew-chan)

“He’s probably just being manipulated by Liliana-san or something.” (Sofia)

Sodane!” (Mew-chan)

“I hope so, but…” (Anya)

I’m filled with unease. I hope this doesn’t turn into some strange flag. There are too many cute women around Wil-sama. I’m starting to get more and more anxious about Wil-sama leaving this guild.

[Wilhelm’s PoV]

“I’m back!” (Wilhelm)

After spending time with Stephanie, playing and drinking coffee at a café, it had already turned into night. I was starving.

Anya welcomed me with open arms.

“Welcome back, Wil-sama. Would you like dinner first, or a bath, or perhaps… me?” (Anya)

As she says this, Anya blushes. She’s so cute.

I pat Anya’s head and take off my jacket. Then, I sit down on a chair.

“Let’s have dinner then. I’m hungry.” (Wilhelm)

Anya’s eyes widen in surprise.

“Am I really no good as a woman? You can’t tell from my clothes, but I actually have some curves…” (Anya)

Anya takes my right hand and pulls me. Where she leads me is to her modest chest but…

My stomach growls loudly. Anya smiles.

“I-I guess you were really hungry. I’ll prepare dinner right away.” (Anya)

Seems like my stomach’s response was a good one. Blushing, Anya starts preparing dinner.

After a short wait, Anya brings out a large hamburger steak.

I insert the knife and watch as the juices from the meat flow out, pleasing the eyes. Then, the melted cheese on top blends with the juices.

This is a perfect hamburger. It’s my absolute favorite.

“Wil-sama, let me pour you some wine.” (Anya)

Still wearing her apron, Anya sits next to me and pours wine for me.

“Gah, the shut-in’s not working today mew. Giving alcohol’s too much of a pampering mew.” (Mew-chan)

Exactly. That’s what I want to say.

Anya poured wine into the glass with an unsteady hand. Apparently, this wine was a gift from our neighbors. I wondered why they would give wine to a child, but apparently, it was meant for me, as a token of appreciation for being with her. Thank you, neighbors.

I’ll drink without hesitation. Ah, delicious. The taste of grapes spreading in my mouth, accompanied by the aroma of alcohol wafting through my nostrils. This is wine. Magnificent.

“But wow, this wine is pretty strong on the alcohol.” (Wilhelm)

Sodane! Young lady, over here too mew.” (Mew-chan)

“Anya, Mew-chan wants you to pour here too.” (Wilhelm)

“Mew-chan, please pour it yourself.” (Anya)

S-Sodane…” (Mew-chan)

Mew-chan is tearing up. It’s amusing to see a magical beast crying. Those tears could be the perfect accompaniment to the wine.

“Wil-sama, tonight I will take care of you with my heart and soul.” (Anya)

Anya leaned her head on my shoulder. What’s this? It’s incredibly cute.

“Anastasia Night Service is now open.” (Anya)

She whispered softly in my ear.

“Well then, I suppose I’ll take you up on your offer.” (Wilhelm)

Ten minutes later— The alcohol is too strong. I might be getting drunk already. But Anya doesn’t stop pouring wine.

Anya whispers in my ear.

“Wil-sama, do you like me?” (Anya)

“Yeah, of course.” (Wilhelm)

“How much do you like me?” (Anya)

“This much.” (Wilhelm)

I hugged Anya tightly. Her body was slender, soft, and warm.

“Gah! You neet, what are you doing mew? Touching is prohibited mew! This isn’t that kind of shop mew!” (Mew-chan)

Fuahh, Wil-sama, I’m happy. I’m sorry for secretly doubting various things. I belong to you for the rest of my life. Please do as you like with me tonight.” (Anya)

“What on earth is ojou saying mew? Is she getting drunk from the smell of alcohol mew?” (Mew-chan)

Ah, Sofia-san has arrived. She energetically slams open the door.

“Good evening! I’ve made some snacks. Let’s all eat together!” (Sofia)

Sofia-san came in cheerfully, but when she saw us, her eyes widened.

“W-Wil-kun and Anya-chan have crossed the line? I’m shocked, onee-san is shocked! Is this what happens when I’m not around to watch?” (Sofia)

“Huh? What are you talking about? I just heard something I can’t ignore.” (Liliana)

“Oh, I also invited Liliana-san who I ran into, is that okay?” (Sofia)

Lil… Li… Ana…?

Oh no, what have I done? This situation is bad. I need to get away from Anya immediately.

When I turned around, Liliana was right there. She had a terrifying expression, as if her anger could pierce the heavens, and she grabbed my shoulder with a firm grip, as strong as a demon’s.

“Oh, so you have the courage to do this in front of me, Wilhelm-kun?” (Liliana)

“N-No, it’s not what you think. I was just, in the heat of the moment, and then…” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, really~ You know, there’s something I’ve been thinking about you for a while.” (Liliana)

“W-What is it…?” (Wilhelm)

“I’ve been wanting to straighten out that rotten personality of yours from the very core.” (Liliana)

“Your face looks so sadistic!” (Wilhelm)

“Adults who get drunk in front of children need divine punishment!” (Liliana)

I ended up being hit with a German Suplex by Liliana.

“Aaarghhhhhh!” (Wilhelm)

It hurt like crazy. And she kept on with more wrestling moves. Relentless.

I hoped someone would stop her, but Anya was smiling, Sofia-san was happily warming up food without a care, and Mew-chan was grinning with a “serves you right” look. Basically, yeah, nobody was coming to my rescue.

After the wrestling moves were over, I prepared snacks for everyone, poured drinks like alcohol and juice, and even did the dishes properly.

As the night deepened, I collapsed onto the bed, feeling utterly worn out. That Reverse Figure-Four Leglock from Liliana really hurt.

Haa, what a pathetic sight. Getting drunk on the alcohol poured by a child, it’s shameful. Guilt swirls around in my mind, relentlessly.

They’re all such wonderful women.

Dealing with a shut-in, unemployed guy like me, they really shouldn’t have to. They could have spent the time they wasted on me with other men, perhaps finding a better match.

In the distance, an owl hoots.

The night grows even later.

I thought about so many things over and over. Memories from my experiences with [Grand Bahamut], my student days, and the time I spent as a shut-in at home. Even the recent time I had drinks with Liliana at the bar. I thought about everything.

… …

… … …

Despite being drunk, I couldn’t sleep at all. But my thoughts finally came together.

“I’m going to get a job.” (Wilhelm)

My resolve was firm. I would definitely find employment.

I wanted to become a better man and face everyone properly. If I did that, I wouldn’t feel guilty when they took care of me.

When I thought about it properly, this choice was obvious. If I kept dawdling, my younger brother Tony would get a job before me. Tony respects me, so I need to get a job first and show him a cool older brother.

It was already the middle of the night. It took a long time to fall asleep. But once I decided on the path I should take, I was surprised at how quickly I fell into a deep sleep.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

WHAT?!?! MC getting a job?? Who are you and what have you done with the real MC?? I never thought this day would come, but it did, and it’s so surreal. Is he gonna get a job at Liliana’s place? That felt like where the story was heading.


  1. None

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 2 – The shut-in becomes a hot topic

I casually dropped by the bookstore. I was supposed to come to buy novels and magazines to read, but my feet instinctively headed straight to the job-hunting section.

The shelves were lined with interview manuals and civil service exam prep books. Several people around my age were browsing through them. Everyone had a serious look on their faces as they contemplated their futures. I guess I should be doing the same.

I picked up a book at random and started flipping through the pages.

It was a book introducing various professions. There are actually a lot more jobs out there than I thought. The image of me working in any of them… honestly, doesn’t really come to mind.

Seriously though, why does job hunting feel like it’s set on a predetermined path? Liliana really managed to influence me.

Liliana wants me to become a civil servant and work for the country and its people. Eventually, she hopes I’ll become a central figure in politics or the military, like my father. It’s an endless dream, isn’t it? I wonder how many hurdles there are to climb from being a shut-in to reaching such heights.

In the end, I only ended up buying a few new novels and left the bookstore.

As I pondered what to do next, a girl approached me from the side.

“Oh, Maou-sama1!” (Stephanie)

It was Stephanie. Her twin tails bounced up and down happily.

“Hey now, call me by my name properly. It’s the handsome Wilhelm-kun.” (Wilhelm)

“Eh? You don’t look handsome at all, though?” (Stephanie)

“Oof. You don’t have to say it out loud…” (Wilhelm)

Lately, it feels like I get more negative comments than compliments. Is it just my imagination?

“Maou-sama, I have some candy here.” (Stephanie)

Indeed, there’s candy. It’s on Stephanie’s right palm.

“You’re giving it to me?” (Wilhelm)

“Place your left hand over here, and I’ll show you a miracle. I’m going to turn candy-chan into a dove!” (Stephanie)

“Huh? But I’d prefer it to stay as candy. Wouldn’t it taste better that way?” (Wilhelm)

“Taste has nothing to do with magic tricks! One, two, three, and here comes the dove!” (Stephanie)

I was completely ignored.

Stephanie moved her left hand and revealed her right palm.

There, surprisingly, was just one piece of candy.

“Is this supposed to be the dove?” (Wilhelm)

“Ugh… Ugh… It wasn’t supposed to go like this…” (Stephanie)

Stephanie’s face was filled with embarrassment. She looked so embarrassed that she had tears in her eyes. Cute.

“Ha! You thought it was a dove, but it turned out to be candy-chan. This is the miraculous power of cute Stephanie-chan!” (Stephanie)

“This definitely wasn’t the right moment for your catchphrase.” (Wilhelm)

“It’s the perfect moment! Here you go, have the candy!” (Stephanie)

Perhaps it was an apology for the failed trick or something. I accepted the candy. This candy is actually quite good, it might be my new favorite.

I wonder where the dove went. Maybe it’s off somewhere enjoying something tasty. Perhaps even the dove didn’t want to indulge in Stephanie’s not-so-great magic tricks.

“Maou-sama, are you going somewhere today?” (Stephanie)

“Nah, I’m done with what I needed to do. Just wandering around for now.” (Wilhelm)

“In that case, I’ll wander around with you.” (Stephanie)

Stephanie followed along. I really was just aimlessly wandering around… But now it feels kind of hard to just go back home. Maybe I should find a place where the two of us can spend some time together.

We walked along the bustling street. This street has all sorts of shops. Surely there’s a shop that will catch Stephanie’s interest.

We passed by several young women’s clothing stores, but Stephanie didn’t show any interest. She didn’t seem interested as we passed by the fancy shops either. No reaction to the toy store either. Oh, as we passed by the restaurants, she looked like she wanted to eat at every single one.

“Hey, Stephanie. Have you had lunch already?” (Wilhelm)

“Yeah, I did.” (Stephanie)

Huh. I thought she looked like she wanted to eat, but maybe not.

I wonder if she really isn’t hungry, even though she seems interested in eating at the restaurants.

“Stephanie, do you eat properly every day?” (Wilhelm)

“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” (Stephanie)

“Really? Can you actually make a living from magic tricks?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, about that. I’m fine because I have plenty of money. I brought a lot with me when I left home.” (Stephanie)

“Home? Is it a foreign country?” (Wilhelm)

“Yeah, it’s an island nation across the sea called the [Seagull Principality].” (Stephanie)

“That’s far away. I can’t believe your parents were able to send you out so far alone.” (Wilhelm)

“Well, they didn’t really send me out… Ah, that looks so delicious!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie seemed interested in something. Following her gaze, I saw several young women lined up. It’s a crepe shop. A pleasant aroma wafted through the air.

A customer receives her crepe and starts walking away. It looks delicious, filled with plenty of fruits and cream.

“Let’s grab some too. My treat.” (Wilhelm)

“Really? Maybe the Maou-sama is kind of handsome after all.” (Stephanie)

“See? I knew you’d get it.” (Wilhelm)

I put on a smug face, but Stephanie doesn’t seem impressed. If it were Tony, Stephanie would probably be swooning. How did the two of us end up so different?

We buy two crepes and sit on a bench in a nearby park.

Children are playing with a ball, but there’s enough distance that it’s unlikely to come flying our way.

“Wow, this is so good! I love this country; it’s full of delicious food.” (Stephanie)

“Glad you like it.” (Wilhelm)

Stephanie is enjoying a crepe with banana and chocolate, while I have one filled with plenty of baked apples. Mine is delicious too.

Stephanie happily wiggles her feet and sometimes touches her cheeks with her hands. Her twin tails bounce with joy.

“This is really delicious. Thank you, Maou-sama. I might start worshiping you.” (Stephanie)

“Please refrain from worshiping.” (Wilhelm)

But she looks genuinely happy while eating. It’s amazing how much joy a simple crepe can bring. I feel happy too, having treated her.

We quietly savor our crepes for a while. I finish mine first, and Stephanie seems reluctant as she takes the last bite.

After finishing, Stephanie looks up at the sky. Summer-like clouds drift slowly. It seems like it’s going to get even hotter from now on.

“Maou-sama, you know, when I was little, there wasn’t much to eat, and it was really tough.” (Stephanie)

She suddenly starts talking about her past.

“My hometown, the [Seagull Principality], has unstable weather and lots of land unsuitable for farming, so we’d run out of food about once every ten years. When that happened, we’d end up fighting over food, and it would turn into a brutal civil war with bloodshed everywhere.” (Stephanie)

“I remember learning about that in school. The civil war ten years ago was quite extensive.” (Wilhelm)

“Yeah. Both my mom and dad died back then.” (Stephanie)

Stephanie is about fifteen years old. Ten years ago, she was only around five. Surviving in a country in a state of civil war at such a young age must have been incredibly difficult.

“I was entrusted to various people and moved around to different places for various reasons… Because I was a demon, wherever I went, I was treated poorly.” (Stephanie)

In this city, demons live together normally. So, it’s hard to understand, but in other countries, demons are often disliked. There are many problems caused by this. I learned about such things in class.

“During those tough times, what saved me was…” (Stephanie)

“Magic tricks, right?” (Wilhelm)

“No. It’s the previous Maou-sama who saved me.” (Stephanie)

“Really? But hasn’t the Demon King been dead for over a hundred years? Can they really be your savior?” (Wilhelm)

Stephanie clapped her hands and then spread out both palms. On them… there was nothing. But something was perched between Stephanie’s hat and her head.

“Ah, it failed again…” (Wilhelm)

“Ugh…” (Stephanie)

Stephanie, looking embarrassed, showed me the book. It was a sturdy hardcover book. The cover was pitch black, and the title read “Scripture”.

“What’s this?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s a sacred writing which compiled the thoughts of the previous Maou-sama.” (Stephanie)

“Seriously? Looks like the kind of book that would get confiscated if anyone saw it.” (Wilhelm)

“I found salvation by reading this scripture and understanding the thoughts of him. Even in times of hardship, even when I wanted to cry, I could keep going because of the teachings in this book. I’m truly grateful.” (Stephanie)

Stephanie pressed the scripture against her chest and hugged it gently. It was clear just how much the scripture had been a source of comfort for her.

“That’s why, I want Wilhelm-sama to be our next savior.” (Stephanie)

“Huh?” (Wilhelm)

I couldn’t help but ask back loudly.

“Right now, there’s an unprecedented food crisis happening in the [Seagull Principality]. It’s the worst one so far. There’s bound to be another civil war… If that happens, there will be many more children like me. I can’t even imagine what would happen to other demon children… It’s too horrifying to think about.” (Stephanie)

Stephanie’s expression darkened. Was she recalling the hardships of her childhood, or was she worried about the tragedies yet to come?

“That’s why we need a savior. And conveniently, there’s a new Maou-sama right here beside me.” (Stephanie)

“No, there isn’t.” (Wilhelm)

“Yes, there is.” (Stephanie)

“There isn’t! Besides, isn’t the Demon King supposed to be a completely different type of person from me?” (Wilhelm)

“That’s not true at all.” (Stephanie)

“It should be! Can I take a look at that scripture you have?” (Wilhelm)

Stephanie handed me the scripture without hesitation. Just holding it, I could sense how much it meant to her. I carefully flipped through the pages, making sure not to dirty or damage them.

Skipping the foreword, I went straight to the pages where the Demon King’s teachings were written.

Let’s see… what’s this?

[The Demon King’s Teaching No. 1: When things get tough, just shut yourself in! It’s the world’s fault, not yours. So don’t hesitate to shut yourself in and let others take care of you!]

I widened my eyes in disbelief.

Th-This teaching… Is it really okay for such a teaching to exist in this world? I feel incredibly affirmed. Isn’t this amazing?

“Hey, Stephanie. Isn’t this teaching kind of incredible?” (Wilhelm)

I said excitedly, and Stephanie happily agreed.

Let’s read the next teaching. I can’t wait to see what it says.

[Demon King’s Teaching No. 2: Skipping class? Go ahead! Skipping school? Why not! Work? What’s that, something tasty? Instead, let’s all become neets together, yo!]

“Damn, I totally resonate with this! This is amazing!” (Wilhelm)

“If it’s Maou-sama, I knew you’d definitely say something like this!” (Stephanie)

I’m not the Demon King, but whatever. Let’s move on to the next one.

[Demon King’s Teaching No. 3: Actually, all modern saints used to be delinquents, yo!]

“Even Edel-nee is being dissed in a place like this—! Wait, didn’t the Demon King write this? The time setting is all messed up. Why is it talking about modern stuff?” (Wilhelm)

“Oh, this is the recently released revised edition. I’m devoted, so I always carry the latest version with me.” (Stephanie)

There’s a revised edition? I’d like to meet the person who did the revision work.

[Demon Lord’s Teaching No. 4: The eldest son of the Wondersky family is definitely the next Demon King, right? Come on, let’s all endorse him to be the Demon King! If he becomes the Demon King, the world will definitely be happy, YO!]

“What the heck is thisssss!” (Wilhelm)

This is ridiculous. Give me back the excitement I had when I was looking forward to it.

I took the scripture in my hand and swung it high. With all my magical strength, I threw it as far as I could—

“Ahhhhhh, stop, stop! That’s my treasure!” (Stephanie)

Stephanie desperately clung to it.

Oops, that was close. Too close. I almost threw it beyond that mountain over there.

“Stephanie, what part of this scripture did you resonate with? It didn’t say anything good. Especially the fourth teaching.” (Wilhelm)

I handed the scripture back to Stephanie.

Honestly. If I ever meet the person who wrote this, I’ll give them a piece of my mind. Heck, I’ll even rewrite this entire scripture myself.

“I felt like this scripture told me it’s okay to live true to myself. I mean, even a former delinquent managed to become a saint. That saint used to ride around town on a horse blowing a trumpet in the dead of night—such a nuisance, right? But despite living such a troublesome life, she became a saint. So why should we care about what others think? It’s better to live true to ourselves. I’ve experienced that era, so I know.” (Stephanie)

“Ah, that trumpet incident was all over the newspaper… It was beyond annoying, and it was more than just troublesome…” (Wilhelm)

I gazed into the distance.

Edel-nee was safe at that time because her family was a powerful noble house. Her underlings were properly disciplined, too.

Well, Edel-nee was very righteous, so much so that she even wanted to save her underlings the next night.

No, let’s not revisit that night. Trying to calm and convince Edel-nee was hellish. Yeah, I was the one who stopped Edel-nee that night. It was incredibly tough.

“Anyway, I don’t think this scripture is suitable as educational material for young people.” (Wilhelm)

“But, isn’t Maou-sama a splendid and good person?” (Stephanie)

“Don’t say that while looking at me. I’m not the Demon King.” (Wilhelm)

“Then what are you?” (Stephanie)

“I’m just an ordinary shut-in.” (Wilhelm)

Stephanie’s eyes sparkled like the evening star.

“So, you’re practicing teaching number one, huh? I respect you even more from the bottom of my heart!” (Stephanie)

“That’s totally not it! Don’t give me that look of respect!” (Wilhelm)

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

This is some funny shit. I would like to imagine that the previous Demon King really did write all those dumb shit, that would be even more hilarious. Maybe MC was really the reincarnation of the Demon King.

The only way to confirm this is to ask Feene, if she said yes and this is how the Demon King was, I would be laughing my ass off.


  1. I’m gonna change Demon Lord-sama to Maou-sama from now on.

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 5 Part 1 – The shut-in becomes a hot topic

Everyone in [Grand Bahamut] was lounging around today. Apparently, there weren’t any more urgent quests so we decided to take it easy for now.

I leisurely read the newspaper.

It seems that the ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of friendship with the [Seagull Principality] is coming up soon. Come to think of it, Tony said he had to greet the Grand Duke as the representative of the Wondersky family.

I’m worried about Tony, and I’m thinking of going to the ceremony venue myself.

By the way, since this ceremony is open to the public, I think Anya and the others will also participate.

According to the newspaper, it’s going to be a major event that will liven up the entire city. The article mentioned that there would be lots of delicious food and stalls, so it’s likely to turn into quite the festival.

As I turned the page of the newspaper, Tony placed his textbook on the table.

It seemed that Tony had just one final exam left. He had been reading his textbook with a serious expression, but it looked like he had finished studying.

“Hey, nii-san.” (Tony)

In a relaxed, family-like manner, I responded, “Hmm?”

“I want to have a serious duel with you, using swords.” (Tony)

“…Huh? Weren’t you supposed to be preparing for your final exam?” (Wilhelm)

Even though he had been reading his textbook with a serious face, I wondered if he hadn’t been concentrating at all.

“I’m sure I can get a perfect score for the test. So, I don’t need to study anymore.” (Tony)

“That’s impressive.” (Wilhelm)

“But, I can’t get a perfect score with a sword.” (Tony)

“If it’s a swordsmanship class, I think you could get not just a perfect score, but maybe even surpass the limit.” (Wilhelm)

“I don’t want it from the school, I want to get a perfect score from you, nii-san. The other day, I couldn’t defeat the thieves completely. But you defeated them with just one swing of your sword. This made me realize that I still have a long way to go.” (Tony)

“Tony, you could have easily won, couldn’t you? You just needed to defeat as many monsters as necessary to get closer to the boss and then take down the boss in one go. At that time, Liliana was behind you, right? We had to deal with a large number of monsters that kept coming out to protect her.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s true, but… how should I put it, I want to be strong enough to be acknowledged by nii-san.” (Tony)

“I already acknowledge you, though.” (Wilhelm)

“…For example, let’s say, a rival. What level of sword skills would be necessary for you to acknowledge someone as a rival? That’s the level I’m aiming for.” (Tony)

His eyes were serious. His gaze strongly conveyed that he wanted an answer.

Since Tony was this serious, I couldn’t just give a half-hearted response. I didn’t know what had ignited his passion, but I decided to answer earnestly.

“A rival with the sword, huh? Well, let’s see. I guess you’d need to have enough skill to injure me with a sword. When I fight, I simultaneously activate physical ability enhancement and defensive magic. So normally, even if someone cuts me with a sword, I don’t get a single scratch. If you can surpass that and manage to wound me, then I might consider acknowledging you as a rival.” (Wilhelm)

Well, it’s almost impossible to meet such an opponent. If there were someone like that, they would likely be a legendary entity.

“Are you satisfied with this answer?” (Wilhelm)

Tony looks delighted. It’s hard to understand why he’s so happy.

“Completely satisfied! Now I can see what I’m aiming for. It feels like an endless journey, but someday, I’ll definitely manage to injure you, nii-san!” (Tony)

Uh, no thanks. Hearing that with a smile is a bit scary.

“Alright, I’ll definitely wound you, nii-san!” (Tony)

Am I being targeted by Tony? Should I be cautious while walking at night? I don’t understand my little brother. It’s incredibly frightening.

Oh, it seems we have a guest at the guild.

I could hear Mew-chan greeting the visitor. However, it seemed like the conversation wasn’t quite making sense. In other words, the guest had a pure heart and couldn’t understand him.

The visitor entered the room where we were. Oh, it was Clara.

“Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho. Good day, everyone in [Grand Bahamut]. I made some refreshing orange mousse (a creamy dessert), so please enjoy it with—gegh!” (Clara)

Clara and I were both startled.

Anya leaped up joyfully. It was an incredible jump. She soared over the table and nearly touched the ceiling. Then, with a look of pure happiness, she dived towards Clara.

“Clara-chan, welcome~! Thank you for coming!” (Anya)

With that momentum, Anya hugged Clara tightly.

“No hugs allowed! Absolutely not allowed! I didn’t come here for cuddling. I just came for a little tea.” (Clara)

Clara, in society, that’s what they call wanting to get along.

“Wilhelm-sama, Wilhelm-sama! Please pull Anastasia off me!” (Clara)

“Well, that’s difficult. Seeing you two being affectionate makes me feel happy.” (Wilhelm)

“I don’t understand at all! We are not being affectionate. I strongly recommend you reconsider your understanding of happiness!” (Clara)

Clara blushed and looked embarrassed. She managed to reach the table somehow and placed a basket on the table. It must contain the orange mousse.

Suddenly, Clara noticed Tony. Tony flashed a charming smile, and Clara’s face turned bright red up to her ears.

“Kyaa! There’s my ideal prince! Who is he? Hey, who is he? Oh no, what should I do? Anastasia, do I look cute today?” (Clara)

“Yeah, you’re the cutest in the world!” (Anya)

Clara bashfully met Tony’s eyes. Her blushing face was adorable.

“Good afternoon. I’m Tony. Your name is Clara-chan, right? You’re really cute.” (Tony)

“Kyaa~! He greeted me! What should I do, Anastasia? If this develops into a relationship… It feels like a happy ending is waiting for me desu wa!” (Clara)

“Wow~! I’m planning to make Wil-sama my husband, so if that happens, Clara-chan, we could become relatives!” (Anya)

That’s an amusing future scenario. Clara would probably do just fine marrying into a noble family. She already seems more noble than the nobles themselves.

“So, does that mean that Tony-sama is Wilhelm-sama’s brother?” (Clara)

“Yeah, I’m his younger brother.” (Tony)

“S-So, even though you’re brothers, you’re so different…” (Clara)

Ouch. I took a huge blow to the heart. It’s a critical hit.

“Haha, we’re often told that we’re not alike at all.” (Tony)

“That’s right. I mean, Tony-sama is so handsome, but Wilhelm-sama doesn’t make my heart flutter at all no matter how much I look at him. How cruel the world can be…” (Clara)

Oof… That was harsh. C-Clara, that was quite an attack. She doesn’t even realize I’m right next to her. Even though I’m used to this treatment, it still hurts a lot…

Oh, Sofia-san has a mischievous look on her face. Looks like she’s ready to tease Clara.

“Clara-chan, I didn’t expect you to be so shallow.” (Sofia)

“T-That’s not true at all!” (Clara)

“Then, what do you like about Tony-kun?” (Sofia)

“As a lady, I shall remain silent on that matter.” (Clara)

“But your face is all red?” (Sofia)

“It’s just your imagination!” (Clara)

Clara pressed her cheeks with both hands. She said they felt “hot”. She looked around nervously. Then her gaze landed on me.

Clara seemed relieved. Her complexion gradually returned to normal. In no time, she was back to her usual self.

“Sofia-san, I’m still the same as usual, right? My face isn’t all red—” (Clara)

“Just take a look at Tony-kun.” (Sofia)

She glanced at Tony. He gave a gentle prince-like smile. Clara’s face turned beet red in no time.

“Kya~! Please, just leave me alone! What are you making me say? Honestly! Is everyone in [Grand Bahamut] determined to embarrass me?” (Clara)

Clara looked at me. She quickly returned to her usual self.

“Haha, Clara-chan, you really are easy after all.” (Sofia)

“I am not!” (Clara)

Even Sofia-san was flustered when she first saw Tony, wasn’t she? I don’t think she’s in a position to tease Clara.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Wil-kun is also incredibly handsome to me. He’s like a prince in my eyes… Well, maybe my sense of things is a bit off from other people’s.” (Sofia)

“You didn’t need to include that last comment. The mental damage is enormous enough as it is.” (Wilhelm)

Well, I knew there wouldn’t be anyone openly declaring shut-ins as cool. But just for a moment, it’s okay to be hopeful, right? Ah, life is about wanting cute girls to say you’re cool…

Clara’s orange mousse was perfect for the season. It had a refreshing taste that cleared both the body and the mind.

We all praised it highly and enjoyed our tea leisurely.

After a bit of chatting, Tony said he had a test at school and left.

With Tony gone, Clara seemed noticeably relaxed. She slouched over the table, completely at ease. Her expression softened and she looked adorable.

“Ah… I think I’ve had enough excitement for a lifetime…” (Clara)

Anya was poking Clara’s cheeks. Clara was completely limp, just letting it happen.

“Oh, right. Anastasia, are you free next Friday?” (Clara)

“If it’s an invitation from Clara-chan, then I’m always free.” (Anya)

“In that case, would you mind if you invited me to learn kimono dressing?” (Clara)

“Yeah, sounds good! Let’s go together!” (Anya)

“No, um, I mean, would you like to invite me?” (Clara)

Anya grinned. Clara looked irritated. It seems Clara’s pride won’t allow her to be the one to extend the invitation herself.

“Clara-chan’s date invitation. I’m so happy~” (Anya)

“So, Ana-sta-sia, please extend the invitation to me.” (Clara)

Anya said she’d refill the tea and got up from her seat. She walked over with the teapot in hand. Clara looked quite dissatisfied.

“Hey, Clara. What’s this about learning kimono dressing? Are you getting married or something?” (Wilhelm)

“No, it’s not that. When the Grand Duke of the [Seagull Principality] visits, Anastasia and I are supposed to present him with flowers. We’re discussing the dresses we’ll wear for that occasion desu wa.” (Clara)

“Whoa, isn’t that a huge responsibility? Was there a lottery to decide or something?” (Wilhelm)

“No, it’s a personal recommendation from the King himself desu wa. He apparently took a liking to us when he watched the finals of the Spring Festival.” (Clara)

“The guild showdown, huh? You both looked cute back then. It’s understandable why the King would like you.” (Wilhelm)

I’m starting to look forward to seeing them in their outfits at the Friendship Ceremony. My enthusiasm for participating is increasing even more.

After chatting with Clara for a while, Anya returned with freshly brewed tea. She served it with a smile to everyone.

“Let’s have a quiz here.” (Clara)

Clara really does love quizzes, doesn’t she? It’s a shame they’re not more creative.

“What am I currently obsessed with?” (Clara)

No idea.

“Yes, Wilhelm-sama.” (Wilhelm)

“I’m starting first, huh? Um, maybe buying summer clothes?” (Wilhelm)

“Bzzt desu wa, wrong answer. Next, yes, Sofia-san.” (Clara)

“Um, collecting stuffed animals?” (Sofia)

“I’ve always been doing that.” (Clara)

Clara looked at Mew-chan. I admire her willingness to try to understand even if she doesn’t understand his words. I’ll interpret for her.

“Mew-chan says it might be writing poems.” (Wilhelm)

“N-No, I don’t have such a hobby!” (Clara)

Anya reacted happily.

“Wow, Clara-chan writes poems? I’d love to see them!” (Anya)

“I-I’m not writing any at all!” (Clara)

Clara pouted. She’s definitely writing them. It’s so obvious.

“Anyway, let’s get back to the quiz. Anastasia, do you have an idea?” (Clara)

Anya seems confident about something.

“Hehehe, is it something like this?” (Anya)

Anya playfully snapped her left finger. She’s quite skilled at it. Wait, ehh? A cute white flower bloomed on Anya’s head.

Clara’s eyes sparkled. She seemed impressed by Anya.

“Anastasia, you too, huh? That’s absolutely correct desu wa!” (Clara)

Clara snapped her fingers. She’s good at it too. Wait, ehh? A flower bloomed on Clara’s head, just like the one on Anya’s, but it was a cute red flower.

Anya and Clara smiled at each other as they looked at each other’s flowers. It seems like they found something in common.

“Clara-chan loves Stephanie-san’s magic tricks too, huh?” (Anya)

“Yes, I was very impressed.” (Clara)

“Hey, weren’t Stephanie’s magic tricks kind of amateurish?” (Wilhelm)

“No, they weren’t. They were cute!” (Anya & Clara)

They harmonized perfectly.

I wonder if Stephanie’s magic tricks appeal to girls. Well, Stephanie herself is cute. Maybe if such a cute girl messes up a magic trick, it becomes endearing.

After that, Anya and Clara showed each other a lot of their magic tricks. Both of them were quite skilled, and it was clear that they already surpassed Stephanie by a wide margin in terms of skill.

After a breather from the magic tricks, I taught them some techniques for the Hero’s Divine Sword. I only taught them one technique, but everyone was so eager to learn and quickly improved.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

They’re already better than Stephanie in that regard lol. Stephanie’s heart is gonna be shattered if she ever sees them perform their magic tricks.


  1. None

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 4 Part 3 – The shut-in fights alongside his talented younger brother

“Please, wake up already!” (Liliana)

“No way. I absolutely refuse to get up.” (Wilhelm)

“Come on, stop clinging to the futon like that.” (Liliana)

“I haven’t looked at the clock, but it still feels like morning. In other words, it’s not the time for people to wake up yet. So, I won’t get up no matter what. Absolutely. Not for anything.” (Wilhelm)

“It’s already way past the time for people to wake up! How long do you plan to keep acting like a child? Sleeping in until noon like it’s no big deal is unacceptable. Come on, get up already.” (Liliana)

Liliana began to pry off each of my fingers, which were clinging to the futon. How cruel of her to do such a thing.

“Hey, wait. If you’re going to do that, then I won’t let you touch my muscles ever again.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Do you think you have the right to refuse there?” (Liliana)

“Hey, hold on. Why are you being so assertive? It’s obvious, isn’t it? They’re my precious muscles.” (Wilhelm)

“Wilhelm-kun, please try to remember carefully. How many years do you think you’ve been taken care of by me, starting from our student days?” (Liliana)

“…I’m still a bit sleepy to do the math.” (Wilhelm)

“It’s been ten years.” (Liliana)

“That sounds a bit exaggerated, no matter how you look at it. There weren’t even ten years of student days in the first place.” (Wilhelm)

“Okay, chew—” (Liliana)

*chew chew*

“Alright, swallow—” (Liliana)

*gulp gulp*

“Here, have some water.” (Liliana)

The cup touched my lips, and water slowly flowed down my throat.

*gulp gulp gulp* 

“Hey, you don’t have to go that far to take care of me.” (Wilhelm)

Oh no, I accidentally opened my eyes to deliver that retort. Liliana flashed me a triumphant smile.

“A shut-in like Wilhelm-kun qualifies as a certified care recipient, you know. Since your eyes are open now, let’s get you changed, shall we?” (Liliana)

“What do you plan to drag me out of bed for?” (Wilhelm)

“I need you to work no matter what.” (Liliana)

Seriously? It’s only seven in the morning. Even animals are still asleep at this time, aren’t they? Liliana is way too much of an early riser.

I asked while scratching the back of my head.

“Did something happen?” (Wilhelm)

“Didn’t you hear? The Demon King’s artifact was stolen from the museum. Remember last night?” (Liliana)

“Hmm…” (Wilhelm)

It seemed like there was something, yet it also felt like there wasn’t. I drank too much, so I don’t remember clearly.

“I also have a vague memory, but something like that did happen. And then under your father’s command, the soldiers chased after the thieves… but they lost track of them easily.” (Liliana)

“Oh man, Father’s reputation is going down the drain.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s why it was decided that Wilhelm-kun needs to work. It’s a proper quest, so there will be a reward.” (Liliana)

The quest’s difficulty is rated as A. The reward for completion is 300,000 gold. That’s quite a sum. Well, considering that national treasures were stolen, it makes sense. They need to offer a high amount to resolve it. It’s also reasonable for me to work to restore the Wondersky family’s honor.

“So, why is Tony grinning while looking over here?” (Wilhelm)

Tony is standing a little ways off, smiling warmly as he watches us.

“Oh, you know, I just thought that you and Liliana-san get along really well. Ah, I must have been intruding. I’ll wait downstairs, so you two can have some alone time.” (Tony)

“Wait, hold on. That’s a misunderstanding.” (Wilhelm)

Come to think of it, Tony always seemed to favor Liliana. We’re not dating or anything like that. I hope he doesn’t misunderstand just because we were close in our student days.

“Well, can’t be helped. Haa… I guess I’ll get up.” (Wilhelm)

If I keep lounging around, Tony might start imagining things between me and Liliana.

Ugh, my body feels so heavy. I don’t want to get up. It’s all because of those thieves. It’s because of them that I, a shut-in, have to wake up so early in the morning. I’m angry.

Starting our operation early in the morning might have been the right decision.

Last night, there was a brief rainfall, leaving the ground muddy. Thanks to that, the tracks of what appeared to be the thieves’ carriage were clearly visible in the dirt.

We pursued the thieves by riding in military carriages used by the soldiers. Our team consisted of me, Tony, Liliana, and around ten female soldiers. Plus, we were unexpectedly joined by the magician named Stephanie whom we met on the road. She insisted on coming along, saying she wanted to see my advanced magic. I warned her of the dangers, but she claimed to be skilled in magic and capable of protecting herself, so I reluctantly agreed.

As it turns out, Stephanie was apparently from the demon race. While riding in the carriage, I asked her what kind of demon she was.

“A clown.” (Stephanie)

“Even though you come from a lineage of clowns, your magic tricks are lacking…” (Wilhelm)

“I’m not bad at it! I’m just an unfinished masterpiece with great potential.” (Stephanie)

“I see… I hope you’ll reach your full potential someday.” (Wilhelm)

“How rude! That day won’t be far!” (Stephanie)

I couldn’t help but think that she seemed like an unfinished masterpiece that would never be completed.

We veered off the main road and entered the forest. We traveled along narrow paths that resembled animal trails. After a while, we reached a point where the tracks of the carriage abruptly disappeared. The path was clearly blocked by vegetation. If they were trying to hide their trail here, they didn’t seem to be very smart.

We cleared away the vegetation and continued forward.

Soon, we came across a cave. The thieves’ carriage was parked right next to the entrance. There was no doubt that this was the thieves’ hideout.

We got off the carriage and entered the cave.

It wasn’t a very deep cave. After about five minutes of walking, we arrived at a wide space illuminated by campfires. Towards the back, a large tent was set up.

“Huh? Who the heck are you guys?! Daring to enter someone’s home with your shoes on!” (?)

About ten rough-looking thieves, who had been chatting and laughing, approached us menacingly.

Tony stepped forward with a charming smile.

“We are from the guild, [Grand Bahamut], and we’re accompanied by the city’s soldiers.” (Tony)

“Guild members and soldiers, huh?! What business do you have here?!” (Thief)

“Of course, we’ve come to recover the items you stole.” (Tony)

The thieves observed us warily, their attitudes becoming increasingly aggressive.

“Hey, look, it’s just some women and kids!” (Thief)

“Looks like an easy win!” (Thief)

“Let’s show them why they shouldn’t mess with us!” (Thief)

“Kids, wouldn’t it have been better for you to stay home and drink some tea instead?” (Thief)

“Oioi, looks like there’s a dull man among them. Is that guy the commander? Let’s just kill him already~” (Thief)

…Wait, Tony seems angry. I guess he’s the type to fall for such cheap provocations.

“Excuse me, sir?” (Tony)

“Huh? Me?” (Thief)

“Insulting my beloved brother is unforgivable. I demand a retraction and an apology.” (Tony)

Tony’s expression turned cold.

The thieves laughed as if mocking him.

“Is that guy your brother? Haha, he doesn’t look anything like you at all. Your younger brother here is much cooler, isn’t he? Deep down, you must think I’m a hundred million times cooler than him, right? Huh—” (Thief)

In the blink of an eye, Tony cut down the thief. He slashed him nine times in an instant. Ruthless. The thief fell without even a chance to scream, his eyes rolling back.

“Come on, there’s no way I’m cooler than my brother, right? Anyone can see he’s at least two hundred million times cooler than me, right? Right?” (Tony)

All the thieves and female soldiers present turned their attention to me. And then, they all tilted their heads. They probably wanted to say Tony’s cooler. Seriously, you guys…

“You should probably take a good look in the mirror.” (Thief)

Looks like you’re being advised by the thieves, Tony.

“Hey, that guy just got chopped to pieces! This guy’s seriously dangerous!” (Thief)

“It’s so unfair that he’s handsome and strong. Damn it, let’s all attack him together! Let’s go!” (Thief)

“Uooooooh!” (Thief)

The thieves all rushed at once. Tony let out a sigh as if to say, “Here we go again.”

“I won’t forgive you for insulting my brother. I won’t show any mercy.” (Tony)

In an instant, without even a moment for me to consider helping, Tony had already cut down every single thief.

Not long ago, he could barely swing a sword like a child. But he must have been diligently training in the shadows. Tony had become far stronger than I had ever imagined.

Oh, a large man emerged from the tent.

He’s really huge. He must weigh as much as three adult men combined. His beard is bushy, giving off a rough and tough warrior vibe.

“What’s this! Did you guys take out my men?” (Big thief)

He must be the boss of the thieves. He’s wielding a menacing sword, its blade as red as blood. That’s the demonic sword Catastrophe, one of the artifacts of the Demon King.

Tony pointed his sword at the thief boss.

“Now, it’s your turn. We’ll be taking back all of the Demon King’s artifacts!”

The thief’s boss gritted his teeth in frustration.

“Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!” (Big thief)

What’s going on? The thief boss seems strange. His eyes are bloodshot, and he emits a menacing aura that doesn’t seem human. No, maybe it’s the magic sword doing this.

The magic sword was emitting a pitch-black aura. It seems to be absorbing the boss’s magic and converting it into its own strength.

“I’ll kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill you all! I’ll kill the duke, I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way! I’m the strongest. Let’s go, I’ll give you death for the fulfillment of my greatest wish!” (Big thief)

The thief boss swung the magic sword wildly.

Then, some kind of magic… it seems like summoning magic was activated. Magic circles appeared, and from them, magical beasts emerged.

They were demonic wolves with black fur. There were six of them. They looked quite formidable, baring their fangs and intimidating us.

So that magic sword can activate summoning magic with just a swing. This is more than just dangerous.

“Come on! Hahaha! This is great! Is this the power of the strongest magic sword?” (Big thief)

“Nii-san, please stay behind me!” (Tony)

“Yeah, leave it to me!” (Wilhelm)

Tony charged at the demonic wolves. As they slipped past each other, he took them down one by one.

“There’s no time to be relaxed! Let’s keep going! I’ll give you endless suffering! Die, die, die, die— DIE!” (Big thief)

The thief boss swung the demonic sword repeatedly. Every time he did, more demonic wolves were summoned.

It’s not just wolves; hawks, skeletons, frogs, and various other demonic beasts, numbering in the dozens, were summoned. Their ranks may be around C, but the sheer number is more than troublesome.

“Liliana, Stephanie, stay at the back!” (Wilhelm)

“No need to worry! I’ll fight alongside you! Watch this, it’s my miracle! Clown’s magic, [Trump Cutter]!” (Stephanie)

Wow, Stephanie used an unusual magic.

Giant cards flew, slicing the demonic beasts in half like blades. It’s quite a powerful magic. Must be a magic unique to clown demons. It’s no wonder she volunteered for this dangerous job.

“You’re doing great, Stephanie. Maybe fighting suits you better than magic tricks?” (Wilhelm)

“Magic tricks are special! Fighting is ordinary!” (Stephanie)

“Your perception is off. It’s the other way around, definitely.” (Wilhelm)

“Now, it’s time for the Demon King-sama to shine. Show us your ultimate magic!” (Stephanie)

“Can I even use it in such a narrow cave?” (Wilhelm)

“Figure something out.” (Stephanie)

“The ceiling will collapse and crush us all!” (Wilhelm)

I glance at Tony. He’s swiftly cutting down the emerging magical beasts at an unbelievable speed. His movements are magnificent. I want to keep watching, and I don’t want to interfere with my brother’s efforts. But no matter how you look at it, the rate at which the demonic beasts are emerging is greater.

“Kill, kill, kill—. It’s their fault. It’s all their fault. It’s because of the Grand Duke that ordinary people like us suffer from hunger. Kill, kill, kill—” (Big thief)

“What’s he talking about? Aren’t we getting caught in the crossfire?” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Could that person be from the same hometown as me?” (Stephanie)

“Stephanie, save the reminiscing for later!” (Wilhelm)

Seven of the magical beasts moved towards the rear from Stephanie’s side. Two female soldiers had already been injured. This is bad. It’ll be disadvantageous if this turns into a prolonged battle.

“Tony, move aside! I’ll finish them off in one go!” (Wilhelm)

“Sorry, nii-san. I’m not strong enough…” (Tony)

“Don’t worry about it. You fought more than enough!” (Wilhelm)

“Demon King-dama, are you about to use the Demon King’s ultimate magic?” (Stephanie)

“Nope! This is the Divine Sword Technique of the Hero, [Explosive Flame Dragon Fang Slash!]” (Wilhelm)

“Wow! Amazing! A dragon made of flames burst out from the sword!” (Stephanie)

That’s right, [Explosive Flame Dragon Fang Slash] creates a pseudo-dragon of flames with magic. It’s an incredibly powerful sword technique.

The dragon of flames opened its mouth wide, baring its fangs as it flew forward. It moved according to my will, incinerating one magical beast after another.

By the way, this sword technique was known to the president of the Hero Research Enthusiasts Club back when I was in school. Although the president couldn’t use it themselves, they knew what it was all about, so they taught me the knowledge. That’s how I was able to reproduce it easily. Both the president and I love this technique because it looks so cool.

“Take this!” (Wilhelm)

The fiery dragon incinerated all the demonic beasts, numbering in the tens. Only the leader of the thieves remained.

With the same momentum, the fiery dragon engulfed the entire body of the thief leader.

“Wow! It’s really hot! Is it going to explode?” (Stephanie)

“Yes, it’s an intense sword technique that burns everything to ashes and then explodes at the end!” (Wilhelm)

After the spectacular explosion, the thief boss was forcefully slammed into the cave wall.

With his eyes rolled back, tongue hanging out, and mouth wide open in a ridiculous manner, the thief boss lost consciousness. The magic sword, Catastrophe, fell to the ground, emitting a loud metallic sound.

I sheathed my sword in a cool way.

“Heh, quite the formidable opponent, but it seems he wasn’t a match for me after all.” (Wilhelm)

“As expected of you, nii-san! I really respect you from the bottom of my heart! You’re the coolest in the world!” (Tony)

“Right? Tony understands. He’s the best little brother in the world.” (Wilhelm)

I flashed a confident smile at Tony. He looked pleased.

“Um, nii-san…” (Tony)

Tony suddenly seemed fidgety. He seemed to have something difficult to say.

“Do you remember the promise we made when I was five years old――” (Tony)

Five years old…? Hmm… I was about to inquire further, but we were interrupted.

A white luminescent entity flew energetically towards me from the magic sword, Catastrophe.

“Demon King Wilhelm-sama~~!” (Feene)

A fairy flew towards me, radiating light. Wasn’t that the form taken by the consciousness of Catastrophe? If I remember correctly, when it took the form of a fairy, its name was Feene.

“How was my performance? I believe I’ve demonstrated capabilities that would satisfy Demon King-sama, haven’t I?” (Feene)

“Yeah, indeed. I’ve come to fully understand just how dangerous and troublesome of a magic sword you are.” (Wilhelm)

“Exactly. Heheh. Well then, Demon King-sama, I’d like you to wield me. And from now on, let’s have fun together and slaughter many people!” (Feene)

Feene raised both hands happily.

“Well, considering how dangerous you are, maybe I should just seal you away.” (Wilhelm)

“Wai-Whaaaat?” (Feene)

“Because a magic sword like you doesn’t really fit in the peaceful era of today, you know?” (Wilhelm)

“Wait a moment. Look, I’m a national treasure. If you seal me away, the country will be furious.” (Feene)

“That’s right, Wilhelm-kun. I don’t know why you’re so friendly with the fairy that came out of the magic sword, but this sword will be reclaimed by the country. Sealing it away is not an option.” (Liliana)

Liliana scolded me.

The sword was retrieved by one of the female soldiers and Feene said, “I won’t give up,” as she returned to the sword with a parting remark.

After that, we treated the wounded and recovered all the stolen goods.

We also discovered a large amount of food stored in the cave. So, these thieves were plundering the resources of the hunting grounds.

Liliana, who is well-versed in current affairs, speculated that a large amount of food was being smuggled to the neighboring country, [Seagull Principality]. Apparently, there’s a serious food crisis happening in the neighboring country right now. That’s why there have been so many quests related to food procurement recently. It seems that our country has decided to assist with food aid, hence the quests. It all makes sense now.

Stephanie also seemed to have some thoughts on the matter. She said she believes the speculation is correct, with a slightly sad expression.

Ah, we really worked hard today from morning till night. I’m definitely going to be a shut-in tomorrow.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Stephanie being a demon caught me off-guard. I didn’t even know there was an entire clown species.

Looks like Feene is still trying to appeal to him, even though he’s, you know, not a murderer. Also, how can you not seal the sword after seeing its power and how easily it was stolen? A bunch of people stealing food can steal from a highly guarded museum? Feene definitely played a part in it.


  1. None

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 4 Part 2 – The shut-in fights alongside his talented younger brother

It was night. I slowly emerged from the bath. It’s about time for dinner so I thought I should help with setting the table or something. When I entered the kitchen, Anya greeted me with a smile.

“Welcome home, Master (goshujinsama)!” (Anya)

“Oh! Anya, you’re wearing an incredibly cute outfit today.” (Wilhelm)

Anya was dressed up in a maid outfit, looking super cute.

It’s a black maid outfit with lots of white frills. The skirt is quite short, and she’s wearing black stockings on her legs. The headband is super cute too.

When Sofia-san said, “Anya-chan, spin for us,” Anya spun around and her skirt fluttered up. Anya’s cute thighs were exposed.

Splendid. That’s amazing, Anya!

“Ufufu. How is it, master? Does my maid outfit suit me?” (Anya)

Anya looks embarrassed while holding down her skirt.

“It’s amazing! I think you could captivate masters from all over the world!” (Wilhelm)

Anya looks delighted. That smile of hers is incredibly cute.

“I’m glad you’re pleased.” (Anya)

“Where did you get that maid outfit? It’s got amazing style.” (Wilhelm)

“This is a maid outfit from the Wondersky family. Tony-sama told me that all men love maids, so he lent me this maid outfit.” (Anya)

“I see. I’ll have to thank Tony for that.” (Wilhelm)

Tony, that was a brilliant move! I didn’t even know we had such a cute maid outfit in the house.

“Alright, Wil-kun, the omelette rice is ready!” (Sofia)

Sofia-san prepared a large serving of omelette rice. The eggs are fluffy and look delicious.

As Sofia-san bent over to place the plate, her cleavage was accentuated. I couldn’t help but be captivated by it.

“Sofia-san, your maid outfit is quite provocative. By the way, why are you wearing one too?” (Wilhelm)

The maid outfit Sofia-san wore highlighted her cleavage prominently, and the length was incredibly short. It was quite something.

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to try wearing something like this at least once. Is that weird?” (Sofia)

Sofia-san spun around. Her skirt floated up to a quite daring height.

“It’s absolutely fantastic.” (Wilhelm)

I said with a gentlemanly smile.

“Yay! I got praised too!” (Sofia)

Anya prepared the ketchup, squeezing it tightly from the bottle. She drew a big heart with the ketchup on the omelette rice.

“I poured all my love into it for you, Master.” (Anya)

“You’re even doing this kind of service! That’s quite extravagant!” (Wilhelm)

“M-Moe, moe, kyun~!” (Anya) 

She shyly made cat-like paws with her hands as she spoke. It was irresistibly cute.

“Anya, you’re so cute! Could you cast a spell to make the omelette rice delicious? Come on! Quickly!” (Wilhelm)

Anya blushed a little and then made heart marks with both hands.

“I’m going to put even more love into it! Here I go, become delicious~! Uuu, this is too embarrassing after all!” (Anya)

She spun around in embarrassment. So cute! Incredibly cute! The maids in this guild are just too amazing!

I took the spoon and ate the omelette rice.

“Mhmm.” (Wilhelm)

With Anya’s cute service added to it, an incredible sweetness spread throughout my body like never before. The taste was out of this world. This must be the effect of the maid’s spell.

Sofia-san came over, took a spoon, and scooped up some omelette rice.

“Wil-kun, Wil-kun, next, onee-san will gently feed you. Here, say ahhh.” (Sofia)

Sofia-san fed me a bite.

“Mhmm, it’s good!” (Wilhelm)

“Alright, one more time!” (Sofia)

“Sofia-san, that’s unfair. I want to feed Master too!” (Anya)

“Oh, I dropped it.” (Sofia)

The omelette rice fell from the spoon and landed softly on Sofia-san’s ample chest.

“Sofia-san, may I eat that?” (Wilhelm)

I asked quite seriously, maintaining a gentlemanly demeanor.

“Huh? It fell on my chest, but is that okay?” (Sofia)

“That’s exactly why I want it.” (Wilhelm)

I replied with a straight face. Sofia-san took the omelette rice with her fingers and fed it to me.

“The forbidden feeling makes it so delicious!” (Wilhelm)

“Are you an idiot or something? Alright, that’s enough. Anya-chan, let’s eat too.” (Sofia)

“Wait, Sofia-san. I also want to feed Master with my breasts too. That’s what a true maid does!” (Anya)

“What should I do? Anya-chan’s understanding of being a maid is a bit off.” (Sofia)

“Isn’t it fine? She’s cute.” (Wilhelm)

Anya took a spoon and scooped up some omelette rice.

Then, she spread open the chest of her maid outfit and checked her own breasts. At that moment, a look of great despair appeared on Anya’s face. Her eyes gradually became vacant with shock.

“S-Sofia-san, what should I do…?” (Anya)

“Huh, what’s wrong?” (Sofia)

“There’s nowhere to put the omelette rice!” (Anya)

“In moments like this, you just need to give them a lift, you know?” (Sofia)

“T-There are limits to these things!” (Anya)

“Try again.” (Sofia)

“It’s impossible. There’s no way…” (Anya)

“That’s not true. When I was eight, I used to push them close to me and play with them to make them bigger. Breasts are something you can make.” (Sofia)

Sofia-san moved behind Anya. Then, she slid her hands beneath Anya’s chest and gently pushed them up. Anya looked embarrassed, but also a bit pleased.

“Huh…?” (Sofia)

Sofia-san’s expression turned into one of regret. It was a remarkably disappointed look. Perhaps the volume wasn’t enough.

“S-Sofia-san, please stop making that face. You’re shattering my pride as a girl.” (Anya)

“T-That’s odd… Hmm. Anya-chan, you’re around twelve, right…?” (Sofia)

“Aaah, please stop adding insult to injury. I don’t think my brain can handle this.” (Anya)

“I-It’s okay. Anya-chan’s mom, Angelina-san, had big breasts, right? Anya-chan will grow up soon too. Probably…” (Sofia)

“P-Please don’t lose confidence in your tone. Please encourage me more. I’m going through a delicate time…” (Anya)

“Anya, you can do it!”

When I tried to encourage her, Anya looked embarrassed.

“M-Master, if I were to get bigger, I’ll make sure to provide even more service than I do now, so please look forward to it!” (Anya)

Then, I won’t forget those words. I’ll eagerly anticipate Anya’s growth and development.

Haa, I feel guilty…

After dinner, I escorted Sofia-san out and went back to my room. Then, a sense of guilt overwhelmed me.

Sitting on the bed, I’m tormented by guilt. 

“Did I deserve to be treated so kindly even though I haven’t done anything?” (Wilhelm)

I feel guilty for receiving so much care. I’m just a shut-in with an overinflated ego.

Someone like Tony should be the one receiving such wonderful service. He works hard. He’s cool.

“What am I even… It’s such a waste…” (Wilhelm)

Anya is incredibly beautiful and kind, and Sofia-san is obviously an attractive and kind older sister type.

The door to my room timidly opens. It’s Anya. She’s still in her maid outfit, looking at me with joy.

“Wil-sama, I will sleep beside you.” (Anya)

“Eh?” (Wilhelm)

I think I made a dumb sound.

“It’s the duty of a maid to serve the master from morning till night.” (Anya)

Anya’s perception of being a maid might still be a bit off. Maybe someone in the neighborhood instilled that idea in her. But oh well.

“Well, I guess it’s nice to sleep together once in a while.” (Wilhelm)

“Yes, then, if you’ll excuse me.” (Anya)

I moved to the end of the bed, and Anya came to lie down beside me. We both lay down side by side, facing upwards.

It feels strange. Anya somehow becomes about three times cuter when she lies down. Her eyes sparkle, and it feels like she’s asking for something.

Anya gently stroked my chest. Her touch was gentle, like a mother putting her child to sleep.

She began to sing softly. It was a lullaby. It reminded me of the maid who used to sing to me when I was little. I feel like I could fall asleep soon.

After a while—

“…nn…zzz…” (Anya)

Anya was the first to fall asleep.

Well, that’s to be expected. She wakes up early in the morning, does chores, goes to work, and must be tired. Thank you, as always, for everything you do for me.

I turned to the side and looked at Anya’s sleeping face. She looked so happy. Seeing her contented expression made me feel a little relieved. I realized that Anya wasn’t forcing herself to take care of me.

Quietly, I got up and gently carried Anya like a princess.

Mew-chan was standing outside the room, glaring at me with intense eyes. He’s brimming with hostility.

“Are you planning to mess with the young lady, you neet?” (Mew-chan)

“As if I would. Who do you think I am?” (Wilhelm)

“The Demon King of the Night.” (Mew-chan)

“Your perception of me is way off. Look at her sleeping face. She’s an angel. No one would dare to do anything while looking at this peaceful expression.” (Wilhelm)

“Indeed. I agree with that mew.” (Mew-chan)

I handed Anya to Mew-chan and then left the room.

“Huh? Where are you going mew?” (Mew-chan)

“I felt like feeling the night breeze. I’ll be back in a bit.” (Wilhelm)

“No need to hurry back mew~” (Mew-chan)

He smirked and laughed. What a jerk.

“Don’t say such lonely things.” (Wilhelm)

“I’ll lock the door mew.” (Mew-chan)

“Leave it unlocked for me.” (Wilhelm)

He descended the stairs. When I went outside through the back door, it was raining. I opened an umbrella and walked slowly. I couldn’t see the moon or stars. I felt gloomy.

My footsteps echoed in the quiet city as I walked slowly along the road.

I realized it. My mental state was not good. Not just a little bit. It was incredibly bad.

“Sir, you’re on your twentieth drink already.” (Bartender)

“That’s the mood I’m in. Let me get drunk today.” (Wilhelm)

I was at a bar. It was a mature and calm establishment. The customers were quietly enjoying the tranquility of the night and the taste of alcohol.

I sat at the counter and had already downed twenty drinks on the bartender’s recommendation. The more I drank, the more I became aware of my current situation. It was tough.

“Master… actually, I might be leaving my current job soon.”

I blurted out my feelings. The middle-aged bartender slowly returned the emptied bottle to its original place, as if he were neither listening nor ignoring me.

“A talented young newcomer joined. A truly exceptional person. They’re handling tasks that I thought only I could do at that workplace, and they’re doing it at an unbelievable speed.” (Wilhelm)

The bartender still hadn’t turned around. But once I started pouring out my feelings, I couldn’t stop. Maybe it was partly because I was nicely drunk.

“Before I knew it, they had taken care of all the tasks that I thought only I could handle. The girls at the workplace who used to admire me are all flocking around them. They’re still keeping me company for now, but I realized that in the near future, no one will even give me a second glance.” (Wilhelm)

The bartender moved away from me. Perhaps another customer had called for him.

Ah, this is sad. There’s no one to listen to my complaints. I wonder if I’ve become a troublesome customer. I feel like I’m just drunkenly bothering everyone. I must look pretty uncool right now.

“Here you go, sir.” (Bartender)

The master politely placed an envelope in front of me. I wonder what this is.

“Master, what’s this?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s from the other customer over there.” (Bartender)

What…? So there’s actually someone who does that? People actually say “It’s from the other customer over there” in real life? I thought that only happened in fiction.

I glanced over at the other customer.

It seems like it’s the person sitting at the far end of the bar counter. Wow, isn’t she beautiful? Whether it’s because I’m tipsy or not, her expression is soft and quite seductive. Plus, the way she’s elegantly crossing her legs in black tights adds to her allure.

Well, the beauty in question is Liliana. I would have preferred a mysterious beauty whose name I didn’t even know. That would have made the situation even more interesting.

Before I knew it, she gave me a casual smile that she doesn’t usually show. And she even waved her hand cutely. It feels like she’s breaking character a bit.

Liliana looks delighted as she hops over to me. Looks like she’s going to sit beside me. She’s moving her belongings and drinks as well.

“Mind if I sit here?” (Liliana)

“You don’t have to ask me.” (Wilhelm)

“Thanks for the drink.” (Liliana)

“Whoa, seriously? You’re quite bold to take mine.” (Wilhelm)

“Hehe, let’s enjoy the adult night together, shall we?” (Liliana)

“You just want to drink freely on someone else’s tab, aren’t you?” (Wilhelm)

“What’s wrong with that? Treating a lady to drinks is the mark of a gentleman, you know?” (Liliana)

“I’ve never heard such a flimsy excuse before.” (Wilhelm)

She seems much more relaxed than the usual Liliana. There’s an air of carelessness about her. Also, her voice sounds more childish than usual. I guess this is what happens when she’s drunk.

“So, what’s this envelope all about? Normally, when you say ‘it’s from another customer’, shouldn’t it be some good booze?” (Wilhelm)

“But isn’t it exciting not knowing what’s in it?” (Liliana)

“Exciting? What’s so exciting about that?” (Wilhelm)

“Just open it and see.” (Liliana)

Liliana seems excited. I wonder if there’s something fun inside.

I opened the envelope and took out what was inside. It was a booklet in a color that looked expensive.

“Th-This is… a civil service recruitment guide.” (Wilhelm)

“Yes, that’s right. I’ve been assisting with recruitment activities lately. I go to the academy as an alumni and talk to students seeking jobs. I tell them how wonderful it is to work in civil servant environments.” (Liliana)

“You’re still working hard as ever, huh? So, why are you giving this to me?” (Wilhelm)

“Well, let’s just open it for now.” (Liliana)

Liliana reached out and flipped through the pages of the recruitment guide. There, several civil servants were featured with bright smiles.

“Here are some of the most handsome and beautiful civil servants. If you become one, you can work with them.” (Liliana)

“Why aren’t you in here, Liliana?” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? Do you think I should be in here?” (Liliana)

She looks at me with a glimmer of expectation.

“Of course. I mean, for example, you’re way more beautiful than this woman.” (Wilhelm)

“Do you think so? Oh? Wilhelm-kun, are you trying to flirt with me?” (Liliana)

“Master, could you bring her the same as mine?” (Wilhelm)

“Of course.” (Bartender)

“Wilhelm-kun, please answer my question. This is important, you know?” (Liliana)

I ignored her and looked at the next page.

I’m not interested in the workplace guide. I’ve been to the castle where civil servants work countless times since I was a child. I kept flipping through the pages.

Liliana took a sip of the drink I chose. She quietly remarked that “It’s delicious”.

“Is there a page about the civil servant dormitories?” (Wilhelm)

“Yes, there is. Those are dormitories reserved for nobles. If you become a civil servant, you can live there for free.” (Liliana)

A four-bedroom apartment with each room being quite spacious. The bathroom seems large enough to swim in. It seems that all the necessary furniture is already provided. Plus, it says you can hire a maid for household chores. And the security measures are top-notch. With this, even those with families can live comfortably and elegantly.

“Isn’t this a bit too extravagant?” (Wilhelm)

“Well, yes, it is. They spend a lot of tax money on these civil servant lodgings for nobles. But if you were to live here, Wilhelm-kun, I think it would be better to choose a regular residence and experience the hardships of the world.” (Liliana)

“Which one does Liliana live in? The one for nobles?” (Wilhelm)

“I still live with my family. It’s easy for me to commute from home. Oh, were you planning to visit my room? You’re such a naughty person, aren’t you?” (Liliana)

Liliana gave a bewitching smile, her lips shimmering invitingly.

I ignored her and flipped through the pages. The list of benefits was extensive.

“Come on, loosen up a bit. I’m doing something out of my comfort zone here.” (Liliana)

“I just don’t know how to respond to this new side of you. Wow, civil servants get really great perks. The salary is high. There are plenty of allowances and perks too. No wonder the taxes are so high.” (Wilhelm)

“Being a civil servant is a special profession reserved for prestigious nobles and elite scholars who excel in school. Wilhelm-kun, you could work under these conditions too, you know? As long as you have the will. How about it?” (Liliana)

“Well, maybe some day.” (Wilhelm)

“When will that be?” (Liliana)

“Master, could you recommend something for her?” (Wilhelm)

“Of course.” (Bartender)

“Wilhelm-kun, that day could be today. Come on, say it with some enthusiasm.” (Liliana)

Liliana drank the recommended drink. Her eyes sparkled softly. It seemed like she enjoyed it.

Liliana leaned her shoulder against mine. Had she drank too much?

“Wilhelm-kun, I think it’s about time to face reality, don’t you think?”

Face reality… It means putting an end to the life of running away from society, doesn’t it?

“I’ll always be by your side, so you can go to work with a peace of mind. Let me take care of you again, just like back in school. Those were fun times, weren’t they?” (Liliana)

“Master, could you give her the same as before?” (Wilhelm)

“How much more are you trying to get me drunk?” (Liliana)

“But it was delicious, wasn’t it?” (Wilhelm)

“Well, I won’t deny that.” (Liliana)

She gave me a gentle smile. It was a refreshing expression. I feel like she’s enjoying herself. I’ve never seen Liliana make such a face before, even back in our student days. Oh well. I guess I’ll stick with her all night today.

Ah, this is unusual. Liliana is twirling around like she’s dancing. She’s smiling and laughing with her mouth wide open when we talk, undeniably cuter than usual.

Liliana and I spent some leisurely time at the bar, and now we’re walking home. It’s deep into the night, and I intend to escort Liliana all the way to her house.

As we walk, Liliana talks about her dreams. She wants me to become a top civil servant in the future, with her working as my secretary.

I wonder if such a day will come. Or rather, should I be hearing this? Did she accidentally blurt out a dream that she was supposed to keep to herself while drunk?

If we keep going straight down this road, we’ll reach Liliana’s house soon.

If I wanted to go to my parents’ house, I’d have to take another road from here. So, back in our student days, I probably would’ve just said goodbye here.

Suddenly, Liliana wraps her arms around mine. Her legs are tangled oddly. Drunkard.

“Wilhelm-kun~” (Liliana)

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to escort you home properly. I’m a gentleman, after all.” (Wilhelm)

“How about we… have a drink at my place, just a little longer?” (Liliana)

Huh? Does she still want to drink more? After all that?

No, wait. Her tone sounds serious. Liliana is using all her feminine charms to earnestly appeal to me.

“Is your family asleep?” (Wilhelm)

“Probably. But isn’t that better? Please come to my room.” (Liliana)


I feel like Liliana is genuinely inviting me.

What should I do? What’s the best course of action for the most gentlemanly man in town? Ugh, I’ve drank too much, my reasoning is failing me.

Hmm… I don’t know, but this feels like a trap. If I were to naively accept such a sweet invitation, there might be something scary waiting ahead… It seems like the kind of invitation that could lead to trouble.

“Wilhelm-kun? Surely a gentleman like yourself wouldn’t be so tactless as to reject a lady’s courageous invitation, right?” (Liliana)

Uh oh. My escape route has been blocked. She’s taken the initiative.

Um… What should I do? Let’s see…

Oh, look! There’s a group of soldiers rushing from the direction of the castle. They seem to be in a hurry and not interested in us, but they look alarmed. Something must have happened.

“Huh? Hmm? Well if it isn’t our local bacouple1, or rather, isn’t it someone who was once my son? I seem to have forgotten his name. Oh well, it doesn’t matter!” (Robert)

My father has arrived from the direction of our home. He seems to be in a hurry too, but he’s not missing the chance to tease me.

“Father, I am your beloved eldest son, Wilhelm.” (Wilhelm)

“Ugh, this is the worst. Stop reminding me of your name every time. Also, don’t call yourself ‘beloved’, it’s making me sick.” (Robert)

“If you’ve remembered, then please address me by my name.” (Wilhelm)

I was met with a disdainful gaze.

“So, what am I witnessing here? Why are you two so close? Are you dating? Oh dear, Liliana, let’s not go there. You’ll definitely end up unhappy.” (Robert)

“Excuse me, Robert-sama. Could you refrain from dissing your eldest son? He’s lacking in self-esteem, you know. We need to praise and encourage him.” (Liliana)

“Hahaha, you’re totally drunk. Sounds more like lines from a mother-son relationship than a couple.” (Robert)

“I’m not drunk! I, um, I’m planning to invite Wilhelm-kun home and make him write his resume for job hunting, that’s all! Yeah, that’s it…” (Liliana)

“Hahaha, you slipped up big time! You’re definitely drunk.” (Robert)

“~~~~~~” (Liliana)

Scary, Liliana is scary. Was she pretending to be vulnerable to set up a honey trap?

I feel like I’m developing a fear of women. Liliana used to be one of the most trustworthy women to me. Well, it was a good learning experience, I guess.

“But with that level of drunkenness, you’ll definitely have a two-day hangover2 tomorrow.” (Robert)

Liliana looked resolute.

“I’m quite strong, so I’ll be fine. Is it urgent work?” (Liliana)

“Yes. All the national treasures and relics of the Demon King that were on display at the museum were stolen.” (Robert)

“What? So, that means, more work is coming our way, isn’t it?” (Liliana)

“Exactly. But well, I’ll have someone else handle it these two days. You should get some more rest.” (Robert)

“No, I’ll be up and at it by tomorrow. …Wilhelm-kun, let’s have a drink together again sometime. Thank you for a wonderful evening.” (Liliana)

I offered to walk her home, but my father stopped me for a moment and gestured for Liliana to give us some time. It seems there’s something he wants to discuss.

Father’s expression has become much more serious than before. It seems like he’s trying to gauge my seriousness, but about what, I wonder?

“Wil-something-kun.” (Robert)

I straightened myself up to match the serious atmosphere.

“…Under the condition that you work diligently, I’ll talk to the Shootingstar (aka Liliana’s) family. You don’t need to worry about Anastasia. I’ll make sure to find a good man for her.” (Robert)

“What are you talking about?” (Wilhelm)

“It’s about the marriage proposal.” (Robert)

“Huh?” (Wilhelm)

I looked into my father’s eyes. They were dead serious. So I answered seriously.

“Liliana and I aren’t in that kind of relationship in the first place, though.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s a typical response from a young man. Are you sure Liliana feels the same way?” (Robert)

“Huh… We’ve never really talked about that.” (Wilhelm)

“In that case, why don’t you two take the time to talk it over? If it’s the Shootingstar family, I’m willing to approve. It’s within an acceptable range considering our family’s status.” (Robert)

“You’re jumping the gun here. Liliana and I aren’t even prepared for this.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s how noble matchmaking works.” (Robert)

“We don’t need that kind of matchmaking.” (Wilhelm)

“Hmm… Anyways, you’ve got two choices before you. Will you choose Anastasia, or will you choose Liliana? Both are incredibly beautiful women. So, which one will you choose?” (Robert)

“Wow, both are such luxurious options that are wasted on me…” (Wilhelm)

“Hm? Now that you mention it, it’s true. What an insanely enviable dilemma, coming from a shut-in like you! It makes me furious, I want to punch you!” (Liliana)

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” (Wilhelm)

Father’s jabs came flying at me. It’s tough dealing with this kind of play after drinking.

“Father, I’m not really torn between those two choices, you know.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh? You should be! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Well, hurry up and send Liliana off!” (Robert)

A fierce straight punch came flying. But with such a big swing, it’s easy to dodge.

“Come on, get moving. She’s a potential bride for the future.” (Robert)

“I told you, it’s not like that! Ouch, ouch, ouch!” (Wilhelm)

With a series of taps on my back, I was ushered out.

What’s going on? My parents are just letting their imaginations run wild and going off the rails. It’s such a hassle.

I caught up with Liliana as she greeted me with a smile.

“Alright, Wilhelm-kun, since you’re such a good boy, let’s write that resume at my place, okay?” (Liliana)

She patted my head. She’s treating me too much like a child.

“Going straight for the kill, huh? Well, I definitely won’t be writing it.” (Wilhelm)

I didn’t miss Liliana’s annoyed click of the tongue.

We exchanged goodnights in front of Liliana’s house. Just when I thought to leave, she forcefully handed me the resume as a souvenir. Even though I didn’t need it.

The back door to [Grand Bahamut] was open. I quietly slipped into my own bed, so as not to wake Anya. With all the drinking tonight, I’ll probably fall asleep soon.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

Oh shiiitttt, Liliana actually has a chance?! This feels like that part of a visual novel where the protagonist has to make a choice and he would end up on the route of whoever he picked. Of course, harem is the true route, can’t leave either unhappy.

Also, I need to mention the ridiculousness that is the bandits just being able to rob such important items. Did Feene give them a hand or did they do it themselves? Cause if they did it themselves, then they can’t complain about being weak compared to the nobles.


  1. Baka + couple, but you probably know this.
  2. Hangover means physical effects (such as headache or nausea) following heavy consumption of alcohol.

CGM – Vol 3 Chapter 4 Part 1 – The shut-in fights alongside his talented younger brother

I woke up in the early afternoon. Tony and the others seemed to have gone on a quest, which is why the guild was so quiet.

It seems that the quests with an approaching deadline are being wrapped up. When I checked the bulletin board, it was surprisingly neat.

“…Impressive.” (Wilhelm)

So this was Tony’s current strength. Not long ago, he was just my cute little brother following behind me. Looks like Tony had grown considerably stronger while I wasn’t looking.

I reminisced about the many memories I had with Tony. Ah, they rush through my mind like a slideshow.

—(Nii-san, I managed to eat the same amount of food as you!)

He was so cute back then, so small.

—(Look! I’m wearing the same thing as nii-san. Hehe, does it suit me?)

There was a time when he imitated me excessively.

—(Nii-san, nii-san, I’ve gotten better with the sword!)

He worked hard to catch up to me.

—(Nii-san, look! I got a perfect score!)

Tony worked hard in his studies too.

—(I respect you from the bottom of my heart, nii-san. Someday, I’ll become a worthy man who can stand by your side and support you. So please look forward to that!)

He had been saying that since he was little. Since Tony looked up to me, I worked desperately not to be overtaken by him.

—(Nii-san, nii-san, nii-sann~!)

Tony’s smile was so cute. It would have been nice if he had been a girl.

When I was busy reminiscing, a fluffy white magical beast walked up beside me. It stood next to me, looking at the bulletin board.

“Your younger brother is very competent mew. Unlike a certain someone!” (Mew-chan)

“Yeah, that’s right. He’s incredibly capable.” (Wilhelm)

“Sodane! Wait, what? Aren’t you going to say, ‘Tony is great, but I’m a hundred times better’ or something like that?” (Mew-chan)

“Tony is my proud younger brother. So, when he gets praised, It honestly makes me happy.” (Wilhelm)

“Ehh. Aren’t brothers supposed to grow up hating each other and fighting?” (Mew-chan)

“I can’t bring myself to punch that pretty face.” (Wilhelm)

“Then, what kind of face could you punch mew?” (Mew-chan)

“Maybe the face of a fluffy white creature that’s a bit too much to handle.” (Wilhelm)

My gaze clashed sharply with Mew-chan’s. It was as if sparks were flying.

Mew-chan cracked his knuckles.

“Hehe, so the time has finally come to settle things between us, you neet.” (Mew-chan)

“I’m just in need of some stress relief. I’ll make sure to make full use of you.” (Wilhelm)

“Stress? For a neet? Hah! You’re probably just jealous of Tony mew.” (Mew-chan)

“As if I’d be jealous.” (Wilhelm)

Mew-chan gestured provocatively, looking down at me. He was clearly signaling for me to come at her.

“Heh, if you think you can beat me, you’re gravely mistaken.” (Wilhelm)

“That’s my line mew. If you think I’m just a Sodane Mew’ you’re in for a painful surprise.” (Liliana)

Mew-chan’s magic started to surge. His eyes began to glow, and his white fur stood on end. The powerful aura he exuded whipped up like a storm, causing the quest papers on the bulletin board to flutter violently.

As expected, Mew-chan was a formidable magical beast. He possessed a strength far beyond that of an ordinary Sodane Mew.

However, she wasn’t a match for someone as talented as me.

“I’ll show you what real strength is. Here I come.” (Wilhelm)

“Bring it on! Mewwwwww!” (Liliana)

“Haaahhhhhh!” (Wilhelm)

We both psyched ourselves up. And then, we leaped towards each other—

The shop door opened. A woman, radiating a graceful aura, entered.

“Good afternoon!” (?)

“Welcome!” (Wilhelm (Mew-chan) Mew-chan)

Due to our momentum, Mew-chan and I ended up hugging each other. We turned our faces towards the customer and greeted her.

The customer who entered the shop was a woman wearing a civil servant uniform. She was a beautiful lady with cool, blue hair. We’ve known each other for years, and we used to spend a lot of time together during our school days.

“Ah, it’s Liliana. You don’t have to be so formal, you know.” (Wilhelm)

“Oh? You two seem quite close. Were you perhaps nurturing love in secret while no one was around?” (Liliana)

“As if! Mew-chan and I are like cats and dogs.” (Wilhelm)

“Sodane!” (Mew-chan)

“But you two seem to get along really well, don’t you?” (Liliana)

Liliana flashed a slightly mischievous smile.

“So, what brings you here today? Did you come to touch some muscles?” (Wilhelm)

“I’ll save that for my days off.” (Liliana)

Oh god, her heart is as polluted as ever.

“I’m here for the regular inspection today. Where’s guild master Anastasia?” (Liliana)

“She’s out working with Tony.” (Wilhelm)

“Huh?” (Liliana)

“Anya is on a quest with my brother.” (Wilhelm)

“Then, what about you, Wilhelm-kun?” (Liliana)

“I’m manning the guild.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana shot me a disdainful gaze as if she were looking at a bug. It was the kind of cold gaze that someone with masochistic tendencies would probably delight in.

“This is just like you. Not that it’s a good thing. As a grown-up, you shouldn’t make a 14-year-old and a 12-year-old work. Wilhelm-kun, as punishment, I demand some muscles.” (Liliana)

“No.” (Wilhelm)

However, despite what I said, Liliana’s hand reached out towards my chest. She touched me gently.

Liliana’s slender fingers glided smoothly over my chest. For a moment, Liliana’s expression seemed to shift into a smirk, but she quickly withdrew her hand. She withdrew surprisingly early today.

But after a moment, her face paled in disbelief and Liliana ran her hand over my muscles again.

Ara? Arara? Ararara? Wait a minute? Wilhelm-kun? This is unacceptable. You promised to always keep your muscles in top condition for me, didn’t you?” (Liliana)

“I don’t recall making such a promise…” (Wilhelm)

“The conditions of your muscles are very poor. How can I indulge myself if you’re like this?” (Liliana)

“Poor? That’s odd. I don’t feel any muscle soreness.” (Wilhelm)

Liliana touched my chest again, this time with a rather serious expression.

“The feeling of this pectoral muscle… Wilhelm-kun, you must be in big trouble.” (Liliana)

“W-Why would you know something like that? Is Liliana a muscle counselor or something?” (Wilhelm)

“Anyone could tell from this much, you know?” (Liliana)

“No, absolutely not. Only Liliana could.” (Wilhelm)

“Wilhelm-kun, if you have a problem, you need to tell me. Stress only has negative effects on muscles. Come on, be honest with me. Let’s solve your problem together?” (Liliana)

Liliana gave me a saintly smile, one that seemed to radiate more compassion than any saint in some church.

However, this person is fundamentally interested in muscles. I shouldn’t forget that she may be kind to muscles, but she’s strict with me. If I were to confide in her about my worries here, I’d probably regret it. Actually, I don’t have any worries to begin with.

“I’m fine. Liliana, you’re more caring than usual today.” (Wilhelm)

“Are you really okay? I understand you better than you think, so don’t think you can keep secrets from me, okay?” (Liliana)

“That sounds just like something a mom would say.” (Wilhelm)

“You’re saying things that will make girls dislike you again. If you have any problems, please do consult with me properly. Keeping it all to yourself isn’t good for your muscles, you know.” (Liliana)

Does my condition really seem off to her? A little while ago, it might have been due to overwork, but now I don’t feel any symptoms.

Liliana walked towards the door.

“Are you leaving already?” (Wilhelm)

“Yes. I’ll come back when Anastasia-san seems to be around. Despite my appearance, I’m quite busy, you know.” (Liliana)

“Well, you always seem busy. Take care of yourself too, Liliana.” (Wilhelm)

“Thank you. Oh, right. There’s something I want to tell Wilhelm-kun.” (Liliana)

“Me?” (Wilhelm)

“Lately, there has been an increase in thefts both in the city and outside.” (Liliana)

“Oh, I heard that from Sofia-san. If I come across any thieves, I’ll let you know.” (Wilhelm)

“No, you don’t need to let me know. Just round them up if you find them. That way, I’ll have fewer tasks, and I can go home on time more often.” (Liliana)

I gave her a half-hearted look of annoyance.

“Well then, Wilhelm-kun, let me touch your muscles again sometime. Please convey my regards to your muscles.” (Liliana)

“I wish you’d take an interest in something other than my muscles…” (Wilhelm)

She gave me a small smile and left.

Mew-chan and I watched as Liliana left through the door.

“Well, shall we continue from where we left off earlier?” (Wilhelm)

“I’ve lost interest mew. I’m going to go bring in the laundry.” (Mew-chan)

“Then maybe I’ll read a novel.” (Wilhelm)

“Go to work, you neet! If it’s not urgent, there’s plenty to do.” (Mew-chan)

“I’ll start tomorrow. Cut me some slack for today.” (Wilhelm)

“That sounds like something someone who’ll never get around to it would say.” (Liliana)

Maybe that’s true.

By now, Tony is probably working diligently with Anya and Sofia-san.

Not long ago, I used to be in that position. What am I thinking? It’s almost like I’m jealous of Tony.

I push aside these thoughts and dive onto the sofa. I spend some time reading a novel, but for some reason, I can’t seem to enjoy it. My mind is oddly restless. I’m starting to feel some self-awareness about it.

TL Notes:

Thanks for reading!

It’s amazing that Liliana knew something was off about MC even before MC noticed it himself. I feel like she could be written to be a childhood friend and nothing about their relationship would change.


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